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For the sharing of obscure and rarely used words.


New Member
We spend lots of our time learning things, why not give back a little and share your knowledge of the great, the lost, the perlexing, the etymologically bizarre, the wondrous and irreverent words your respective forumites may not yet have heard of...

Here's a few that aren't used often enough, IMO

- A dirty wretched slob.

Example: 'Prole, wake up you slubberdegullion.'

Lucubration - A laborious intellectual effort, or over elaborate writing.

Prolegomenon - a preliminary discussion of a literary work of length or complexity.
Prolescum said:
We spend lots of our time learning things, why not give back a little and share your knowledge of the great, the lost, the perlexing, the etymologically bizarre, the wondrous and irreverent words your respective forumites may not yet have heard of...

Here's a few that aren't used often enough, IMO

- A dirty wretched slob.
Example: 'Prole, wake up you slubberdegullion.'

Prolegomenon - a preliminary discussion of a literary work of length or complexity.

I love Slubberdegullion! I'll have to make an effort to use it daily.
I really can't imagine using "Prolegomenon" in any context (unless referring to Prolescum Pokeman. ;))

The word schadenfreude ought to be known across the wide internet...
Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.

I've also started using Bovine Feculence and many creative and colourful variations thereof on a regular basis. :D It rhymes quite nicely with Divine Feculence and even Divine Flatulence, and has a neat kind of austerity, possibly because it's reminiscent of the days of cursing god's body parts. "Gods teeth!" Yay!
Ooh, I'd forgotten about this thread. :D

Shittlecock - The true, proper, and original form of shuttlecock. From old English scytel (bolt).

Charientism - An elegantly veiled insult.

Microhenry - A unit of measurement of electrical inductance equal to one millionth of a henry (see also microlambert, a unit of brightness equal to one millionth of a lambert).

Finally, a bit of a cheat as it's a saying...

Ignotum Per Ignotius
- (the unknown by the more unknown) An explanation which is even more obscure than the thing it purports to explain.
Andiferous said:
The word schadenfreude ought to be known across the wide internet...
Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.
Neither rare nor obscure if you speak German :lol:

OK, Now, can you guess one of my favourite authors via those three words he brought to my vocabulary?

susurrus omnomatopoetic, means a whisper

gibbous , can be used for a moon that's half full

egress the way out, not a female eagle
floccinaucinihilipilification The act or habit of describing or regarding something as worthless.

I should use that in my next debate with a creationist :D
Pulsar said:
floccinaucinihilipilification The act or habit of describing or regarding something as worthless.

I should use that in my next debate with a creationist :D

Wierd words in the news... from Slashdot:
"Today's xkcd comic introduced an unusual word , malamanteau , by giving its supposed definition on Wikipedia. The only trouble is that the word (as well as its supposed wiki page) did not in fact exist. Naturally, much ado ensued at the supposed wiki page, which was swiftly created in response to the comic. BBC America has more on how the comic and the confusion it caused have put the Net in a tizzy. It turns out that a malamanteau is a portmanteau of portmanteau and malapropism, but also a malapropism of portmanteau. All this puts Wikipedia in the confusing position of not allowing a page for an undefined word whose meaning is defined via the Wikipedia page for that word , and now I have to lie down for a moment."

I'm going to have to use this word sometime just to throw my support behind its acceptance.
acheron said:
Wierd words in the news... from Slashdot:
"Today's xkcd comic introduced an unusual word , malamanteau , by giving its supposed definition on Wikipedia. The only trouble is that the word (as well as its supposed wiki page) did not in fact exist. Naturally, much ado ensued at the supposed wiki page, which was swiftly created in response to the comic. BBC America has more on how the comic and the confusion it caused have put the Net in a tizzy. It turns out that a malamanteau is a portmanteau of portmanteau and malapropism, but also a malapropism of portmanteau. All this puts Wikipedia in the confusing position of not allowing a page for an undefined word whose meaning is defined via the Wikipedia page for that word , and now I have to lie down for a moment."

I'm going to have to use this word sometime just to throw my support behind its acceptance.

Ha! It has a valid citation too...
Numpty: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=numpty

Not sure if it's obscure or rare enough for this thread, but it should definitely be used more often.
Numpty's common around here, or at least common enough so people know what you're talking about when you say it you don't get a funny look.
Macaronic - A poem, burlesque in nature due to the mixing of modern vernacular and Latin words, multilingual puns if you will.

Example: (link)

WHAT is this that roareth thus?
Can it be a Motor Bus?
Yes, the smell and hideous hum
Indicat Motorem Bum!
agitprop: portmanteau of agitation and propaganda. Propaganda designed to create emotional agitation about a topic to increase its impact on the audience.

Here's one that I was reminded of today...

Nympholepsy - Not what you think it means, but in fact a passionate longing for something unattainable, unless that's what you thought it was (in which case 3 bonus w00ts for you). A sufferer is a nympholept.
Paraprosdokian: A paraprosdokian (from Greek "παρα-", meaning "beyond" and "προσδοκία", meaning "expectation") is a figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected in a way that causes the reader or listener to reframe or reinterpret the first part.

"I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long." - Mitch Hedberg
Not entirely sure if this fits in... but it's mildly amusing and might make you chuckle a little inside.
Moronic Acid -a carbon based compound (C30H46O3) also called 3-oxoolean-18-en-28-oic acid.

Arsole -C4H5As also referred to as arsacyclopentadiene
Case said:
Paraprosdokian: A paraprosdokian (from Greek "παρα-", meaning "beyond" and "προσδοκία", meaning "expectation") is a figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected in a way that causes the reader or listener to reframe or reinterpret the first part.

"I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long." - Mitch Hedberg

Ha! Check my sig :D
You should also check out Milton Jones if you're a fan of wordplay.
nasher168 said:
Not entirely sure if this fits in... but it's mildly amusing and might make you chuckle a little inside.
Moronic Acid -a carbon based compound (C30H46O3) also called 3-oxoolean-18-en-28-oic acid.

Arsole -C4H5As also referred to as arsacyclopentadiene

Prolescum said:
Here's one that I was reminded of today...

Nympholepsy - Not what you think it means, but in fact a passionate longing for something unattainable, unless that's what you thought it was (in which case 3 bonus w00ts for you). A sufferer is a nympholept.

Alright then... oddly rare and underused: satyriasis. ;)

Then again, it sounds like a skin affliction.