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Irrational Dislikes and Pet Peeves

people who obsess over certain numbers.... and i don't just mean Waza

sorry, got something stuck in my throat
xman said:
TheFearmonger said:
People with popped collars. Stop being an ass and fix your goddamn collar.
I have a long neck and I don't like the wind on the back of my neck so I lift my collar. Suck it up.

I am not includung giraffes here :p . I mean the jock fools with more money than sense. You know who I mean, and if you don't, then it's probably you.
My personal pet peeve is the application of the word "quantum" to damn near anything--especially new age mumbo jumbo.

e2iPi said:
My personal pet peeve is the application of the word "quantum" to damn near anything--especially new age mumbo jumbo.


Your quantum peeve shall not affect me!!
Misuse of the word "ambivalent" as a synonym for "indifferent". They are subtly different, and importantly distinct!
lonelocust said:
Misuse of the word "ambivalent" as a synonym for "indifferent". They are subtly different, and importantly distinct!

I am indifferent to your ambivalence. ;->

My pet peeve is people (artists especially) who think every past play, movie or musical composition will be much better if it is modernized to fit the times.

Or people who think everything old is better than everything new.
TheTruePooka said:
My pet peeve is people (artists especially) who think every past play, movie or musical composition will be much better if it is modernized to fit the times.

Or people who think everything old is better than everything new.
Those are almost somewhat contradictory... But mostly I can see the point of modernizing things, in that young people get to "experience" a story they would otherwise be disinclined to accept; not that that's good, but rather that I can understand *wanting* to modernize it, a sort of "well if they won't come to this amazing work, I'll bring it to them" attitude.
The NON WORD Nucular. Bugs the hell out of me. Any time I hear it, that person instantly has my attention. Bush got way too much attention from me. 8 years of listening to the friggin presxident say nucular. I quite literally wanted to slap him every time I heard it.
certain social rituals which make no sence to me really bug me(for example wishing someone something(like gesundheit, or that they have a nice day) while I have no influence at all to fulfill that wish(or sometimes am not even interested in that they fulfill))

annoys me big time:people who say that a certain artist is a genius just because he/she present an opinion those people share ( I always think those people say that just because they want to feel clever themselves by association)

I feel pretty uncomfortable in big crowds(this is not a social phobia since social phobics usually try to avoid small groups even more(fear of judgment from others))

I hate people which are openly pride about "their" culture but dont know dick about that culture (they are so proud of) and didnt contribute anything to it (this goes for undeserved national and ethnic pride aswell)
Can I use this as a drive-by ranting thread?

-When people don`t control the volume of their voices.
-When people constantly touch their computer monitor to show me things. You can point at something without touching it, you don`t need to smear your fingerprints on the screen every time.
-Most heavily processed food is, IMO, complete crap not worth eating or buying and you`d be better off fasting than eating that baloney.
-Most of the radio.

I keep finding myself guilty of the odd thing on the list, fortunately I think guilt is overrated, and I'm rebuilding my own morality anyway.

(I try to always say "bless you" when someone sneezes. It's a nice sentiment, is a bit ironic, and grants the illusion that I'm all powerful and able to cast off evil with my superhero powers.)
borrofburi said:
I was wondering if I'm the only one who has some of these, and am curious as to what your particular quirks are.

Oh, you sure ain't. I got plenty. My family and friends call me Monk a lot... oh the irony. Well, I can't stand it when the spines of my books are not in line. I am a sucker for symmetry and clusters of threes. I always have my paperwork in order and I can't stand being unprepared. That doesn't mean I study a lot - it just means that, if I don't study, I prepare evasion tactics or discussions.
I don' like it when my guests use my face-towel to dry their hands - because that means it will be damp when I want to dry my face, which feels gross. And I have a thing for closing doors behind me, when I was little I used to lock everything possible. Freaked my parents out, but I just loved the power of locking things and people out.
I could go on for ages. But I'm not hysterical about that stuff. It bugs me, and it's irrational and I do it. However, I don't go off on people for not complying. I'm a sociable person.

borrofburi said:
I dislike capital letters, especially of names, places, days of the week, or generally nouns (the few cases where I don't tend to dislike them are acronyms, titles of threads/documents, the beginning of sentences, and the pronoun "I").

You must hate me. In Germany (ouch), every noun starts with a capital letter. I really try to keep it in check when writing English (sorry), but sometimes it just happens. Be patient with me however, there's no evil intention to it. For a change.
But what I love about the English (sorry) language is the capitalization of "I". It's nice to see a language value the concept of the self, that's at least how I like to read it.
I've tried taking to capitalizing "Ich" in German (sorry), but I ended up getting a lot of crap for my 'arrogance'. So I quit it.

arg-fallbackName="Dragan Glas"/>

Hmmm, interesting...

People who don't like capital letters - candidates for capital punishment...?!

...And Singer doesn't like people who relate distance versus time...perhaps it's just their way of approaching such questions - elliptically...

...And Nasher can't handle fingerless gloves...

...And Andiferous is driven crazy by absolutes - relatively-speaking...

...And perhaps Nogre might like one Chinese method of saying "Thank you" - "I shouldn't have to ask"...

...And TheFearmonger doesn't like popped collars - it makes him pop-off...

...And those who object to fog-lights in perfectly clear driving conditions - perhaps the miscreants suffer from cataracts...

...And ... well, I could go on...

I also have a pet peeve - I confess to valuing grammar (does that make me a "grammar-Nazi" ? ).

I don't like seeing the following: "could of", "must of", "should of", "would of".

I feel about it the same way Squawk feels about my use of the word "Agnostic" - Mr Furious - 0:50 onwards ;)

Kindest regards,

Jotto999 said:
-When people constantly touch their computer monitor to show me things. You can point at something without touching it, you don`t need to smear your fingerprints on the screen every time.

Hehe, I actually HAD to do that for my ex, even with my finger 1cm away from the screen she still wouldn't see what I was pointing at...