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CosmicJoghurt said:
If you're not careful enough they'll surprise buttsecs you when you turn to the back.


arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
nasher168 said:
"The Endermen are peaceful. If you look straight at them, they freeze and look at you. When you look away again, they run fast. And teleport."
"They run TOWARDS you, not away. So if you happen to look at one, do not look away."
"(they stop being peaceful if you look straight at them)"



It's the only rational response.

Unless -
And, since it's a peaceful mob, it will be in Peaceful Mode and still rape your character with teleportation and speed.

This means that pointing your marker at a single Enderman could possibly have every Enderman pause and stare directly at you. And there's always the probable chance that it teleports where you're working at infront of your crosshairs.
And what if they are sitting right outside your door? >.> Doors are considered a transparent block in matters of targeting in-to-out.

I have the sudden urge to not play this game anymore.
)O( Hytegia )O( said:
nasher168 said:
"The Endermen are peaceful. If you look straight at them, they freeze and look at you. When you look away again, they run fast. And teleport."
"They run TOWARDS you, not away. So if you happen to look at one, do not look away."
"(they stop being peaceful if you look straight at them)"



It's the only rational response.

Unless -
And, since it's a peaceful mob, it will be in Peaceful Mode and still rape your character with teleportation and speed.

This means that pointing your marker at a single Enderman could possibly have every Enderman pause and stare directly at you. And there's always the probable chance that it teleports where you're working at infront of your crosshairs.
And what if they are sitting right outside your door? >.> Doors are considered a transparent block in matters of targeting in-to-out.

I have the sudden urge to not play this game anymore.

Notch knows what he's doing, and he's said he'd remove anything that wasn't fun. He has his limits and I'm sure that while at first the Enderman will be a too difficult mob to play against, he'll see the players' reaction and change the mob... simple as that.
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
Through a friend, I have gotten to be able to play on the Yogs' server - so long as I help them build for their next video and whatnot.


Maybe they will enjoy my ideas of airplanes and freight trains for future videos.
)O( Hytegia )O( said:
Through a friend, I have gotten to be able to play on the Yogs' server - so long as I help them build for their next video and whatnot.


Maybe they will enjoy my ideas of airplanes and freight trains for future videos.

Take a look at your place too. It's a surprise.
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
CosmicJoghurt said:
)O( Hytegia )O( said:
Through a friend, I have gotten to be able to play on the Yogs' server - so long as I help them build for their next video and whatnot.


Maybe they will enjoy my ideas of airplanes and freight trains for future videos.

Take a look at your place too. It's a surprise.


I swear, if you linked my house to the rest of the world I will Cobble and Obsidian your house.

If you fixed my floor, then marvelous. :D
I swear, if you linked my house to the rest of the world I will Cobble and Obsidian your house.

If you fixed my floor, then marvelous. :D

I found no missing floors, at all... just pure beautiful coloured wool and a very friendly wolf, I thought he'd attack me... weird. I also found some unfinished stairs underground, I'm guessing you haven't mined there, still.

You also have a VERY exquisite view of the world. That huge missing wall, if you put fences on the floor it'll be perfect for a romantic dinner.
I've got back into Minecraft recently and been going bonkers with redstone and pistons...

Here we go ;)

PS. this is on a friends server
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
CosmicJoghurt said:
I swear, if you linked my house to the rest of the world I will Cobble and Obsidian your house.

If you fixed my floor, then marvelous. :D

I found no missing floors, at all... just pure beautiful coloured wool and a very friendly wolf, I thought he'd attack me... weird. I also found some unfinished stairs underground, I'm guessing you haven't mined there, still.

You also have a VERY exquisite view of the world. That huge missing wall, if you put fences on the floor it'll be perfect for a romantic dinner.

:lol: It's supposed to be a lookout and a place for me to push unruly guests off of. And to shoot at people (my pack replaces arrows and bows with guns and bullets - kinda awkward considering the construction, but it's all fine and dandy otherwise).
The stairs were going to be the start of a mineshaft, but I found a better mining facility which I have cleverly hidden from view of the general public and set up a mining-base there. It has a tunnel with some huge excavation areas from where I found LOTS of Diamonds. The whole chunk is rich with them.

Well, I'm not so sure now. I heard that anti-cheat makes the ores disappear and restarts the random generations. x.x
I found most of my diamonds while the random-generation measure was in place, but I ended up hitting around the ones right before my own eyes and them turning into Diamonds.
So, looks like someone had fun on the server tonight.

First, a giant stone/glass building has appeared near the spawn, between Cosmic's Theatre and my house. It's a bit of an eyesore, and it's a taaad close to some of the other buildings, but that's not too bad.

Second, a lot of glass and stone are missing from stoves at Bedrock City. Among other from inside Dora's building.
No, we don't think this is a coincidence.

Third, someone seems to have built a column of cobblestone and some glass up the side by the crossing (the short bit leading up towards Dust's castle) at Bedrock City.

Fourth, someone keeps breaking into my house. Now I don't mind that as such, but whoever it is doing it, I would prefer if they actually covered up their tracks afterwards and %&#!"! fixed the hole they made to break in!!!

