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Oh my god!

Aught3 said:
It doesn't bother me too much but sometimes I make it plural.

"Thank the gods"
"Gods all curse it" etc.

cool, so ancient-greek :D
Aught3 said:
It doesn't bother me too much but sometimes I make it plural.

"Thank the gods"
"Gods all curse it" etc.

That seems to be catching on. I was wandering around town a few weeks ago and I just heard some stranger saying "Oh my Gods". I sometimes put the "s" on the end if I'm talking to a religious person, but most of the time I just say "Oh God". I tend to not say "Oh my God", but that's not out of principle, it just doesn't seem right coming from me.
As someone who is culturally Christian, i.e. atheist but raised in a Christian culture, I still say those. In fact, saying "the Lord's name in vain" is my absolute favorite way of cursing. I have a lot of friends that curse like a sailor but still blush when you say, "Jesus Christ" as a swear, so I use it as much as possible to try and deprive it of it's power.
arg-fallbackName="Dragan Glas"/>

You could use the phrase "Ye Gods!" in a pseudo-religious context,

For swearing, I normally say "Sugar" (instead of "S**t") and "Fruitcake" (instead of "F**k") - it generally makes other people laugh, at which point I can start laughing, which releases whatever annoyance I'm feeling! :D

Kindest regards,

arg-fallbackName="Miss TacoNinja"/>
Zylstra said:
Sayeth Bender: Oh, your god...
Haha! I was just about to say that, I'm trying to use that one more often!

I try not to use 'OMG' and the rest of them, I tend to say "amagad!" and "gawd" because they just sound like silly words. I like saying things like "Jesus Christ on a pogo stick!" and "Christ on a bike!" because to be honest, I don't give a hoot about taking gods names in vain but I do enjoy taking the piss. :D
5810Singer said:
Take the British option, replace blasphemy with profanity.

Blasphemous: "Oh my God!"

Profane: "Fuck my old boots!"

See? Much more satisfying.
<COLOR color="#40FF40">
Never heard that one before but thank you, I'm going to use that one, loudly, in public, and with relish. :D
Miss TacoNinja said:
5810Singer said:
Take the British option, replace blasphemy with profanity.

Blasphemous: "Oh my God!"

Profane: "Fuck my old boots!"

See? Much more satisfying.
Never heard that one before but thank you, I'm going to use that one, loudly, in public, and with relish. :D[/color]

Glad I could help.

Sometimes I alternate it with: "Fuck my pit helmet!"

Although for maximum style one should leave the h silent.