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Looking to expand my knowledge


New Member
Hi everyone!!

I have just recently become an athiest within the last year or two and I still only have a basic knowledge of Evolution, Cosmology, Abiogenisis, and the likes. I really want to expand my knowledge on the subjects so I can understand these theories better and possibly have better contributions to our forum.

Could you guys or girls please reccomend to me books that I can use to expand my knowledge on these subjects, or just on atheism all together?

Thanks so much!

(Sorry if this thread already exists!)
The best pop-sci books on evolution are written by Richard Dawkins. In order of increasing complexity the ones to read would probably be: The Greatest Show on Earth, The Ancestors Tale, The Selfish Gene, and The Blind Watchmaker. I also really like Matt Ridley with The Red Queen being an excellent book on the evolution of sex and human nature.

On atheism there are obviously the four horsemen books and I'll recommend Vic Stenger with God: The Failed Hypothesis and Susan Jocaby's Freethinkers.
On cosmology, I would suggest anything by Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov's non-fiction works (mostly essays and theoretical stuff, but it gives your brain short but heavy workouts), and Hawking's "The Universe in a Nutshell" and "A Brief History of Time" just to name a few.

Heres a good site:


Ive read a few of the books on that list, and they range from introductory to advanced. Im sure you'll find some good reads there!
You study psychology. You have robbed me of my book recommendations. No wait...
The Essentials of Psychological Testing - Lee J. Cronbach