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Dumpster Defender Case

Led Zeppelin

Active Member
This trial has been delayed several times. I wish those 2 stupid fat fucking asses would have shot each after they shot that other worthless insane moron. How these adult males all reached a point in there lives where being the boss of a garbage dumpster became such an important factor to their pathetic existence is beyond me.

The world got lucky when these 3 slobs ended up at the same place at the same time. 1 down and 2 to go. I hope they both get the electric chair!


Active Member
Just like all other court cases I don't think we are getting all the information. I have heard that they had previous bad history. I think it is more than simply fighting over a dumpster/trash but we'll see.

Led Zeppelin

Active Member
Just like all other court cases I don't think we are getting all the information. I have heard that they had previous bad history. I think it is more than simply fighting over a dumpster/trash but we'll see.
Howard (the dead guy) probably had a bad history with just about anyone he ever met. One of his neighbors said he was basically a nut case who just screamed at and threatened random people on a daily basis. Whack jobs like him are a dime a dozen in the US.

"Howard had been involved in 38 potentially assaultive incidents from June 30, 1998, to Aug. 28, 2018, mostly in Taylor County.
Those incidents reported to the Abilene police included disorderly conduct, criminal mischief where he was accused of breaking a car door, several assault calls, sexual assault incidents, harassment where Howard made threatening phone calls to a business employee, and harassment of a code enforcement employee where he left multiple messages threatening to shoot anyone who came on his property, according to court documents."