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Lord Carey whinging about "persecution" by David Cameron


New Member
Many Christians doubt David Cameron’s sincerity in pledging to protect their freedoms, former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey says today.

In an article for the Daily Mail, Lord Carey squarely accuses ministers of ‘aiding and abetting’ discrimination against Christians.

He says he believes there is an ‘aggressive secularist and relativist approach’ behind the Government plans to legalise gay marriage and says the Prime Minister has ‘done more than any other recent political leader’ to ‘feed’ Christian anxieties.

As a dramatic new poll released on the eve of Easter Sunday revealed that more than two-thirds of Christians feel they are now part of a ‘persecuted minority’, Lord Carey insists the Government must do more to demonstrate its commitment to pledges to stand up for faith. The survey suggests churchgoers increasingly feel religious freedoms are under assault from aggressive secularism.
"Marriage is only for heterosexuals and families. You have to think of the children. To give them legal recognition is to persecute us Christians. These militant secularists and homosexuals are trying to destroy Christianity by asking to be able to express their love and commitment to one another in a socially accepted tradition."
Laughing at idiots who oppose equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation, isn't descrimination. It's a public service. I'd suggest Lord Carey (or Darth Credulous, if your prefer) piss off somewhere that enables his backwards views. I hear Iran is warm this time of year.
My opinion is that saying Christians are being persecuted here when they're not belittles actual Christian persecution elsewhere!
Someone should point out that trying to maintain outdated prejudices in the face of changing social attitudes just leaves you irrelevant. It might also explain why so few people in this country attend church services regularly.