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Hello plus more!


New Member
Hello everyone!

I've been meaning to joing for a while but that's ADD for you.

My account here is the same name I intend to use on youtube once I start participating again. I have decided to abandon my old account which caused a major rift between myself and my family despite garnering more than 100 subscribers and some serious fans in less than a month. I was even the lucky target of a false DMCA!?! Looking back, I posted some relatively distasteful videos fueled by my rage at VenomFangX during his SickKids fiasco. What I didn't know at the time was that I was experiencing a manic episode related to an undiagnosed case of dipthymic disorder (bi-polar's weaker cousin) which led to several lapses in judgement. It was the most severe manic episode I have ever experienced caused by extreme stress and my new found love for video editing.

I am in my late 20s and was raised without religion. I live in an region of the world where faith isnt a very big deal, but as globalization rapidly connects our planet, that luxury is something I can no longer depend upon. I dont like the idea of destroying anyone's cognitive comfort blanket, but the opportunity cost of religion is becoming too high to ignore. The implicatons to the environment and individual freedom are frightening not to mention the staggering waste of human capital lost to unsubstantiated devotion.

I bring a few things to the table with me. I am currently attending an intense Marketing Management program at a highly respected school. I will be specializing in entrepreneurship next year and may pursue my BBA after that. Not to brag but my current GPA is 89%. As I've mentioned, I have Adult ADD which has many cons, however, I am extremely creative and tend to see things from a different perspective than most. Although I envy many of the highly specialized youtubers out there, I myself am a generalist. This can be attributed to my thirst for knowlege and suceptibility to boredom. That being said, when I find something I really like, I hyper-focus and pool all my collective attention into that one thing. Writting this bio is one example.

Two things I would love to see added to the forum would be a video editing discussion area and a business discussion area. The editing is rather straight forward as it relates to youtube. A business discussion forum would help facilitate any plans to expand, develop non-profits, launch media campaigns etc. While it may be more suited to one of the other sections, I'm compelled to point out that all religions are businesses which will be one of my main topics of conversation.

I appreciate anyone who has read this far and I hope to make it worth your time through my contributions.


not to be obnoxious (maybe a little, heh) but are you referring to Dysthemia or Cyclothymia?

the first wouldn't really cause manic episodes.

anyways, enjoy teh boards. lots of interesting things about....
Greetings comrade. Besides the bringing of stuff to the table, you sound a lot like me. Looking forward to many great debates and whatnot.

n00b to the forum myself. You sound a little like me, in that you have wide, generalized knowledge versus specific, high level intellect (more fun that way, I think).

Anyway, I hope this becomes a favorite forum for both of us!
Prolescum said:

Nice. That's pretty much how I feel about most of my industry. Just keep in mind that its easy to overlook the contributions that marketing has provided for society when all you notice are the irritants. But there's a fine line between a higher standard of living and the biproducts of consumerism...