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Darwin would have loved DNA


I have just got around to reading Origin of Species, and in the first few chapters, you can see Darwin grasping for something to explain genetics and DNA. He gets almost all the pieces right and then just stops. He should have swapped Wallace for Crick and Watson I think.

Side note, I really think Social Studies people should not read Origin, but it is slightly racist from our standard today, and even as tolerant as I am, I find myself raising my eyebrows at some of the sentences. You know things like, uncivilised savages who eat their woman folk and not their dogs in time of strife. But still a great man and a great work.
Darwin should have read Mendel's treaty on genetics. Sadly, he left it in his drawer because he couldn't read German.
Look I know bugger all about DNA and genetics, but reading these chapters, I keep wanting to email him saying it's in the genetics that is why the varieties divert.

Just imagine him reading papers from the HGP (genome project) or even getting to do some lab work. Sure he would have to do a lot of remedial work, but I do think he would mind. Of course the next thing would be to give him a YT channel and a seat on the sandwich show.

Thinking about those guys from those days, how about this for a match up, Nephy versus Huxley
If Mendel and Darwin met and worked together, it would have been an orgy of awesome science. Sadly, geography and a language barrier separated them. :cry:
Duvelthehobbit666 said:
If Mendel and Darwin met and worked together, it would have been an orgy of awesome science. Sadly, geography and a language barrier separated them. :cry:

Yet another thing we can blame Yahweh for, his nonsense at the tower of Babel.
Balstrome said:
Duvelthehobbit666 said:
If Mendel and Darwin met and worked together, it would have been an orgy of awesome science. Sadly, geography and a language barrier separated them. :cry:

Yet another thing we can blame Yahweh for, his nonsense at the tower of Babel.

since a fixed start time can't be used with tags... from the game burn:cycle

and for those to lazy to watch;

vielli: imagine.. a piece of software, that can duplicate a human mind and store it on a computer.
vielli: software that would allow a person to make a copy of themselves and continually transfer that copy to a human body, forever.
vielli: then they would own the technology of imortality. think of the miracle of it, cutter, even you can appreciate what this means.
vielli: why should a man live all his life to achieve things and when he finally succeeds at something, mother nature snatches him away!
vielli: all because his dumb, flesh body has decided to pack up. this way the great thinkers can keep going, their work can increase.

vielli: think about it,... what could newton had taught einstein? what could sacrotes have taught satra? the mind boggles at the evolutionairy steps we could take.
cutter: and what could Kenghis Khan have taught Hitler? what would the world be with them?
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Balstrome said:
Thinking about those guys from those days, how about this for a match up, Nephy versus Huxley

The Dialogue would be simple.

Huxley: *Elaborate and detailed explenations about Evolutionary Theory and the Scientific Method*
Neph: *Nonsense*
Huxley: "Luckily, your uneducated opinion doesn't matter in Science."

Huxley is the inspiration for my general shock-and-awe tactic of reminding idiots on the internet that the Universe doesn't require your belief, and that you benefit from the processes and advancements of the Scientific Method regardless of their faith. A stiff reminder that we're not doing this to debate them, but to educate them. This is not a debate as far as science is concerned.

I would consider it the ultimate slap in the face, and hopefully will set a precident for all other's debate methods (another reason I decided to debate Puppy earlier).
If such meeting had had occured, Theodosius Dobzhansky and his student Francisco Ayala would not have had job!


However, our current knowledge would have been sky-rocketed
