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Inclement Weather


New Member
Anybody else affected by this little storm in the north east US? Currently holed up in the house of the friend who lives on the highest hill, with a few gallons of hard cider on the stove and a D&D campaign in full swing. Also, probably wont have work tomorrow. On the other hand, this one pine tree has me wary, as it could fall onto the balcony or my car, both of which wouldn't be fun.
Not really, no. Might be because I'm from Finland and I don't like to travel. Good lucky with the campaign though. And don't worry about the tree, you can take my fathers take on a dead tree they had near their cottage; if you do nothing about it a stiff breeze will tip it over anyway and because everything always goes according to plan it'll miss your cottage (car/balcony) by exactly 2.9 meters.

You do realize that you are the reason for the whole storm thing, right? With your denial of God and secularist ideas God has decided to punish you, and only you, personally. Everything else is collateral damage or just making an example.
We're getting a lot of wind and rain in Cincinnati, but that's it.

Anyone know if our friends in NY are ok? Pooka?
Last I heard, NYC was hit pretty hard. Manhattan and Brooklyn flooded, a massive fire in Queens. Jersey got effed in the a, especially by flooding. The beech now goes inland about a mile, what with all the sand from the surge walls being carried off. Personally, lost three shutters and without power for almost a whole day. I know, it seems like the world is crashing around me, but I shall pick up the pieces and do the best I can to carry on. Other than that, I just endured a shit ton of wind and BS D20 rolls.

And yes, I do know God is punishing only me with this, but that is my plan! Afflict others in my proximity with my punishment, so that I can say it wasn't me :twisted: Looks like I did a hell of a job.
Lallapalalable said:
Last I heard, NYC was hit pretty hard. Manhattan and Brooklyn flooded, a massive fire in Queens. Jersey got effed in the a, especially by flooding. The beech now goes inland about a mile, what with all the sand from the surge walls being carried off. Personally, lost three shutters and without power for almost a whole day. I know, it seems like the world is crashing around me, but I shall pick up the pieces and do the best I can to carry on. Other than that, I just endured a shit ton of wind and BS D20 rolls.

And yes, I do know God is punishing only me with this, but that is my plan! Afflict others in my proximity with my punishment, so that I can say it wasn't me :twisted: Looks like I did a hell of a job.

You're right, this is a punishment from god. Sauce

Thank god someone understands how the weather works or we'd just carry on with meteorology and buggery.
Frenger said:
You're right, this is a punishment from god. Sauce

Thank god someone understands how the weather works or we'd just carry on with meteorology and buggery.
Clearly God was actually aiming at New Jersey since they (I think, not sure) have equal marriage laws. The rest were just the incompetence of God and a poor aim after an all-nighter with Jesus and Holy Ghost (or in other words, himself). Collateral damage, God's been ignoring that since 6000 BC.
They also legalized medicinal marijuana a few years back, but I think God's bureaucratic red tape is just the worst, ever, and we're still waiting for that punishment to be doled. It's like, this one city is all gay and shit, lets unleash a hurricane into two other storm systems and shut down the Northeast Atlantic region for a week, and you just brought a gun to a water balloon fight.
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>

From the South East with Love.
Yes, Hytegia. All of the Yes. Lived in Charleston SC for a few years. Andrew was a douche.

But the concern, I think, was more about knowing how well prepared our local utility services were to repair the damage. There are still power lines just chilling on the ground, and only recently did I see this one massive branch get taken off of the lines it was resting on. I don't see why there are still change boxes all around, because there's like .05% of people only waiting on internet and cable services, and I don't know how, exactly, that's going to help them out.