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How the other side see us


New Member
This is how the Creationists see the "debate" on YouTube. I urge you to read it as it's laugh out loud funny!

One of their recommendations is just to block "anticreationists", and they even provide a handy list of users to get you started (including LoR's own AndromedasWake). If you're not subscribed to all eleven of those channels, you should be!
Yeah, I was going to quote some of it with my comments, but there's absolutely nothing I can say that would add to the facepalmtastically idiotic paranoid rantings themselves.
hey have even found ways to bait creationists into breaking the law,

Wow, blaming others for YOUR wrongdoings - that's original for religious people....
When their bait works, and you do break the law by making specific claims to copyrights that are not on file. Then they will threaten to take you to court and sue you. Or, tell you to leave YouTube for a year or never come back, and they will drop the case against you.

Did VFX happen to write this?
The one star vote
When ever anticreationists cannot debunk or refute a well put together video for creation, they will get together and do a "one star" voting campaign. This is an act to bait you into getting mad and taking action to their liking. But because such activity is not scientific in proving their beloved theory of evolution. It actually shows how weak their theory is that it cannot stand up to another person's disagreements, and challenges to it. So when this happens, just know that your video has made a point that the anticreationist do not want to see the light of day on YouTube. Voting "one star" and making bad comments under your video is their only alternative when their scientific method won't bail them out.

Wow... one-star votes disprove evolution! At least they didn't claim that there were "Anti-creationist votebots", maybe VFX didn't write this after all.
It has long been suspected by several Christian-creationist YouTubers that the reason this hate group is so successful on YouTube is because they have insider help (someone who works for YouTube).

That would be awesome if it were true, but sadly :(
One Christian creationist on YouTube who goes by the name VenomFangx has had nothing but headaches since starting his YouTube creation ministry. He is one of those people that you rarely meet that actually has talent for doing videos. He is not boring to watch. And he is very good at making his points. But because of this, and him becoming very popular among Christian YouTubers. He also became a bulls-eye for the Anticreationist group on YouTube. They did not like his ability to refute evolution claims. After several fights, false accusations, threats, and suspended accounts. VenomFangx decided to leave after receiving death threats (Update: video was removed so I suspect the person whom put it up was getting harassed). Death threats that were sent to his parents house naming his parents. And claiming to be from an Islamic group. Which is believed to be a cover for who it really was.
VenomFangx decided that this had gone far enough, so he closed his account and left YouTube. Now the reason this is used as a what not to do. VenomFangx tried to confront every anticreationist on YouTube instead of just ignoring them

They will choose one of the creationist videos, download it and edit it. The edit is basically to make fun of the creationist video and the creationist himself.

This is called quoting in order to be refuted. "Here's what my opponent said..." Christians have certainly done this with my videos in an attempt to refute them and I don't cry "foul" over this, except where quote-mining is involved.
Now as big as YouTube is, normally the creationist would not see such a video.

A lot of the ones I've seen are video responses, which will certainly be seen though not always approved.
So to make sure that he does. [sic: period not mine] They will have the same name on the video with one or two added words.

Usually, this added word is "Re:". This is not baiting. This is called allowing your opponent to know his assertions have been challenged and giving him a chance to respond.

The appropriate response to this "baiting" (which we heathen trash called "debate") is to bring the massive evidence you have to bear on the subject and offer clever rebuttals to their counter arguments. ...oh right.
Did VFX happen to write this?

Given how the page glorifies only VFX, I'd say it's a certainty. If other YouTubers like JesusFreak777, NephilimFree, Yokeup or others were mentioned, I might have my doubts.
Questions of the day
If evolution theory is a true fact (as many evolutionists will claim), why do evolutionists feel the need to resort to such unscientific tactics?

They are cronic liars as they will try to put on a front of friendliness at first. Then reel you in. In fact most of them are Satanists. This is because they have choosen evil over Good. And will promote evil every chance they get.

They found out our scheme! RUN! :eek:
No surprise. To their minds, there are two factions: Jesus and Satan.

Anyone who's not with them, that is the Jesus faction, well, that narrows it down doesn't it?

There is no "Bob, the Neutral Christ", after all.
I just went to the discussion area, and even the Atheists there were completely scientifically illiterate. I lol'd hard at some of it though.