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creepy god


New Member
This banner got posted in a topic at some other forum, and I think it's really really creepy.
I mean, the idea of a personal god already creeps me the hell out, but this is taking it to the extreme.

Perhaps I should just imagine the voice of Morgan Freeman saying it, which makes it a bit less creepy, but still.

I'm not seeing the creepiness in the banner, though the idea of a god watching me all the time creeps me out too.

Also, you could imagine anything in Morgan Freeman's voice and it would still sound incredible and lovable- including, but not limited to, "I'm marrying my stepgranddaughter."
God = Santa

Both watch you always

Both reward good kids

Both punish bad kids

Both are sexual predators (God = Pro-Rape; Santa is a suspected pedophile)

Both are mostly lies and pop culture
God always watching is definitely creepy...although I'd say that thinking of any god acting human by saying things like that instead of the whole high and mighty "thou shalt not" language would be hilarious. :lol: Darkmatter2525 makes videos on Youtube like that and they're great for a good laugh.