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Kent Hovind's dissertation

NateHevens said:
I was thinking of doing a video series that would be me dramatically reading this for YouTube (unabridged; with funny voices, dramatic music, and maybe some pics and effects).

What do y'all think?

I'm not a lawyer, but I think you'd be opening yourself up for copyright fraud. That appears to be reason the toilet paper isn't publicly available in the first place...
Well, a dissertation is (or should be) public, because in the scientific community you want to spread the knowledge... But then again, this dissertation isn't very scientific :D And I've also published in the peer-reviewed press btw ;)
Netheralian said:
NateHevens said:
I was thinking of doing a video series that would be me dramatically reading this for YouTube (unabridged; with funny voices, dramatic music, and maybe some pics and effects).

What do y'all think?

I'm not a lawyer, but I think you'd be opening yourself up for copyright fraud. That appears to be reason the toilet paper isn't publicly available in the first place...

Depends on whether doctoral dissertations (or college papers in general, really) are covered under copyright law. And do unaccredited colleges fall under the same rules as legitimate ones for the whatever copyright laws happen to say. I'm no lawyer either, so I couldn't say...

Do we have any copyright lawyers in the house? :lol:
I suggest you tread carefully with respect to distribution of this paper: OK, it's only Wikipedia (but its Kent Hovind so it hardly deserves more) so maybe it's worth checking with the National Center for Science Education.

Wikipedia said:
Patriot will not send copies of Hovind's doctoral dissertation except with his permission. As a general rule, doctoral dissertations are published by the associated university and made available to the public, so that other students conducting research in similar areas may use the information in the dissertation as a reference.Although one copy of the dissertation is on file at the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) the organization is not able to provide it on request because of copyright and distribution restrictions.
Are there any Lawyers on here? Is there a chance we are opening up the LOR to legal action by linking to possibly an illegal copy of copyrighted material? Am I being paranoid?
Another concern:

Are we certain this is real? Someone didn't just make this as a hoax? Or it isn't a parody mistaken for the real thing?

Sorry but I'm wary of Poe's Law.
Are we certain this is real? Someone didn't just make this as a hoax? Or it isn't a parody mistaken for the real thing?

I suppose there is a slight chance that this is a huge hoax. I just finished reading the thing, however, and I have to say first it sounds way too much like Kent. If someone who wasn't Kent wrote this thing, they would need to have nearly obsessive knowledge of his ministry videos to fit all of these arguments in. Kent is a special kind of crack-pot, and even other YEC's distance themselves from him, so these wouldn't be available just from reading any old apologist website. Second, how could even the most dedicated scammer pump out 100 pages of this stuff? That's just taking the joke too far.
Netheralian said:
I suggest you tread carefully with respect to distribution of this paper: OK, it's only Wikipedia (but its Kent Hovind so it hardly deserves more) so maybe it's worth checking with the National Center for Science Education.

Wikipedia said:
Patriot will not send copies of Hovind's doctoral dissertation except with his permission. As a general rule, doctoral dissertations are published by the associated university and made available to the public, so that other students conducting research in similar areas may use the information in the dissertation as a reference.Although one copy of the dissertation is on file at the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) the organization is not able to provide it on request because of copyright and distribution restrictions.
Are there any Lawyers on here? Is there a chance we are opening up the LOR to legal action by linking to possibly an illegal copy of copyrighted material? Am I being paranoid?

Eh, I suppose it all comes down to whether or not there's some sort of fair use/criticism clause in print media copyright laws. I'd say we're clearly using it for criticism, so if there is such a provision we're fine. Again, I'm no expert on the matter, so I have nothing but opinion and suggestion to offer. Anyone care to do a little copyright research?
Mapp said:
Are we certain this is real? Someone didn't just make this as a hoax? Or it isn't a parody mistaken for the real thing?

I suppose there is a slight chance that this is a huge hoax. I just finished reading the thing, however, and I have to say first it sounds way too much like Kent. If someone who wasn't Kent wrote this thing, they would need to have nearly obsessive knowledge of his ministry videos to fit all of these arguments in. Kent is a special kind of crack-pot, and even other YEC's distance themselves from him, so these wouldn't be available just from reading any old apologist website. Second, how could even the most dedicated scammer pump out 100 pages of this stuff? That's just taking the joke too far.

Both convincing points. I've just grown paranoid about Poe's Law.
Doc. said:
um sorry but what's wrong with "hello" in the beginning :idea:
Well, as previously stated, for a doctoral thesis it's baby talk.

For the first part, it's already stated who's the author. For the second part, scientific texts has a certain style, and this text is more like a manuscript for Hovind's shows, talking to an audience. You just don't start that way in the introduction to a doctoral thesis, not even in a foreword!
kf00kaha said:
Doc. said:
um sorry but what's wrong with "hello" in the beginning :idea:
Well, as previously stated, for a doctoral thesis it's baby talk.


And...how about if it started "Dear All," or "To whom it may concern," or "Seasons Greetings,"..........none of them are very "academic-y".....or should that be "academic-ish"?
I felt that this 'document' should be immortalised and through what I can only describe as complete madness I have added this as a resource on LoR..

Doc. said:
um sorry but what's wrong with "hello" in the beginning :idea:

Eh, I don't think that's acceptable even for a high school paper. It's perhaps the weakest, least academic opening I've ever heard. My 10 year-old little sister makes better opening lines than that. She starts with something about the actual topic, not "Hello, my name is..." That's what the name line (or for doctoral dissertation, the cover sheet) is for. It's simply ridiculous.
did anyone else see this quote in there.
Babylon was one of the first cities built after the flood. It still exists today.
it's in this paragraph here
Babylon was one of the first cities built after the flood. It still exists today. The people reluctantly spread out after God judged them by confusing the languages. At this point they spoke all different languages because the Lord "confounded their speech." I'm sure for several generations they told stories about how it used to be in the 'good old days' when there was just one big city and everyone was one happy family.

I am making a video on this, Babylon died out over a 1,000 years ago,then again he could have confused it with this

arg-fallbackName="Dragan Glas"/>

Slightly off-topic....

Perhaps we could have a thread for "How NOT to start a dissertation...". ;)

An Aussie ("Crocoduck Dundee") might start his "G'day...". :lol:

Kindest regards,

arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
An appropriate response to this-

Here's one of my favorites: "Pride and evolution are conjoined in Hovind's mind because evolution allegedly teaches that man is its ultimate product."

Putting aside the mischaracterization of evolution, how is that any more prideful than believing you were created in the image of the ultimate being in the universe?