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Matt Smith is Best Doctor Ever?

arg-fallbackName="Your Funny Uncle"/>
What IS Dr Who canon? I always watch the show but I'm not the sort of fan that goes and reads all the books/comics, listens to the radio shows and re-watches old episodes. I enjoy it as good fun but it seems they play pretty fast and loose with the rules of the doctor's universe...
YourFunnyUncle said:
I enjoy it as good fun but it seems they play pretty fast and loose with the rules of the doctor's universe...

There is no such thing as a continuity error in a show that uses time travel as its storytelling vehicle. In this case, canon/non-canon falls into the 'many universes/timelines' category as far as I can tell.

I don't like the idea of 'the Other', really; he's shoehorned in to give some unnecessary mystery to the Doctor's overall motives for his actions. I'm also averse to the looms, as that would mean they've reproduced this way for a billion years* - not likely.

I haven't read Lungbarrow for two reasons: 1) you can't find a physical copy for love nor credits and 2) the version on the BBC's website only gives you two paragraphs or so per page which is irritating to say the least. You can find it here if anyone's interested.


Actually, there's a third reason: I haven't read any other Doctor Who novels.

YourFunnyUncle said:
I never lost my taste for dodgy wordplay...

Me either, although I think Spike Milligan had more influence :D

*IIRC the architect of the thingy that resulted in Gallifreyan sterilisation was the ruler deposed by Rassilon
australopithecus said:
Thing is, the whole 'reloomed' thing as put forword in Lungbarrow has pretty much been rendered non-canon by recent series. You can't really assert the Time Lords were sterile and resorted to reproducing with technology en mass if you have The Doctor running around telling everyone he used to be a dad and with the massive hints that the woman in The End of Time was his mother.

He can if they go by that in order to use the loom they had to give a sample of their genes again there,´s a multiple amount of ways to reintroduce the looms.

As for mystery there,´s still plenty of it left

1: The Doctor said he was an exile when we first met him the entire reason as to why he left Galifrey is not shown in the show several hints are given yes.

2: Susan says she coined the name TARDIS yet we see it is used quite often amongst the time lords then how could she have coined it if she had been with the doctor for a long time.

As for the Other i think he could be used if nothing else then because he,´s hinted at a lot in the old series especially with the seventh doctor.
arg-fallbackName="Time Lord"/>
the most obviouse reason why the doctor left galifrey in the type 40 tardis was because he did not agree with their policies because they did not believe that a race as adavance as the time lords should interefere, but the doctor disagreed, he belived in doing the right thing and the good thing and was forced to leave galifey because of that.
Also if u have read the book "the last dodo" the doctor describes him self as being locked up in a zoo when he was in galifrey because he wanted to go out and explore but was forced to just observe and never to interfere!
Time Lord said:
he did not agree with their policies because they did not believe that a race as adavance as the time lords should interefere, but the doctor disagreed, he belived in doing the right thing !

He,´s second incarnation got in trouble with his fellow Time Lords over that and though they agreed that there was evil in the galaxy, they still ocked him away on earth and forced him to regenerate MUCH against his will although never shown on tv it is widely accepted that a special devision of the Time Lord the time police or something like that rescued the second doctor from regenerated in exchange for him working for them.

Though he later ran away and therefore was forced to regenerate into the third doctor.
arg-fallbackName="Time Lord"/>
the group was called the celestial intervention agency (CIA), they were a secrete time lord agency which maintained the balance in the universe. So for example if threat arises that is to great to leave alone then they send a agent to stop the threat, like they done with the doctor when they sent him to stop the creation of the daleks. But the doctor did not wanted to commit genocide and so he decided to slow them down but was only able to redeuce their advancement for a 1000 years. This is one of the reason why the daleks declared war on the time lords.
Sad that they skip over it like that.

I was hoping for something good. If I recall, wasn't there a bad guy at one point that was going to take the rest of the Doctor's regenerations? Seems like they could have done something with that.

Not just one but two guys.

First there,´s the Master in the only (tv appearance) of the 8th Doctor the master wanted the Doctor,´s body and his remaining regenerations.

Then there was The Valeyard who put the doctor on trial for being a meddler something that was considered a most heinous crime amongst the Time Lords.

If the Doctor had lost his trial the Valeyard would be given the remaining regenerations of the Doctor.

It was later hinted by the Master that The Valeyard was the personification of all that was evil within the Doctor, estimated to have been taken from somewhere between his twelfth and final incarnations.

In other words IF they still go there when Matt Smith says farewell to the part of the Doctor the twelfth Incarnation will begin to entertain thoughts about finding someway to extend his life.
arg-fallbackName="Time Lord"/>
well we know it is possiable that a time lord can have more than 12 regeneration's but the high coucil of the time lords must agree to it.
But the doctor before using the moment to end the time war, might have gained the knowelge to restart his cycle over and over again or the time lord coucil might have increased the number of regeneration's because they needed expirenced soliders, to fight the last great time war!
The only other race known to have more the 12 regeneration's are the minyan's.
I think your referring to the Mawdryns.
The minyan's where the race that made the Time Lords decide to make a non-intervention policy, because their interference(in the form of providing the Minyans with technology far beyond their current level) had caused the Minyans planet to be destroyed.
So the Doctor now says he can regenerate 507 times (on the Sarah Jane Adventures)... A case of the Doctor lying or a case of Russell T Davies taking the piss? 5+0+7=?

If you're in the UK, you can watch on the BBC's iplayer. Part 1 and Part 2
DepricatedZero said:
maybe when he killed all the other time lords he took their remaining regenerations

I dunno, are they really dead? I would've thought that being time-locked at the end of the war would leave them on the cusp of destruction, but not actually destroyed. Fair enough, the Master is also on the rampage, but I'm not convinced that the time lords have expired.
I think it was just a throw away line to be honest, I doubt RTD would piss on Moffat's cornflakes by making massive revisions to the canon in SJA rather than DW. Though the whole 13 regenerations thing needs to be addressed at some point.
Heh, well I guess it could be said he lies about his age.

By the way, what do you think about Time Lord hobbits? Sylvester McCoy reportedly offered The Hobbit role.
Now, here's some fine news to start the week. Over at the Doctor Who News Page at Gallifrey Base, the fine folks there are reporting that Sylvester McCoy has been offered a role in Peter Jackson's upcoming two films of The Hobbit.

McCoy has confirmed to fans attending the Armageddon Expo, which took place in Auckland, that he had been cast as Radagast The Brown in the new films.

For McCoy, this is finally a chance to pay a visit to Middle Earth, after he came extremely close to doing so in Peter Jackson's Lord Of The Rings trilogy of films. McCoy was down to the last two for the role of Bilbo Baggins in the films, before the part went to Ian Holm.

The news hasn't yet been officially confirmed, but expect it to be in due course. Hopefully, too, David Tennant may snag a role as well...
Unfortunately, Tennant shot down that rumour.
As if his words aren't enough, the actor who portrays Barty Crouch, Jr. in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" pointed out on his doubt that technology can make him a believable hobbit. "I'm a bit tall, aren't I?" he said. "I know they do things with CGI now, but I'm 6'1''. Hobbits are little. I do have quite hairy toes, though."