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First Person Shooter or MMORPG

  • First Person Shooter

    Votes: 35 37.2%

    Votes: 22 23.4%
  • Both

    Votes: 35 37.2%
  • I'm too old for video games

    Votes: 2 2.1%

  • Total voters
i play FPS games to escape reality. I want to feel like an agile warrior who can jump 4 meters in the air and sprint at non human speeds while wielding a fake energy sword that seems eerily borrowed from Star Wars. I want to chainsaw someone in half with a close range machine gun. I want to snipe someone in the head, watch the blood spirt from their neck and hear, "HEADSHOT" in a very deep masculine voice. What more can i want? UNREALISM...no pun intended with the reference there :lol:

Conversely, realistic games are also fun.
I'm fine with unrealistic games, I just hate games that go for realism and fail.
Both are good for very different reasons. FPSs are usually more intense and fast-paced, RPGs are usually more strategic. I enjoy both, but I play RPGs a lot more.

Somebody needs to merge them though. An MMOFPS with RPG-like character development. Properly done, the idea could provide a pretty damn fun experience.
Neffi said:
An MMOFPS with RPG-like character development. Properly done, the idea could provide a pretty damn fun experience.

Google Huxley + Game

It looks promising for that exact description
I love MMOs stupidly much. As I submit this I'm playing WoW >< sure I would love a new MMO and have tried everything that has come out in the last five years but sadly WoW has been the best so far. Typically my issue with most MMOs is the appearance of the characters. They tend to be stuck firmly in the uncanny valley and happy to stay there. WoW is so bright and happy! What's not to love? I wouldn't call myself addicted, mostly because I have nothing else to do with my time and often wonder off to do all sorts of things.

I also play FPS, RTS, RPG and well... almost every type of game there is save for one genre that can rot in hell: Sports. Sports games are teh suck. Well... I did have fun once playing a hockey game with a bunch of friends while drinking but get me and my friends together with liquor and we'd have fun with lint!!!

I'm a proud girl gamer PWAR!
Oto, I used to play WoW. My wife and I had a shaman/lock team and a warrior/priest team that rocked like crazy. Then we realized we played way too much. :)
FPS. Can't stand MMORPG'S.

Is anybody else pissed at the idea that KOTOR is going to be made an MMORPG? I don't really want to have to deal with DArThKyLeR3VaN and his sh*tty computer mic.
Unfortunately, I got into MMOs. To say getting into MMORPGS automatically means you have "no life" is pretty ignorant (FYI some of you), but it does often come with, or at least, increases the person's chances of having no life.

World of Warcraft for two years, I stopped though because I realized Blizzard is going to keep making me either raid or sandbox duel for the best gear in Wrath of the Lich King. I realized I was playing the wrong game, I need one that was more PvP oriented, killing scripted mobs for me gets boring fast, so now I'm playing Warhammer Online.

Yeah it's kind of buggy, and needs more polishing, but large scale RvR can be pretty fun. I love keep sieges, and some of the class mechanics are really fun. The aura twisting of Chosen/knights is wicked, and Warhammer has really sweet lore too. Original lore that was thought of decades ago. I'm enjoying WAR way more than WoW. Although I do miss Premade vs Premade in Eye of the Storm...really badly miss it.

Oh well.

Anyways, I also like some FPS too, MMORPGS just tend to dominate.
Jotto999 said:
Unfortunately, I got into MMOs. To say getting into MMORPGS automatically means you have "no life" is pretty ignorant (FYI some of you), but it does often come with, or at least, increases the person's chances of having no life.
No, it means you have no life if you do it right. :lol:
I had to vote Both, simply because I enjoy both types of games.

But it's not really all that cut and dried, it's actually ever so slightly more complex than that.

I get bored of games extremely quickly, but of course my first love was FPS (Doom, Quake, etc.), and then along came MMOs and I enjoyed SWG for a little while, until I became bored of grinding out a Jedi that should not have existed in that timeline, and all the cities became dead due to the JTL expansion.

Now I tend not to play MMOs unless they are free, although I did spend some time in Runescape as a fully paid up member, until I completed all the quests and got bored (no surprise there). I am currently avoiding playing RoM (RunesOfMagic) because to be brutally honest, I'm getting bored of it (but don't tell my mate that). I will probably stop playing it soon.

I will likely play that MechScape thing that Jagex are working on presently too.

TPS is like my second FPS, such as GTA4 which I spent lots of money on to upgrade so I could play it at a reasonable ping rate, but I'm bored of that now and no longer play it.

There is definitely a trend to boredom in my gameplay history.
There only one MMORPG for me.

I haven't played many other online MMORPGs but I haven't met anyone from another game that knows what a real quest is (they expect "collect 20 balls of wool", "kill __ of that" etc) and the graphics aren't stereotypical.

I like RTS too, why isn't that on the list :mrgreen:
Nashy19 said:
I like RTS too, why isn't that on the list

I was wondering the exact same thing!

I love RTS, it's so fun to play. And even tough I totaly suck at them (surprise surprise) it's still fun that they are so skill-dependant.

When I think of pro-gaming, there is no other than RTS, many people will probably critize and disagree, but when you see JulyZerg get up to his 800 apm, wow... just wow...
That's a good point. I wasn't thinking about it at the time when i made the poll..Guess I'll learn that for next time. :)
I don't actually play either, but I could see myself playing both, if I had a bunch of money I didn't want and a bunch of time I didn't care about. I love RPGs; they're my favorite genre. However, when you add in the MMO part, they kinda suck. I don't really play FPSs that much, but I do find then entertaining from time to time. So, both are at relatively the same level of boring waste of time and money. In fact, that's generally how I feel about all online games...