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Hitch Owned

So there's this guy, todd friel, buddy of ray comfort and kirk cameron so you know he's a retard, he had christopher hitchens on his show a while back he just got completely destroyed. I've listened to this interview maybe 5 times and it's very rewarding every single one of them.

He starts asking hitchens to play a game of what is, which is basically a scripted conversation to trap hitchens and get him to concede a point or whatever friel wanted to prove, but oh how it backfired, hitchens was witty as always and when he countered every question posed, friel's response was "that wasn't the question" or translated, "that's not the answer I want' you're not falling in my trap".

I can't imagine this guy friel thinking, oh this what if game is the shit, I'm totally going to own hitchens, I'm so smart. The most frustrating part of this is watching him being a condescending asshole while getting owned by hitchens, he's always interjecting with, "mhm" "aha" etc... instead of responding to hitchens arguments, anywas, enjoy the Pwnage.

Yeah, I listened to this a couple of weeks ago. Pretty cool, for the most part.

I think it is important to always stop theists at their first unfounded assumption, and make them back it up, instead of letting them build a mountain of assumptions and then try to argue against their conclusions. Friel was trying to lead Hitchens towards a specific conclusions, based on small steps that most people might accept without any thought or challenge. Hitchens did the right thing by rejecting Friel's assumptions every step of the way.
Aught3 said:
lol, hell yeah! Him and his horde of tentacled pharyngulites.
I've got to tell you, I have a Pavlovian compulsion to crash every poll he points me to. :lol:
Heh, glad to see that stupid "What if" game backfiring. If you have to resort to the "What if" tactic then that means you've got nothing and already lost.
Gnomesmusher said:
Heh, glad to see that stupid "What if" game backfiring. If you have to resort to the "What if" tactic then that means you've got nothing and already lost.
Yet, people like Ray Comfort and Todd Friel START with the "what if"... what does that say about them?
It's because they do it "just like jesus did"

They talk directly to the conscience, circumnavigating the intellect. I honestly don't see this tactic working on anyone who doesn't already believe in god and specially the christian god, if they did that to me my response would be exactly like hitchen's, who gives a fuck, first prove to me there is a god, then we'll talk.
ImprobableJoe said:
I think it is important to always stop theists at their first unfounded assumption, and make them back it up, instead of letting them build a mountain of assumptions and then try to argue against their conclusions. Friel was trying to lead Hitchens towards a specific conclusions, based on small steps that most people might accept without any thought or challenge. Hitchens did the right thing by rejecting Friel's assumptions every step of the way.

Ever seen any of their live preaching shows on their Youtube channel? They ask people (quite stupid people) questions and then cut it together. Terribly frustrating.
Th1sWasATriumph said:
Ever seen any of their live preaching shows on their Youtube channel? They ask people (quite stupid people) questions and then cut it together. Terribly frustrating.
You can tell that they practice their techniques on each other, and then random people at the mall. They are then quite surprised when those same techniques don't work on anyone who has read a book or watched a couple of YouTube videos on the subject. They say "let's stump the nonbelievers," dash over to the local junior college, vocational school, or "Institute of Hair Design" to interview random 19 year olds who don't want to get a job and 40 year old housewives looking to learn a trade, edit the video to make the least intelligent ones look even more dumb, and then claim victory over Satan!

I guess that's one way to do it... but I can't understand why anyone would respect that method. I also don't know why people don't crush them in more formal debate settings. You can tell that Hitchens was at least slightly prepared for the tactic used against him. Everyone knows that Ray Comfort and his crowd are going to pull out "nothing created everything" and "crocoduck"... :mrgreen:
ImprobableJoe said:
I guess that's one way to do it... but I can't understand why anyone would respect that method. I also don't know why people don't crush them in more formal debate settings. You can tell that Hitchens was at least slightly prepared for the tactic used against him. Everyone knows that Ray Comfort and his crowd are going to pull out "nothing created everything" and "crocoduck"... :mrgreen:

I recall one thing they used was some piece of trickery that made you say a light was green when it was red, or something. Standard word association sort of stuff. Confused their opponent and then said "don't you see how this proves you can be wrong?"

Why did no-one say "Don't you see how this proves people can be tricked- like you have been and are trying to do to other people?"


I wish I had a tame Derren Brown to launch at these people. Anyone who can convince a roomful of atheists into theism is excellent proof that religion is more likely a conditioned societal delusion
than anything real.

(Is "societal" a correct word?)

"Have you ever commited adultery Christopher?"
"None of your fucking buisness".

"Doesn't look like you meassure up to God's 10 commandments very well at all,"
"Who gives a shit?"