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Doesn't SETI qualify as ID research?

is it just me, or are we thinking too hard on the question?

to me it's quite simple, SETI is looking for signal of extraterrestrial life(forms). there is no evidence that these signals and/or lifeforms (if they even exist) are intelligent and/or designed.

also, should we even class humans as "intelligent" ? there is enough evidence (just on youtube alone) for the contrary.
nemesiss said:
to me it's quite simple, SETI is looking for signal of extraterrestrial life(forms). there is no evidence that these signals and/or lifeforms (if they even exist) are intelligent and/or designed.

Yes, but the point is, if such a signal were discovered, wouldn't you accept this as empirical evidence of alien intelligence, strictly due to the information content?

In other words, when a signal from space is received, will you suddenly become a believer in ID as an objective science? Why, or why not?