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Looking for voice actors

I'll consider this if you need a male, just have to wait until I'm settled in a new place to setup my equipment again.
I am indeed looking for males.

I'll post the advert i posted on voiceacting.co.uk so i apologise if its a little long winded:

I'm looking for 5 voices for my project.

It's an adventure game in the style of Monkey Island et al. though with a tone similar to that of Film Noir with a touch of horror. So think of Sin City and Max Payne.

The project is episodic in nature so you will be called on to reprise your roles later on. Workload will be in the region of 100-150 lines per character per episode.

Its an unpaid project but id pay you all billions if i could.

Auditions close at the end of september.

The characters are:

Michael Grovesnor - Male aged 30-40.

A weak, and sickly man. He is well spoken and the current head of Grovesnor Manor. He is not dying but one gets the impression he shan't live to a ripe old age. British

Sarah Mackenzie - Female aged 18-25

A young backpacker. Naive and impressionable. A little frightened of the world. preferably British

Victoria Renton - Female Aged 20-30

A strong minx of a woman. Very attractive and very intelligent. Sharp tongued and very well spoken.

British or American

Groundskeeper - Male aged 20-50

A psychotic groundskeeper in complete servitude to his master. Think the killer in silence of the lambs. He's not well spoken and behaves more like he is under the control of something.

Nationality unimportant.

Send the sound files (MP3 if possible) to poulton.steven@googlemail.com.

If you have any questions or problems you can email me on the above address or you can get me on msn: stevie_guy4@hotmail.com

It would be nice if the files were split in the same way the script is but its not essential, i dont mind chopping it up.

I think i remembered everything. Lines follow


cVictoria: &1 Well good evening. Fresh blood is always welcome.
cEgo: &31 Victoria, I presume?
cVictoria: &2 Victoria Renton.
cEgo: &32 Rick McCarthy.
cVictoria: &3 Ah we have someone famous among us.
cEgo: &33 Infamous perhaps.
cVictoria: &4 Well, I always preferred infamy. Better the devil you know.
cEgo: &34 Do you mind if I ask you some questions?
cVictoria: &5 Please do.
cEgo: &24 What are you doing here?
cVictoria: &6 I'm just passing through really.
cEgo: &35 Mr Grovesnor said you were a permenant resident.
cVictoria: &7 Permenant is a little strong.
cVictoria: &8 I lingered here because I like the sceneary and this house is simply fascinating.
cEgo: &25 This house?
cVictoria: &9 Yes, It seems there is quite a history here.
cVictoria: &10 The library makes for some fascinating reading Mr McCarthy.
cEgo: &26 Mr Grovesnor mentioned that you may have seen wolves on the estate
cVictoria: &11 If that's what he wishes to call them.
cEgo: &36 You disagree?
cVictoria: &12 Well it was dark but the way they moved was...
cNarra: &7 Her eyes moved ever so slightly to the floor.
cVictoria: &13 frightening.
cEgo: &27 What's your opinion of Sarah?
cVictoria: &14 She seems nice enough.
cVictoria: &15 We haven't spoken a great deal though.. I get the impression she's intimidated by me.
cNarra: &8 She cracked a wicked grin
cVictoria: &16 Shy girls are always more fun wouldn't you agree?
cEgo: &28 What's your opinion of Michael?
cVictoria: &17 I think he's terribly afraid of something.
cVictoria: &18 He seems to be terribly on edge most of the time. Especially if there are alot of guests in the house.
cEgo: &37 Any idea why that might be?
cVictoria: &19 He's not particularly forthcoming with regards to his personal life.
cVictoria: &20 He seems to spend the majority of his time by the fire lamenting the slow loss of his family.
cEgo: &29 His family?
cVictoria: &21 The Grovesnor family is something of a tradgedy Mr McCarthy.
cVictoria: &22 The vast majority of them died before the age of 35, some died before adulthood.
cVictoria: &23 Michael is the last alive and the youngest of his generation.
cVictoria: &24 He even outlived his niece and I don't think he has ever recovered from that.
cEgo: &30 Thats all I wanted to know.
cVictoria: &25 Anytime.
cVictoria: &26 Can I, perhaps, interest you in a nightcap back at my room?
cNarra: &9 She looked me straight in the eye waiting to read my reaction.
cEgo: &38 Thank you for the offer Miss but I think I'll decline.
cVictoria: &27 Carpe noctum, Mr McCarthy
cEgo: &39 Seize the night?
cVictoria: &28 For we may not see another.
cNarra: &10 Her words chilled me to the bone.
cEgo: &40 Another night.
cVictoria: &29 Here's the key to my room if you change your mind
cVictoria: &30 First on your right.


cSarah: &1 Did you forget something, Mr McCarthy?
cEgo: &17 It seems someone, or thing has sabotaged my car, miss
cEgo: &18 So I will be staying the night.
cSarah: &2 Oh, how terrible.
cSarah: &3 Luckily one of the rooms is available.
cSarah: &4 Here's the key, it's up the stairs and the last door on the right.
cEgo: &19 Thank you.
cSarah: &5 oh and Mr McCarthy..
cSarah: &6 Be careful.
cEgo: &20 Careful?
cSarah: &7 I hear things at night.
cSarah: &8 In the walls.
cEgo: &21 What kind of things?
cSarah: &9 Scratching..
cEgo: &22 Well, I always have my revolver, miss. I'm sure I'll be ok


cMichael: &1 *cough* Good evening, is there something I can help you with?
cEgo: &6 My name's Rick McCarthy. I'm private investigator working for a potential client.
cEgo: &7 Do you have a moment for a few question?
cNarra: &1 My client was dead but solving this one could be very good for business.
cMichael: &2 McCarthy? Yes I think I saw something about you in the newspaper. Although I neglected to read the article.
cMichael: &3 What would you like to know?
cEgo: &1 How's business?
cMichael: &4 Business trots on as business does. There are still a few guests in the hotel.
cMichael: &5 Only Sarah and Victoria are currently permanant residents though
cEgo: &2 Anything unusual happen in the last few days?
cMichael: &6 Hmm, no I dont think so.
cMichael: &7 In fact things have been rather quiet of late.
cMichael: &8 The other guests might be able to help you further though.
cEgo: &3 Sarah?
cMichael: &9 Yes she's actually a new addition to the household. Been here just a few days.
cMichael: &10 A backpacker, as I understand it or something similar.
cMichael: &11 I offered her free room and board and a small wage in exchange for her services as a maid and cook.
cEgo: &4 Victoria?
cMichael: &12 Quite a feisty young woman, very inquisitive too.
cMichael: &13 She seems very interested in the history of the estate.
cMichael: &14 She can usually be found in the bar pouring herself drinks.
cEgo: &5 Thats all I need for now.
cMichael: &15 Don't mention it, sir
cMichael: &16 Will you be staying with us this evening?
cMichael: &17 The weather is quite atrocious
cEgo: &8 Thank you but no, I think I've learnt everything I can.

Grounds Keeper

GK: 'we must disconnect them from the earth and then we can be whole again'
GK: 'we must bind them and break them, then we can be whole again'
GK: 'we must bleed them and drain them and then we can be whole again'