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Chrstian scare tactics vs. children

The whole thing was anticlimactic if anything. That prolonged accumulation seemed more like an eternity than hell itself. "Alright, this is it.... I'm going.... no time left.... you better believe it.... here I go.... sayonara.... just one more step....
Penguin_Factory said:
And they say we must be afraid of death......

What really astonishes me about this is the apparent motives behind it. Any child converted through fear isn't going to believe in God sincerely. It's as if they don't care why people believe, just as long as they do.

Of course, to a nonbeliver the entire thing seems utterly ridiculous- "There's a huge angel dragging me to hell" is about on the same level as "There's a giant Orc taking me to Mordor".

Plus, this just illustrates the unfairness of he whole idea. The dead friend is essentially being made to suffer just because someone else never told him how to avoid it.
I agree, this video hurts their cause more than it contributes to it. Anyone who is stupid enough to fall for this type of scaremongering doesn't deserve the fruits of churchless Sunday mornings and fast free Easters.
I don't get the logistics of this. Wouldn't the letter burn in the lake of fire? And even if it didn't, who would send it? the angels apparently ignored him so why would they bother to send a letter for him?
On a more realistic note, it's one of those occasional things where I feel as if I'm physically burning with rage. I hope this isn't shown at any schools, even christian ones.
This is why I showed my little sister, who is contemplating a belief in something, www.evilbible.com. Christianity's only peaceful on the surface whilst on the inside it bubbles with scizophrenic rage and homocidal hate-messages. Jesus is a poster-boy covering up the hideous undertones and indoctrination efforts in shiny cellophane made of love and peace. No little sister of mine is getting hooked on organised religion- belief is fine by me but THIS makes me want to twist and rip the head off its creator (and the fucking pope) for spreading such bullshit and fear-mongering.

ps. She now believes in reincarnation, mainly because 'everyone else has a belief', which is cool with me- reincarnation not being a specific religion and all. Of course I asked her questions etc. but w/e.
Mà¶bi said:
Anyone who is stupid enough to fall for this type of scaremongering doesn't deserve the fruits of churchless Sunday mornings and fast free Easters.

Aaaahhhh....churchless Sunday morning..........the very thought of it is soothing.....

:lol: :lol:
blinddesign said:
ps. She now believes in reincarnation, mainly because 'everyone else has a belief', which is cool with me- reincarnation not being a specific religion and all. Of course I asked her questions etc. but w/e.

How can you just start "believing" in something? I've never understood this, how can you say you "think its real" when you can change your beliefs at a moments notice. Also, if she is sheepish enough to have a belief because "everyone else has one", it's just as bad as being a christian. She still believes in pointless crap just because everyone else pressured her into it.
Abi said:
How can you just start "believing" in something? I've never understood this, how can you say you "think its real" when you can change your beliefs at a moments notice. Also, if she is sheepish enough to have a belief because "everyone else has one", it's just as bad as being a christian. She still believes in pointless crap just because everyone else pressured her into it.

Umm... yeah... I know but to be honest, that's what I was like and I grew out of it. I mean, I can't quash every novel idea she has. I plan to question it gradually but heavily until she grows up rational and also open to question things too. She doesn't actually think it's real but hopes it is... or something. Trust me, I've got it sorted ;)
Even though I was raised Roman Catholic, I'm so glad my parents took me to Museums and bought be books on prehistory when I was young, instead of force feeding me the bible.
Ok, that video has got to be one of the top items on my list of things that make me anrgy. I have never come acros such despicable fear-mongering ever before. It is enough to change my view of fundamentalism. Half an hour ago, I saw it as mainly a joke that will go away eventually. Now, I am of the opinion that any and all of the people who were remotely involved in making that video should be made to feel the fear that those children now live in. I reccomend putting them in a cellar with a door at one end. One by one they should be taken out, tied to a table and have scalpels almost touching their eyeballs. Psychologically torture them as much as they have done these children.
If there turns out to be a God like that one in the video, then I spit on him.
Lol, I started to watch that video, and then realized i'd seen it before at my Catholic high school. I think the same teacher showed a lovely(<sarcasm) video of aborted fetuses.
archnemesis said:
Lol, I started to watch that video, and then realized i'd seen it before at my Catholic high school. I think the same teacher showed a lovely(<sarcasm) video of aborted fetuses.

