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Need help with a loony.


New Member
So this old colleague of mine, whom I went to school with some 8 years ago converted to be a fundamentalist chirstian some 6 years ago. On facebook, he posted this lame video:

I'd say it even mocks itself (as in the end, jesus is the one standing on the meter, which would officially mean cheating, and which is completely beside the point that the one who's done evil would be judged but forgiven), but this is in fact made by some religious media factory (www.worshiphousemedia.com).

Well, this geezer I was talking about has made clear that he believes that doing good things is worth less than having faith in jesus. He also literally said that he's not sure if doing good things gets you into heaven.

It's hard for me to comprehend how someone can honestly believe this shit, I mean it's already absurd that you can do bad stuff all the time and then just say "I believe in jesus, I beg for forgiveness" and you're fine, while doing good all life long apparently ain't good enough. These people actually believe this is true. If I had been a believer I'd be outraged about this amount of senseless unfairness but, well. I'm a bit speechless.

What do you usually tell these people?
Shapeshifter said:
It's hard for me to comprehend how someone can honestly believe this shit, I mean it's already absurd that you can do bad stuff all the time and then just say "I believe in jesus, I beg for forgiveness" and you're fine, while doing good all life long apparently ain't good enough. These people actually believe this is true. If I had been a believer I'd be outraged about this amount of senseless unfairness but, well. I'm a bit speechless.
I'm more surprised that you're surprised :D This is the core of the Christian faith. You don't actually need to do anything right just accept Jesus as your savior - you dirty sinner! Actually, some Christians will say that if you run around murdering etc and say you accept Jesus that you are being a hypocrite and god will see through you. But essentially if you truly accept Jesus then yeah what you've done doesn't matter and if you screw up? Just get saved again - what an evil religion :evil:
Shapeshifter said:
What do you usually tell these people?

It's nice to know that my neighbor's uncle, who molested all but one of his nieces, is now living peacefully in heaven while relatively good people like myself are destined for eternal torture because we didn't kiss and make up with Jesus.

You go to heaven for the weather, you go to hell for the company. If their God is really that much of an asshole, I'd rather fry in hell with more interesting personalities.
And if this guy can't see what's utterly immoral about this video, then it only proves that converting means you check your brain at the door.
This is one of the standard Christian positions. You know, the sort who believe that if a person rapes and murders a bunch of Muslim children, and then has a deathbed conversion, the rapist goes to Heaven while his victims go to hell.
Just posted a response to this video (it'll never be accepted but hey)

It emphasises the unfairness that Christians so love.
Wow. Just Wow. I find it so hard to believe that this is what some christians actually believe about how to get into heaven.

"This is so unfair!"
"That's why it's called, 'Grace'"

I mean... wtf? Grace is by definition unfair? Someone can say that and think they have a valid point?

Tell him that I would RATHER be in a place full of people that lived their lives and tried to be good for Goodness's sake rather than one stuffed full of people who did whatever they wanted and just believed in Jesus. That is MY idea of hell, being stuck with a bunch of people who did awful things and led awful lives but then got paradise handed to them because of a technicality.
ImprobableJoe said:
This is one of the standard Christian positions. You know, the sort who believe that if a person rapes and murders a bunch of Muslim children, and then has a deathbed conversion, the rapist goes to Heaven while his victims go to hell.
That pretty much sums it up.

I've come to the point in my life where I don't even bother debating these people. I quietly tolerate their worldview knowing that all logic and reason is on my side.

The ones who have to try and hijack scientific research and claim that it somehow supports their twisted view of the world is a completely different story. I have very little patience for them and gleefully destroy every argument they attempt to make. If you want to believe the bible is completely inerrant that's fine, just admit that it's completely illogical and must be taken on faith rather than attempting to discredit the scientific method.

Even IF Darwin, Einstein, Newton, Hawking, Gould, Dawkins and every other scientist in the history of the world are completely wrong, it doesn't make god any more plausible. This is the primary point they need to understand.

Sorry, been a long day and I'm exhausted. Hope this is at least moderately coherent.

Here's the problem I have with that sort of amoral, demented vision of "God's love":

Imagine you are college, and one of your professors gives you a test that is literally impossible to pass. I don't just mean "hard" I mean IMPOSSIBLE. The questions include unsolvable equations, logical contradictions, and "if Train A is travelling at 60 miles an hour. and train B is made out of cheese, what is the flavor of the number 17?" The questions have no bearing on anything covered in the class, and no matter how well you did on everything else in the class you must pass this impossible test in order to pass the class.

At the end of the class, the professor announces that everyone has failed. But, he says, some of the class will get an A in the class anyways. Not because they did so well on the other tests... one of the kids passing never attended any of the classes, and never even TOOK the impossible test. They won't pass because they did extra credit, or because they volunteered to tutor other students.

The reason why some of the students pass the class, and others fail--even though they ALL deserve to fail-- is that some of the students are big Harry Potter fans. It doesn't matter that Harry Potter doesn't exist, or that the books aren't to everyone's taste, or that there are other books that you read instead, or even that loving Harry Potter has nothing to do with the class subject AT ALL. That's the standard: love Harry Potter and pass, don't love Harry Potter and fail.

Is that fair? Is that ethical?
I'm sure a theist would say something to the effect of: it's more like one of those tests that in the instructions says 'do not complete this test, just lay down your pencil and think about Harry Potter until the bell rings.' You were TOLD that you had to believe in Harry Potter to pass the course!

Is it the WORST CLASS EVER? Yes. But it's not exactly completely arbitrary, at least according to religious people that have grown up arbitrarily in a household that believes that it isn't arbitrary - everyone can choose to believe the crap I tell them! They have the option!
e2iPi said:
Even IF Darwin, Einstein, Newton, Hawking, Gould, Dawkins and every other scientist in the history of the world are completely wrong, it doesn't make god any more plausible. This is the primary point they need to understand.

That's where the problem lies, they don't understand, you can't fight these people with logic as they don't care. Hence why things like [the idea of] FSM came into existence.
If there is a God that thinks this way, then may they rot in their own hell.
It's even worse how the person who does get through has a tonne of red papers.
Abi said:
That's where the problem lies, they don't understand, you can't fight these people with logic as they don't care. Hence why things like [the idea of] FSM came into existence.
Are you suggesting that FSM (blessed be his noodleness) doesn't have an objective existence? Burn, you lasagna loving heretic!
(yeah, they all come down to that)

to think that there are more of these...ughh, oh and that video reminds me of willy wonka for some reason, I wonder why?
This video reminds me of Willy Wonka too...
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.
infrared said:
to think that there are more of these...ughh, oh and that video reminds me of willy wonka for some reason, I wonder why?
Creepy assholes in a creepy environment? Was there a pedophile present?