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Conspiracies you think are plausible

Zylstra sold its soul to the Annuaki, who traded it to Samael. Samael brought the soul to Penmue and traded it for knowledge. Using this knowledge, Samael, using the Illuminati and the Grigori and his minions sought to overthrow Angra Mainyu, marry Cassiel, and take over the NWO. The Annunaki areworking with Donn, Nebro, and Camael to bring the North American Union to frutition, and Baraqiel used money put up by Xolotl and Armatros to form the Irin Corporation, which will handle all the NWO's domestic spying and intelligence....
There are plenty of conspiracies I believe in for instance:

In 1972, the President of the United States, paranoid to the extreme and willing to break the law to sabotage an ever growing list of enemies, assembled a team of like-minded zealots to break into the opposition party headquarters in the Watergate Hotel to steal documents. These same people were responsible for phone tapping journalists and breaking into the office of a psychiatrist of an opponent. Anything for the President. The break-in was botched leading to a massive cover-up that was eventually exposed by the discovery of taped conversations in the White House, which led to the downfall of the President and jail time for several members of his staff.

In 2001 a group of religiously indoctrinated suicide soldiers infiltrated the United States under assumed identities, creating false lives, all funded by a shadowy billioniare Saudi, with connections to a massive fascistic theocratic underworld. These men trained diligently to hijack, and crash planes into stragetic targets. Each infiltrated Logan Airport seperately and boarded planes, coordinating their attacks perfectly to strike economic and military installations of their enemy, the United States. Their attacks destroyed the World Trade Center, a portion of the Pentagon and killed well over 3,000 people, a massive successful strike against the world's most militarily powerful country using nothing but fanaticism, planning and box cutters.

The problem is, none of these Conspiracies are theories. There's overwhelming evidence for them. There's no naive speculation, no massive network of people paid hush money to cover up the truth. That's the difference between a real conspiracy and a conspiracy theory, a chain of well documented evidence.
In 2001 a group of religiously indoctrinated suicide soldiers infiltrated the United States under assumed identities, creating false lives, all funded by a shadowy billioniare Saudi, with connections to a massive fascistic theocratic underworld. These men trained diligently to hijack, and crash planes into stragetic targets. Each infiltrated Logan Airport seperately and boarded planes, coordinating their attacks perfectly to strike economic and military installations of their enemy, the United States. Their attacks destroyed the World Trade Center, a portion of the Pentagon and killed well over 3,000 people, a massive successful strike against the world's most militarily powerful country using nothing but fanaticism, planning and box cutters.

Then a host of White House insiders, longing for a more imperial foreign policy and wanting to crush dissent at home, looked upon this attack as a great opportunity.

They tried to pin the blame in some way on Saddam Hussein and his regime in Iraq, the war they really wanted to fight. They couldn't and were forced to strike first at Afghanistan. They put forward the minimum effort in that theater. They really had no interest in capturing Osama or destroying Al Qaida, probably because that would have removed the threat so critical to keeping Americans in line behind the new imperial policy. Bush let it slip on video that he "never thinks about him (Osama)" and "he's not important". Fortunately for them, this quote didn't receive much air-time outside of Michael Moore's movie. Reflecting this lack of a priority, they dropped a few bombs, topled the government and called it a day.

In an almost Orwellian move, they managed to shift American anger over 9/11 against Saddam and in support for the coming war that the Bush admin really wanted to fight. The mainstream media, controlled by conservative corporate interests and eager to boost ratings in a way that only a war could provide, played along. Plenty of talking head stooges that dominate right wing radio were instrumental in ensuring support from a non-thinking segment of the American population.

And so Bush successfully lied us into a war. First it was about supposed WMD. Then it was about supposed links to Al Qaida. Then it was about spreading democracy.

Meanwhile, Bush/Cheney used the war and fears of terrorism to club any dissent at home into silence. "Support the troops" became code for "shut up, salute the president and support his agenda unconditionally or you're a traitor."

Many insiders in the Bush admin and their cronies found the war quite lucrative with many sweet no-bid contracts for which they provided shoddy work.

The Bush admin also had a running conspiracy to cover their negligence and incompetence in preventing 9/11. They tried to deny that there were any warning signs (there were) and ran a smear campaign against general Clark, who had warned them prior to 9/11 about the dangers of Al Qaida. General Clark wasn't playing along and had to be shut up or discredited.

There's my 9/11 conspiracy theory. I think it's pretty well supported by the evidence.

It worked because a large portion of my fellow Americans are either rock stupid, apathetic, willfully ignorant or otherwise easily manipulated. This is evident by how 46% of voters still supported McCain and his fundy bimbo.
DeistPaladin said:
Many insiders in the Bush admin and their cronies found the war quite lucrative with many sweet no-bid contracts for which they provided shoddy work.
I would be eternally grateful if you could provide me with documentation for this.
I would be eternally grateful if you could provide me with documentation for this.

I'm referring specifically to the electrocution deaths of soldiers who used shower facilities built by Haliburton, who in turn, got many no-bid contracts for reconstruction in Iraq. These stories have been all over the news and I'm sure a Google search will get you what you need.
GoodKat said:
I would be eternally grateful if you could provide me with documentation for this.
Take your pick?

That George Bush and Queen Elizabeth are shape-shifted reptilian-like creatures. Oh, and so are you.

Caveat: The mechanism by which they shape shift is hundreds of millions of years of reproduction with mutation checked against natural selection. After all, we're still descended from critters like this guy right?

