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Most important # of all time

69 because I can think outside the logical box and understand the animalistic point of view.
buzzausa said:
6.022 x 10exp23

I couldn't do anything without it :D

Nah. Avogadro's number isn't anything inherently special; it's just the definition of a gram in terms of AMU.
buzzausa said:
6.022 x 10exp23

I couldn't do anything without it :D


why?! why did you bring back my repressed memories WHY?!?!??!

well really i enjoyed chem but it's my least favourite of the sciences
I'll have to go with 2, since no one has said it and it's a damn important number.

All human thinking comes out of twos. Any comparison you make takes one thing or concept and compares it to another. We think in opposites and similarities between two things. It is how we differentiate everything in the world, something that IS whatever and Everything Else. And don't get me started about how it is used in computing. All math comes down to two - taking two figures and equating them or whatever other operating you can think of. Dichotomies are how we think, solve, act, create.

Everything comes down to 2. Without two there is nothing at all.

Besides 1 is the loneliest number, and 0.... hell we got by without even having a number 0 for thousands of years after we invented numbers.
Raistlin Majere said:
Uhh... Duh, 23. 23 can be found in every and all numbers. Hasn't anyone seen that movie?!
Ah, yes. I tried watching that movie, but I just couldn't sit through the whole thing. To much nonsense...

On that note:

Pi - very weird movie.
Seven - ok movie, great ending.
Ten - smoking hot movie... hmm, Bo Derek :cool:

About 23, I once read a bunch of pseudoscientific bullshit about biorhythms. Some 19th-century psychologists thought we have four cycles: a 23-day physical (male) cycle, a 28-day emotional (female) cycle, a 33-day intellectual cycle, and a 38-day intuitive cycle. Apart from that, some fruitcakes thought 23 and 28 are special numbers, because every integer can be written as a linear combination of 23 and 28. Well duh, you can do that with every pair of mutually prime numbers ;)

Another number for the list: the Euler-Mascheroni constant:


= 0.5772... It has connections with the Riemann zeta function.
I'm torn. As a geek, I feel I need to say 42.

On the other hand, as a mathematical pedant, when anyone asks me to pick a number between 1 and 10, I'll invariably go for one of the various transcendental or other irrational numbers already named.

On the third hand, all the natural numbers are really interesting. Don't believe me? I can prove it. Assume that there exist some non-interesting natural numbers. Since the natural numbers are discrete, well ordered and have a least member, by the Least Value Theorem any subset thereof must have a least member. However, being the smallest non-intersting natural number would render the number interesting. Therefore, by contradiction, all natural numbers must be interesting.

However, in the spirit of defintional pedantry, I should point out that nobody can honestly claim to know the most important number of all time. The most we could possibly expect is the most important number of all time up to and including the present.
Come on you people, the most important number is obviously α, the fine structure constant.

1/137 FTW!
Gimble said:
69 because I can think outside the logical box and understand the animalistic point of view.

...and after reading the first page I thought I was going to be the first one. :D
However many slices there are in your average pizza, that is the number that is most important