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Honest Obama 2012 Slogans


New Member
The President announced his re-election bid yesterday and suddenly cares about progressives again, wanting us to sign up, donate and volunteer to get him re-elected (evidently, the Republicans and conserva-dems he's been wooing for the last two years don't want to return the affection). In that spirit, I'm proposing a list of possible campaign slogans. These slogans are designed to avoid the problems of setting unrealistic expectations in the minds of progressives. The soaring rhetoric of 2008 followed by two years of premature compromise and near-reflexive cave-ins was demoralizing for his base, which contributed to his lackluster 2010 performance.

With that in mind, here are my suggestions for honest 2012 campaign slogans that will set more reasonable, lower, expectations:

Obama 2012: Aw C'mon Guys! (formerly "Yes We Can!")
Obama 2012: Change you can make believe in
Obama 2012: You'll get used to being thrown under the bus soon enough and the tire tracks go nicely with what you're wearing.
Obama 2012: Hoping the Republicans run a really batshit crazy candidate
Obama 2012: Change you can see if you look really hard
Obama 2012: Buck up, you whiner!
Obama 2012: You're getting very sleepy. You will forget the last term happened. When you wake, it will be 2008 again...
Obama 2012: Next time, we'll make the Republicans negotiate before each cave in
Obama 2012: Hoping Lincoln was right, that you can fool some of the people all of the time
Obama 2012: Who else are you gonna vote for, bitch?
Obama 2012: The Lesser of Two Evils
Obama 2012: Hope for Change
Obama 2012: 3rd Party? Yeah, right!

Please add to the list.
Obama2012: Romney Can't Jump
Obama2012: Take Two; Action!
Obama2012: This Will Piss Off Murdoch
Obama2012: Take a Double Dip
Obama2012: Come With Me If You Want to Live
DeistPaladin said:
Obama 2012: Hoping the Republicans run a really batshit crazy candidate
Obama 2012: Who else are you gonna vote for, bitch?
Obama 2012: 3rd Party? Yeah, right!
These three, and "come with me if you want to live" are probably what will actually lead to his reelection... Who else *are* you going to vote for?
Since I live in a solidly red state, that gives me one advantage.

For those who aren't Americans, let me explain we have a byzantine election system where the candidate who wins in a state takes all of its "electoral votes" whether the victory was 51/49 or 99/1. This is why Bush "won" in 2000 even though he lost the popular vote.

I'm only going to show up on election day to vote for my local congressman. Obama will not get my vote. I will cast my vote for a 3rd party, throwing it away with the vein hope that if enough red state progressives do this that it will send a message.

Since my vote effectively doesn't matter anyway, I can at least have the emotional satisfaction of not lifting a finger for that faux liberal.
DeistPaladin said:
Since my vote effectively doesn't matter anyway, I can at least have the emotional satisfaction of not lifting a finger for that faux liberal.
Ah... my vote will be (at that time), in colorado. I'm not entirely sure whether that means my vote matters or not. I think it does, because I think colorado is fairly divided, but even if it does it doesn't matter too much (small number of electoral votes anyway).
DeistPaladin said:
Since I live in a solidly red state, that gives me one advantage.

For those who aren't Americans, let me explain we have a byzantine election system where the candidate who wins in a state takes all of its "electoral votes" whether the victory was 51/49 or 99/1. This is why Bush "won" in 2000 even though he lost the popular vote.

I'm only going to show up on election day to vote for my local congressman. Obama will not get my vote. I will cast my vote for a 3rd party, throwing it away with the vein hope that if enough red state progressives do this that it will send a message.

Since my vote effectively doesn't matter anyway, I can at least have the emotional satisfaction of not lifting a finger for that faux liberal.

I'll be doing the same and I live in red/tea party headquarters state as well. Won't vote for the "Lesser of 2 evils". I know better now than to be held hostage by such weak ass relativism.

Obama 2012: The difference between us and the Republicans is that we at least whisper sweet nothings in your ear while we give you the shaft.
Obama 2012: Compromise and a bit of change you can believe in!
Obama 2012: Actually screw that, still Change You Can Believe In! (suckers)
Obama 2012: what party am I running... ok uhh... Democrats Unite!
Obama 2012: We probably don't even have to campaign that much this time, but I better look like I'm trying, roll them sleeves up and all.
Obama 2012: Ba-dum-dm-CH!
Obama 2012: I,´m gunning for a second nobel peace award.
Obama 2012: Remember Afghanistan? Rember Guantanamo? oh wait no, forget those!...
Obama 2012: Evolve! (very slow change over millions of years and not always where you thought id would go)
Obama 2012: Yo dawg, I hurd Obama likes to cave, so we put him in a cave about to cave, so he can cave in while a cave caves in on him.