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Non-Christian Healing Miracles


New Member
Had a discussion today with somebody on my course, who happens to be the first baptist I've ever met. The discussion ended up on miracles, particularly healing miracles. He told me about instances he had personally seen in his church of a woman with a back problem getting up and running, and of himself being apparently cured of a trapped nerve in his knee after being prayed for (the doctor telling him at the next check-up that he had probably made a mistake). This sounds to me a lot like adrenaline in the first instance and simple chance in the second.

It turns out I'm not good at debating unless I have sources in front of me and readily accessible. Who'd of thought? :| I don't think I was very convincing.

Anyway, my counter-move, so to speak, was that we see similar things in just about every religion, to which he responded that he had never heard of any outside Christianity. And fair enough, I can't name any specific examples.

But here's the thing: I'm trying to find examples and testimony from non-Christians on Google and it's bloody difficult. All I can find is "this Muslim was healed... by a Christian (they then convert and become born-again etc.)" Over and over again.

So, is there anywhere I can find a list of examples of non-Christian faith-healing? Or is it just a little quirk of Christianity?
I've found that most Muslim sites will say something like "Something hurts? Go see a doctor." or "Allah only heals those who take care of themselves, i.e go see a doctor".
If you want to though, link him to this.

In other religions, you might find "faith-healings" in Voodoo or various nature religions. And I put the "faith-healing" in "" because in other religions they're not really faith healings, they're merely "using herbs and shizz".
[url=http://webster.edu/~corbetre/haiti/voodoo/overview.htm said:
Link[/url]"]The central and key aspect of Voodoo is healing people from illness. Such healing activities probably constitute 60% of all Voodoo activity. Healers heal with herbs, faith healing (with the help of lwa and other spirits) and, today, even with western medicine!
arg-fallbackName="Mauricio Duque"/>
If you ffollow the road of questioning the miracles in it self, then theres a great documentary about this "faith healing", its called:

"Miracles for Sale", done by Derren Brown.


The great problem i have with this miracles is, if they cant shown any evidence of a external source having any effect on those peoples, how can they say that this is an act of a god?
Mauricio Duque said:
The great problem i have with this miracles is, if they cant shown any evidence of a external source having any effect on those peoples, how can they say that this is an act of a god?

The burden of proof is on the miracle proponents side. First of all, they'd have to define what a miracle is. Then they'd have to show how it requires other than a naturalistic explanation. Then, if they proposed god as the explanation, they'd have to show that the god even exists. After they've shown that they'd have to show how that god is responsible for given miracle.

The miracle believing people don't seem to be bothered to do any of the above. They don't seem to do any strict/critical thinking about it at all, same goes for their beliefs in gods. It seems like anecdotal evidence is all they require to fall for something. Of course, it goes only for things they already believe in.
I am no fan of bashing religion, I hope you use my help for nothing less then compassion and love.
Here's some links to some Eastern religions' followers' sites
WarK said:
Mauricio Duque said:
The great problem i have with this miracles is, if they cant shown any evidence of a external source having any effect on those peoples, how can they say that this is an act of a god?

The burden of proof is on the miracle proponents side. First of all, they'd have to define what a miracle is. Then they'd have to show how it requires other than a naturalistic explanation. Then, if they proposed god as the explanation, they'd have to show that the god even exists. After they've shown that they'd have to show how that god is responsible for given miracle.

The miracle believing people don't seem to be bothered to do any of the above. They don't seem to do any strict/critical thinking about it at all, same goes for their beliefs in gods. It seems like anecdotal evidence is all they require to fall for something. Of course, it goes only for things they already believe in.

No, they don't need to show any kind of outside affecting agent at all. It's god (supposedly) which is inherently ineffable. What they DO need to demonstrate is that it works better than the placebo effect. Which it doesn't. Which it has been demonstrated not to time and again in clinical trials.
if there ever was a true miracle with regards to healing, it's penesciline... nuff said
Maybe look for stories about the 'Medicine Buddha' I know that in Tibetan Buddhism they believe that certain mantras can heal ailments and such... If you did a search on Medicine Buddha healing mantra or something you'd probably find your search less contaminated by Christian shite...

I'm not sure though...


Here's something I found from a cursory browse:
If someone with AIDS, cancer or some other disease meditated like this and every day, for as many hours as possible, there would definitely be some effect. I know quite a few people who have completely recovered from terminal cancer through meditation.

arg-fallbackName="Mr. Zeitgeist"/>
Well we do have a few myths of pre-Christian godmen/women who healed.


