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He's back..... again

VFX is really no longer relevant. Not sure he ever was. T-foot's attention got him way more exposure than he was ever worthy of.
Wouldn't it be better just to ignore this guy? Above all, he feeds on the attention given to him. By making a big deal out of him, he wins and you lose.
I think most "swingers" are immune against VFX by now. Kinda like with Kent Hovind.
Has it been a year then? Or is this in violation of the agreement he made with dprjones?
Duvelthehobbit666 said:
Is it me or does he look a little more like Kirk Cameron now?

x2 apparently strong creationist belief has the consequence of disfiguring your face. "Cameron-intis" :lol:
Start an everyone ignore Venom Fang X campaign - he wants attention, let's not give it to him...
Laurens said:
Start an everyone ignore Venom Fang X campaign - he wants attention, let's not give it to him...

ig,·nore (g-nà´r, -nr)
tr.v. ig,·nored, ig,·nor,·ing, ig,·nores
To refuse to pay attention to; disregard.

cam,·paign (km-pn)
1. A series of military operations undertaken to achieve a large-scale objective during a war
2. An operation or series of operations energetically pursued to accomplish a purpose
intr.v. cam,·paigned, cam,·paign,·ing, cam,·paigns
Laurens said:
Start an everyone ignore Venom Fang X campaign - he wants attention, let's not give it to him...
Ummmm... starting a campaign is the opposite of ignoring. :facepalm:
Memeticemetic said:
VFX is really no longer relevant. Not sure he ever was. T-foot's attention got him way more exposure than he was ever worthy of.

I think the whole him abusing the DMCA was relevant. Otherwise, he's not noteworthy.
ImprobableJoe said:
Laurens said:
Start an everyone ignore Venom Fang X campaign - he wants attention, let's not give it to him...
Ummmm... starting a campaign is the opposite of ignoring. :facepalm:

You know what I mean, just generally agree not to give him the attention he craves. If we all ignored him and he wasn't getting the attention like he used to get from Thunderf00t et al then he probably wouldn't be such a pain in the arse.