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Ezra1Jesus1Desciple Spam


New Member
Every few weeks, I get a massive spam message from one Ezra1Jesus1Desciple, usually hogwash but I notice it's not a mass spam, and I'm the only recipient of the message, and they're all titled "re:***," or to that effect. Just wondering if this guy spams anyone else like this, or if I just have the wrong likes or comments on the wrong videos. I have yet to block him, because I just want to spam some atheistic literature of any sort right back, but I'm worried its a bot or that it'll just increase the volume of spam I get, or that it's some clever troll that will pounce once the bait is taken. Again, if anyone else is aware of this fellow and has had any sort of human dialogue, tell me what his deal is.

If not, well, here's his latest message (abridged):
Ezra1Jesus1Desciple said:
December 21-22 2012 marks The Beginning of The End. Not the end of the world! It marks the end of the age of Pisces which began at the birth of Jesus Christ. A day of judgment begins for the whole earth. A Blast of giant solar wave energy from the sun is expected to engulf the Earth by that time. This will soon usher in grave destruction on the Earth with mankind because of mass rebellion. All those who mock and oppose God, who love evil will be destroyed. God will save those who repent & draw to Him will all their hearts in the name of Jesus Christ! Now is the time to repent!!!


"My Precious Little One, I am your Master Jesus, yea Lord of this Earth and Redeemer of My Beloved. My Child, fear not the time, neither the hour, nor the day; for as I have told you previous, the hour of 12:00 midnight has struck and the hands move quickly now to the hour of My return. But, as you know, Child, evil rears its ugly head on every side; and the woman of world Satanism, the United Nations whore system, is pregnant with its brand of peace through the sword."

"The days of thunderous calamities and high treason have roared into the Earth, and even now in the face of such adversity, so many sleep on. But, I tell you, My Child, and let the wise be warned, "The time of great tragedies" knocks on the door of the USA. It knocks on the doors of Russia, of China and Australia. It knocks on the doors of Europe and Scandinavia and it knocks on the doors of Canada and small countries in and around Asia; and it also knocks on the doors of many small island countries. Great and terrible is the destruction, which is at hand. A great fire shall sweep Mexico and earthquakes shall rip South America asunder, while Africa escalates into a ruinous heap of desolation and death."

"Weep, My Children! Weep for the Earth; for it shall be downtrodden and desolate. It shall lie barren and uninhabitable. Places of beauty shall lie spoiled and uninhabitable. The birds of the field and the animals, large and small, shall suffer and die from the intense heat and drought."

"Many of you believe that you suffer now because of scarce water and drought. Many of you believe that you suffer because of heat. But, I tell you that temperatures to 125 degrees F. shall not be uncommon in much of the world. Beautiful green pastures shall be turned into brown and barren wastelands; for our Father withholds the rain. He has cursed the rivers and he is drying up many lakes and streams; for the stench of rebellion and apathy have reached his nostrils and he is sickened and angered by the degree of lust, by the degree of self-sufficiency, by the degree of witchcraft and idolatry. He is angered by the great amount of lying and stealing and by the murders of innocent children; and he has ordered absolute destruction of many of the fertile plains and fruited orchards. Woe to the lands of the wicked! Woe to the lands of the rebellious; for the followers of evil have been made to believe a lie! They have been put in subjection to Lucifer and they have been made ready for the slaughter; for they are fat with iniquity."

"Come out from among them, My Children. Come out from among the rebellious, the prideful, the haughty and from among the workers of iniquity. Separate yourselves from the liars, from the thieves, from the adulterers, from the fornicators and from the covetous. For, just as surely as you partake with them, you will partake of their sorrows. Just as surely as you open up your home to them, you will feel the sting of their rebellion. Listen to Me and obey Me; for I say to Mine, 'Come out of the world. Walk the Straight Way and stumble not in the darkness through lack of faith. For, faith is your key to freedom. Faith is your symbol of honor towards Me and towards your Father. For without faith, you shall perish in fear.' And, I tell you now that the greatest numbers shall perish in fear; and fear shall carry them into hell. Fear shall carry them into the abyss; for it shall cause them to stumble, to fall, and to lose their way."

"My Little Ones, the foolish rock on in security. The foolish cry that all is well. The foolish watch television and believe what is therein. The foolish are self-sufficient, lost in good times and in the love of idols. Yea, the foolish are at the helm of the world. The foolish trail in behind Lucifer and believe his schemes. They lie. They covet and they fall for all manner of lies. For the truth is not in them. They know not the truth, neither do they care for the truth; for they love a lie. They are careless with their souls; for they do not understand their own mortality. Neither do they understand their gift of life. They walk in darkness and are but zombies, lifting themselves up in every prideful thing. Yea, the foolish are pushing in on every front, but now I tell you, My Children, that the fools are leading the fools and they are following one another straight into hell."

"Weep, My Children! Weep! Howl for what is upon you! For, great and terrible are the tragedies, which are at hand."

"My Lord, you speak of tragedies. Which ones do you mean?"

"My Child, I mean: 1. Great war and destruction. The invasion of the USA by foreign forces has been in process for several years. The pieces of the Satanic UN puzzle are in place. The nuclear attack is looming, My Child. It is so close that you could almost reach out and touch it. Be aware that many millions will die; But, it is not just the USA, which will suffer. For, the whole world will suffer beneath the weight of this war, which shall move from country to country, and from continent to continent, devouring all in its path. 2. Famine, My Child, a great famine is at hand. The droughts shall become worse and many fresh water sources around the world shall dry up. 3. And diseases caused by radiation and germ and chemical warfare. These, My Child, shall cause both a rapid and slow and painful loss of life."

"The satanic United Nations shall rise with flowery words and lofty plans, but Lucifer is using it as a tool solely to trick and to enslave the nations. Behind the United Nations is Lucifer, himself; but even now Lucifer is devouring his own tail. Those, whom he has used to set up his kingdom, will be systematically devoured until he reigns with a small group of elect. He trusts no one; yet many have given their souls to him. My Child, the United Nations is damned and it shall not long rise. And, those, who serve its dark agendas shall soon perish."

"So, be apprised, My Children, that great changes are at hand and your time of waiting is come to an end! It is WOE TO AMERICA! WOE! WOE! WOE! For you were a Chosen Apple of God; and now you are an accursed land. Yea, you shall howl for the destruction, which is at hand, But you have been warned. Over and over, I have sent My prophets to warn you; and a few of you have listened. But, even now complacency has set into many of your hearts and you doubt what is at hand. You feel safe in your creeping iniquity; but I warn you, 'Get your spiritual houses in order; and keep them that way; for the time of the sorting has begun!' I am Jesus, yea Jehovah, Most High God."


Followed by, I shit you not, sources, and then a handy little prayer you can pray if the above [cough] prophetic message [/cough] has you worried about your soul. Re-reading the whole message, I think he's trying to sell a book. Never actually read the messages till now. It appears to run on the strategy of combining all of the nutjob theories with the christian rapture, and how its so conveniently going to happen ever so soon. Oh, and each one has a video, too. I don't have the stomach to watch any, but here is the most recent if anyone is feeling particularly shameless:

And just in case you haven't suffered an aneurism yet, here is a crap-ton of suggested materials.

Objectively, these are very entertaining, as quoting Jesus on the invasion of the United States is something that can only be described as absurd, but I'm growing weary of this dude and want to know if I should just block him or troll/spam him back. Ideas?
Fuckity fucking fuck fuck, when will they learn that assertions based on nothing, and assertions based on the Bible mean shit all?