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Martials Arts


New Member
Are you a student of a martial art? This could also be broadened to any sort of close-combat training (to include what some may have been taught in the military for example).

I'm a Bujinkan student;
I link because most people haven't heard of it.
I studied Goju Ryu karate for a couple of years when I was a boy which taught me how to throw a punch, and Tai Chi as a young man which I preferred. I'm looking for something else, something immensely practical ( I like weapons but want lots of hand to hand as well) but whatever I decide upon must have a clear mental focus component. Can you provide more good links for me to consider?
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
Jujitsu - Black Belt.

Wado Ryu - Brown Belt.


It started as a result of watching too much Naruto and turned into a delicate exercise of mind and body. Helped me out-manuver several fights and end some bad situations before they got serious.

Not to mention - epic meditation if done in conjuntion with the right setting and proper tones.
arg-fallbackName="Raistlin Majere"/>
I've done or at least tried a bunch of things.

For the most part Kyokushin Karate, Hapkido, and a bit of Akido. There was also the bit of Muay Thai but not much of anything else.

Practicality? Hard to say, but I have to admit if you're gonna end a fight quick it's Hapkido. Broken bones tend to end fights rather quickly and the grabs/counters of Hapkido do that rather well.
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
Raistlin Majere said:
I've done or at least tried a bunch of things.

For the most part Kyokushin Karate, Hapkido, and a bit of Akido. There was also the bit of Muay Thai but not much of anything else.

Practicality? Hard to say, but I have to admit if you're gonna end a fight quick it's Hapkido. Broken bones tend to end fights rather quickly and the grabs/counters of Hapkido do that rather well.

I always considered Jujitsu techniques the quickest way to end a fight. Particularly because, when you're dropped hard by your own agression, the pain is more egotystical than physical. Besides the fact that when someone controls your arm/head/leg and manipulating you by the joint - it's more of an intimidation by the mere fact that it feels like your limb is about to be broken like a twig...
Which it can be.


Anyone can do damage to the body - it takes Martial Arts to damage you foe's ego as well.
My dad taught me a bit of kyokushin kai karate and pieces of judo, yet that was a while ago now.
xman said:
I studied Goju Ryu karate for a couple of years when I was a boy which taught me how to throw a punch, and Tai Chi as a young man which I preferred. I'm looking for something else, something immensely practical ( I like weapons but want lots of hand to hand as well) but whatever I decide upon must have a clear mental focus component. Can you provide more good links for me to consider?

I'm no expert at all on the different martial arts, the advice I can offer would at best be vague.

A bit of what I have learned so far about Ninjitsu: it is noncompetitive. And it's not the lack of tournaments and such that I like, it's the reason why. People don't hold Ninjitsu tournaments because...people would certainly get killed. Unlike more conventional and mainstream arts like Karate or Tae Kwondo, Ninjitsu does some very gruesome and unpleasant techniques - rupturing inner ears, dislocating joints, and crushing your opponent psychologically...these are traits that some other arts have as well, but in Ninjitsu these are to the core of the style. As my sensei would say..."we aren't beating them up, this isn't boxing. We are going to annihilate them."

But it also offers a great sense of peace of mind, for the mental aspect of Ninjitsu is very important. We of course meditate, and in practices we train slowly (similar to Tai Chi) because the objective is to learn the feeling of techniques, not to "spar".

It's offered an immense dimension to my life, one that seems infinite, for people who train Ninjitsu all their lives seem to hit no ceiling.

My senseis have given far better descriptions, but that's in my own words. I sincerely hope you find a martial art that feels right for you.
arg-fallbackName="Raistlin Majere"/>
)O( Hytegia )O( said:
I always considered Jujitsu techniques the quickest way to end a fight. Particularly because, when you're dropped hard by your own agression, the pain is more egotystical than physical. Besides the fact that when someone controls your arm/head/leg and manipulating you by the joint - it's more of an intimidation by the mere fact that it feels like your limb is about to be broken like a twig...
Which it can be.

This is true but when you're manipulated via Hapkido (unlike Akido which tends to lean towards manipulation without punishment) the joint or bone being manipulated is often snapped immediately. They don't have to know they're being manipulated to stop because they'll sure feel the bone snap and want to stop after that. Only fight I've ever been in I used this strategy. He had a knife and lunged, ended up with a broken elbow and left shortly thereafter. Quite proud of that, actually :p
I did a bit of judo, I still had glases then so I couldn't see half of what was done.
Then I went on to practicing shooting, aiming at cardboard.
Guns are more practical? Not much advice there, I might try a martial art later in life. I've got plenty of time even in youth for that.
Try jijutsu? Always seemed cool to me, not very knowledgeable about it.
Does knowing that you should go for the stomach first, then throat count as a martial art? Did I even get that right?
No? Ok...