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How fond are you of your forums and your accounts?


New Member
OK, my favourite forum is being hacked at the moment. A forum I belong to ever sice, well, like forever, 9 years or so.
Not only the forum is being hacked, also my account, which is also a moderator account.
The only reasonable thing to do is to go to bed.
I've send the administrator a mail, I've posted a thread telling the users what's up (I have a second account, thank you so much split role-play personality) and now I can't do anything except waiting until the admin gets up tomorrow.
Only that I'm damn nervous what this asshole is doing with MY forum and MY account. How dare he take anything that's MINE?

So, how about you, how important is your virtual life to you?
Depends really. There's a specific forum I've been posting on for about 7 years now so if anything happened to it or my account I'd probably be pissed off. I know it's just 'teh interwebz' and all but it's like anything you've invested time in, it's got sentimental value.
Never been hacked or whatever, but I know that if I were - I could simply make another account and hope the admins fix everything.

Back when I played Gaia, losing an account would have been like dying online. haha In fact, when I was banned it was kinda awful at first.

Five seconds later I was fine. meh.
It depends on the investment of time and effort. I got pissed off when the RDF boards were taken down in the manner they were as I had a lot of time invested in posts on that board, not nearly as much as some others, but still a significant bit of research and effort.

I'm probably not as invested in this board in terms of effort on the forum, but I know the characters better through my participation in the live chat so I suspect there might be more of an emotional attachment here.

That said, I'm not the sort to stew over material stuff (or semi-material stuff). It would piss me off short term, but not linger. I'd get more annoyed at the person for their nature and the act rather than the resource itself I think.
Sorry to hear about that Giliell. I can't say I'm too attached to anything online myself. Here's something to cheer you up:


Giliell said:
I have a second account, thank you so much split role-play personality
Interesting euphemism :roll:
There's a forum I've been a member of for six years now, it was hacked, well, subject to DDoS pretty regularly, and sometimes offline for 3 months or so.
I got very upset the first time, because there are some people I care a lot about but had no other means of contacting them. The frequent downtime drove thousands of people away from the board, so now there's only a handful of 'hardcore' members left. It's pretty sad now, but ah well... life goes on.
Well, the forum is down, the owners and admins are on it.
I really hope they can drag the guy to court. Since this particular forum belongs to a shop, they owners know theri business and the police should be a bit more interested than in the general hacking into private forums

I'm vain enough to think that, although not the attack itself, the way it was done was also some personal revenge on me, because it looked like the same guy who had exploited a bug in the script some years(!) ago in order to place viruses in the threads via his posts.
That night I patiently banned and banned and banned again his accounts and moved all the infected threads to the hidden admin-board until the bug could be corrected.
Now, all those accounts that were hacked before mine, stealthily, were people on my friends list which is not very long. And the one thread that was deleted when the hammer hit was the one where I was most active and everyone would have seen that this is not a real moderator but my hacked account doing apparently bad things.
Well, it would be an amazing coincidence if he'd picked my friends by chance out of 10.000 users...

So now it's waiting until the problems can be fixed and hoping that this guy is caught
I've worked with companies that use forums and the police haven't been very helpful in regards to handling the hackers if they got the password through email services like hotmail.

It's a loophole that has always annoyed me.
Well, I don't think that the administrators had their password sent via Email, and actually I have no idea what the specific laws are in Germany.
I would be satisfied if he would simply have to pay the bill