Conspiracy Theorists don't seem to like this idea. I tried to get David Icke to pimp the idea, but he wouldn't return my E-mail. Whatever happened to being open minded?
-Stalin's conspiracy to become the grand pubah of all of the USSR. Shopped photos to make him and Lenin look like buddies. Bribery, brute force, etc. That was a good REAL one.
-Assassination of Caeser annyone?
-Gunnpowder plot. Remember Remember the Fifth of November.
-Assassination of Hitler: Both by his own folks, and the attempt by the British who then decided not to as they didn't want a more competent leader coming to power.
In May of 1604, a group of Britons who were fed up with King James's rule met with Robert Catesby. As Catholics, they were tired of the Protestant government. In accordance with the teachings of their faith, they apparently decided that the best way to solve their problems was to kill everyone.
ElegantUniverse said:
I am certain that JFK's assassination was a conspiracy.
Yeah, it was clearly suicide. Stephen Colbert laid the smackdown on that conspiracy theory quite a while ago!
ElegantUniverse said:
I am certain that JFK's assassination was a conspiracy.
Yeah, I'm irrationally inclined to consider that Oswald wasn't the only shooter. The oddness about the autopsy hasn't been satisfactorily debunked for me ... yet?
scalyblue said:
Yeah, it was clearly suicide. Stephen Colbert laid the smackdown on that conspiracy theory quite a while ago!
Could you link me to that please?
xman said:
Yeah, I'm irrationally inclined to consider that Oswald wasn't the only shooter. The oddness about the autopsy hasn't been satisfactorily debunked for me ... yet?
Please be specific.
xman said:
Could you link me to that please?


Though it might have been Richard Nixon

Reason I remembered it was that he used the first clip last night ^.^
scalyblue said:
xman said:
Could you link me to that please?


Though it might have been Richard Nixon

Reason I remembered it was that he used the first clip last night ^.^
I'm in Canada so I can't view those. :(
Finger said:
ElegantUniverse said:
I am certain that JFK's assassination was a conspiracy.
I would like to know the reasons for your certainty.

Well, firstly it was ruled a 'probable conspiracy' by a subsequent inquiry. Secondly, the magic bullet theory is just embarrassing. There are other circumstantial issues, such as there's no way I can accept that ANYONE was able to hit Kennedy from the book depository under the conditions described. The monumental volte face in terms of policy on Vietnam almost immediately afterwards.

I simply do not find the official account to be anything other than preposterous. Of course, this is not to say I think there was some clandestine NWO thing going on. The trouble with Kennedy is that he pissed off EVERYBODY. There was no shortage of suspects because he annoyed everyone.

Ultimately it's difficult to say what really happened because of the myth and legend surrounding it. At some level there must have been some sort of a cover up, even if it was a bunch of CIA suits covering their asses. The President of the USA had just had his head blown off on US soil - somebody somewhere was going to have to pay, and I think that there was likely a lot of misdirection in terms of the flow of evidence in the investigation. Oswald may well have been involved, hell, he may have even been a shooter, but when the leader of the free world is assassinated on his own soil then somebody somewhere is going to feel the wrath, in much the same way Saddam got it for 9/11. Whatever did happen, I am certain that Oswald did not fire the three shots as described, and for that to be a lie there must have been, by definition, a conspiracy at some level. Somewhere along the line certain people have colluded to put out an acceptable story and disposed of the killer. It may even be that Oswald did it, but the opportunity was perhaps afforded to him by a monumental CIA fuck up that was subsequently covered up in order to protect the culpable party, not necessarily that it was Caesar's betrayal. My personal feeling is that Kennedy was disposed of not by a lone nut, but by those by whom he was disliked immensely, and whom he threatened.
ElegantUniverse said:
Well, firstly it was ruled a 'probable conspiracy' by a subsequent inquiry. Secondly, the magic bullet theory is just embarrassing. There are other circumstantial issues, such as there's no way I can accept that ANYONE was able to hit Kennedy from the book depository under the conditions described. The monumental volte face in terms of policy on Vietnam almost immediately afterwards.

I simply do not find the official account to be anything other than preposterous. Of course, this is not to say I think there was some clandestine NWO thing going on. The trouble with Kennedy is that he pissed off EVERYBODY. There was no shortage of suspects because he annoyed everyone.

Ultimately it's difficult to say what really happened because of the myth and legend surrounding it. At some level there must have been some sort of a cover up, even if it was a bunch of CIA suits covering their asses. The President of the USA had just had his head blown off on US soil - somebody somewhere was going to have to pay, and I think that there was likely a lot of misdirection in terms of the flow of evidence in the investigation. Oswald may well have been involved, hell, he may have even been a shooter, but when the leader of the free world is assassinated on his own soil then somebody somewhere is going to feel the wrath, in much the same way Saddam got it for 9/11. Whatever did happen, I am certain that Oswald did not fire the three shots as described, and for that to be a lie there must have been, by definition, a conspiracy at some level. Somewhere along the line certain people have colluded to put out an acceptable story and disposed of the killer. It may even be that Oswald did it, but the opportunity was perhaps afforded to him by a monumental CIA fuck up that was subsequently covered up in order to protect the culpable party, not necessarily that it was Caesar's betrayal. My personal feeling is that Kennedy was disposed of not by a lone nut, but by those by whom he was disliked immensely, and whom he threatened.

Any foundations for these posits other than your certainty and your personal feeling?