We would like to know who did this, and kindly tell them to stop.
Gnug215 said:
Second, a lot of glass and stone are missing from stoves at Bedrock City. Among other from inside Dora's building.
No, we don't think this is a coincidence.


didn't know we had a tread here :)
I think I refilled the 3 furnaces where I took my glass yesterday
so best case, it's 21 furnaces being emptied
worst case 24

The glass there is of course for others to fill their windows in Bedrock
Travis didn't use any
Collin knows he can grab them but his scraper also clearly lacks glass windows

In any case, would this be the tread where I explain the noob area (just checking for hints and tips, not looking for diggers :d )
Ask Ceb. There was some guy called Gora (??? maybe that was his name), who Ceb told me kept being an asshole and went to the point of pretty much griefing... Maybe it was him?
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
Dora said:
didn't know we had a tread here :)
I think I refilled the 3 furnaces where I took my glass yesterday
so best case, it's 21 furnaces being emptied
worst case 24

The glass there is of course for others to fill their windows in Bedrock
Travis didn't use any
Collin knows he can grab them but his scraper also clearly lacks glass windows

In any case, would this be the tread where I explain the noob area (just checking for hints and tips, not looking for diggers :d )

... You CAN lock your furnaces. :I

)O( Hytegia )O( said:
Dora said:
didn't know we had a tread here :)
I think I refilled the 3 furnaces where I took my glass yesterday
so best case, it's 21 furnaces being emptied
worst case 24

The glass there is of course for others to fill their windows in Bedrock
Travis didn't use any
Collin knows he can grab them but his scraper also clearly lacks glass windows

In any case, would this be the tread where I explain the noob area (just checking for hints and tips, not looking for diggers :d )

... You CAN lock your furnaces. :I


Exactly. It's a pain in the ass sometimes if you have a wall full of furnaces... but it's worth it.
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
I'm a raider - if it's not locked, I loot that bitch and leave. If I go into your house, I'll patch it up as I leave.
I haven't played on this server in a good bit, but an unlocked chest/door/furnace is fair game as far as I'm concerned.

Shit, I was plotting to make a place for people to raid - but it would be a puzzle and trap-infested raider temple, that challanges all your perceptions about how you're approaching them.
I'm doing it in the other server I'm playing right now.

I just made a hallway where you can't pass unless you backtrack ALL THE WAY TO THE START and flip a switch - then trek ALL THE WAY BACK to get across throught the traps and puzzles.
And there's a dummy button next to this hallway that if you flip it, it drops TNT. There's even a sign that says "This is not the button you want - return to start and find what you missed."

The server I'm on has a plugin that makes explosions only distribute damage, but no destroy blocks - so it's cool. Ceb should invest in this!

I'm currently working on a trial where it's just a floor COMPLETELY MADE OF trapped ground that falls to bedrock if you hit a trapped panel - and the challange is called "Indiania Jones" because it's implied that you have to spread Redstone Dust around to find the safe spots from the ones that will make you fall to your death.
I'm also trying to work with the mods to save the chunk as-is so that when someone loses that it can reset when someone leaves the chunk by itself. CK's pretty cool about it.

Also there are planes on my new server. :D
)O( Hytegia )O( said:
I'm a raider - if it's not locked, I loot that bitch and leave. If I go into your house, I'll patch it up as I leave.
I haven't played on this server in a good bit, but an unlocked chest/door/furnace is fair game as far as I'm concerned.

Shit, I was plotting to make a place for people to raid - but it would be a puzzle and trap-infested raider temple, that challanges all your perceptions about how you're approaching them.
I'm doing it in the other server I'm playing right now.

I just made a hallway where you can't pass unless you backtrack ALL THE WAY TO THE START and flip a switch - then trek ALL THE WAY BACK to get across throught the traps and puzzles.
And there's a dummy button next to this hallway that if you flip it, it drops TNT. There's even a sign that says "This is not the button you want - return to start and find what you missed."

The server I'm on has a plugin that makes explosions only distribute damage, but no destroy blocks - so it's cool. Ceb should invest in this!

I'm currently working on a trial where it's just a floor COMPLETELY MADE OF trapped ground that falls to bedrock if you hit a trapped panel - and the challange is called "Indiania Jones" because it's implied that you have to spread Redstone Dust around to find the safe spots from the ones that will make you fall to your death.
I'm also trying to work with the mods to save the chunk as-is so that when someone loses that it can reset when someone leaves the chunk by itself. CK's pretty cool about it.

Also there are planes on my new server. :D

Stealing isn't a fair game, it never has been

and my server isn't built on raiding and pvp.

it's built on a creative community that helps each other.

and about plugins, if I just add more and more in the end there isn't going to be enough RAM to server the players. so I keep them to a minimum.
)O( Hytegia )O( said:
I'm a raider - if it's not locked, I loot that bitch and leave. If I go into your house, I'll patch it up as I leave.
I haven't played on this server in a good bit, but an unlocked chest/door/furnace is fair game as far as I'm concerned.

Also there are planes on my new server. :D

well, what can I say

I go to a friendly server because I just want to play this game with nice people

we are building a street with a lot of people together so locking ressources at this point would just be a pain

I understand the technical way of locking my stuff,; I just figured being on a friendly server, I would not have to worry about people going into my house and raiding it, apparantly I was mistaken

I'm the type of person that if I find a wallet on the street, I will first do my absolute best to give it back to the previous owner
you, on the other hand, would clear out the credit cards, take the money, and probably prank call the owner to have a good laugh

I rather be me :)
I'd have to agree with Ceb on this. Though, I respect your opinion and style, Hytegia. I find your attitude quite aggressive and possibly a bit rude, but you're allowed do hold any opinions you want to and I respect that. I also very much doubt you're the one who raided Bedrock City and all of that, though.

Don't worry. I still love you.
