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I need all the publications you have with evidence for evo!

Think you might need to be more specific with that request. Any particular areas or effects? There must be at least six figures worth of evolution papers out there.
JacobEvans said:
give me all six figures
Here's a good start: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez (search for "evolution").

But you should narrow it down and maybe start with a list of predictions made by evolution:

Some specific studies:

Morphological and Molecular Evidence for a Stepwise Evolutionary Transition from Teeth to Baleen in Mysticete Whales

Fossil sister group of craniates: predicted and found.

A Devonian tetrapod-like fish and the evolution of the tetrapod body plan
The pectoral fin of Tiktaalik roseae and the origin of the tetrapod limb

Photosynthesis research on yellowtops: Macroevolution in progress
"Although some creationists and ID adherents may admit that microevolution (variation or speciation) is unquestionable, they assert that there is no evidence for macroevolution in extant populations of organisms and that living beings are ''perfectly designed'' (Kutschera, 2003, 2006a, b, c). The evolution of C4 metabolism in the Flaveria species complex and the fact that roughly 90% of all extant angiosperms loose ca. 1/3 of the carbon fixed in the light reactions of C3 photosynthesis to photorespiration easily refute these assumptions."

This is also a nice read:
The Evolution of Complex Organs

We haven't even scratched the surface yet. These are just some random articles that came into my mind.
Search for "fossil" in AMNH digital library produced 1455 results


With the word "Evolutio" it produces 283 results:


University of Michigan digital library 'Deep blue' produced with search on "fossil" 1409 results


and with "evolution" 6671 results


Philliph Gingerich aka. the whale evo guy and co-author of the Darwinius masillae paper has most of hes stuff available online here:


Digital archive of Scientific journal called "Palaeontology"


Online archive of Acta Palaeontologica polonica:

I'd suggest that you really need to be far more specific in what you ask for.

Do you want evidence that evolution occurs (look in the mirror), or do you want to be more precise. You can look at practical applications, specific instances of speciation and the like.

Google scholar is a good place to start to get an idea of the vast quantity of data available. Realise that science is not looking to find evidence for evolution, that ship sailed, long ago. RIght now the goals are either to use evolutionary theory for some practical application, or to better understand a particular aspect of evolution.
Honestly all of the provided links are great so far. I'm not looking for anything specific, I just want any and all so I can perform a massive link dump to show this person that the "lack of evidence" argument is bull.
If you want most of them that have happened in the last 2 decades, you can get 2.5 million hits with this link.

JacobEvans said:
Honestly all of the provided links are great so far. I'm not looking for anything specific, I just want any and all so I can perform a massive link dump to show this person that the "lack of evidence" argument is bull.

I'd advise against link dumping. Despite the fact that Dawkins himself would be unlikely to convince a true creationist of evolution, it works better to summarise and then use the papers as references. Expecting a creationist to wade through countless pages is unrealistic (hell, how many times have I tried to link to abiogenesis definitions?) Neither tactic will make much difference, considering they're armoured by faith, but it will at least increase your knowledge to hand-pick bits and re-write them in your own words.