THEY SHOWED IT AT A SCHOOL?!?!?! I HOPE YOU RIPPED THE TEACHERS HEAD OFF AND KICKED IT THROUGH THE PROJECTOR SCREEN!!! I tell you what. one day, i'm going to kill a creationist (not really, i'm not an atheist tony but i damned feel like it).
This kind of video is fine with me - Any reasonable person would laugh and realize how ludicrous and idiotic it is, and any non-reasonable person might take it seriously and start talking to more people about Jesus, and then The people they try to convert to jesus can tell them the truth about their foolish belief system.

I'd rather have these people confronting and trying to convince non-believers rather than just believing quietly all this crazy nonsense and inflicting it on their kids.

Though I suppose I am overestimating the reasoning ability of both the average person that may be confronted by these evangelizing fools AND the possibility that an evangelist can pay attention to an opposing viewpoint.
archnemesis said:
Lol, I started to watch that video, and then realized i'd seen it before at my Catholic high school. I think the same teacher showed a lovely(<sarcasm) video of aborted fetuses.

Things like this really makes me happy that I'm Norwegean. If a teacher showed something like this in class over here, he'd be out of a job before he could say "God wanted me to do it!" !!
Well, I did mention that it's a Catholic school, which means here in the U.S. anyway that so long as they get across a general curriculum such that students will be able to hack it in college, they can teach whatever religion classes they want, on account of not being government funded. I personally always enjoyed videos like this one, because I sat there getting glared at because I was laughing out loud. It is still a bit scary that a lot of people took it seriously enough to glare though...
Ozymandyus said:
This kind of video is fine with me - Any reasonable person would laugh and realize how ludicrous and idiotic it is, and any non-reasonable person might take it seriously and start talking to more people about Jesus, and then The people they try to convert to jesus can tell them the truth about their foolish belief system.
I'm fine with this video too, as long as children aren't being made to watch it.
One thing that has always puzzled me is this: What has given him the right?
By him i mean god, By what authority has he got the right to judge man to eternal torment?
He says that by the right of creation, he has the right to decide what he does with his creations.
Such a thing would be correct, if we where mindless statues with no will of our own.
However it says RIGHT THERE on the first pages of the bible that when Adam and Eve eat from the forbidden fruit they became self aware.
In THAT instant they became living creatures in every right of the word, and at that moment "God" lost every right he had over mankind.

Some might ask why? Well by the same right as when a man and a woman joins and create life, they only have the right of it as long as the child is still in her womb.
The moment the child is born i would say the parents lose every right they have over the child to decide whether it lives or dies.
They can still have certain rights to bring up the child, but the moment the child reaches adulthood they lose all rights (and responsibility) for the child.

Same analogy could be used with Adam and Eve the moment god gave them life he lost the right to decide whether they lived or died, when they ate of the forbidden fruit they became adults and he lost all rights over them.

Now i know the story is purely fiction and all but, by using the same reason as fundamentalists use to tell that the bible is the inerrant word of god and that he exists, by the very same logic you could say that God and his angels have lost all right to decide what happens to mankind.

Funny how you don,´t see that many Christians go by that logic, because then the obvious question becomes apparent why should we follow him and why should we be scared of him? And once you go down that path the entire religion becomes meaningless.
There are a couple of things that I find fascinating about this video.

First of all, the friend in hell had supposedly never heard of Jesus? Really!?

Does that mean that wherever he was living he never had some earnestly pious nuisance knocking on his door at 8:00 am on a Saturday morning? That he had never heard of Pat Robertson, Ray Comfort, Answers in Genesis or the Texas Board of Education? That he had never seen a Jack Chick tract or a Kent Hovind seminar? That he had never seen any programs on Sunday morning cable television? Really?!

What is this place and when can I move there?

The second thing I want to know is what happened to the envelope that this letter arrived in? What does a postage stamp issued by Hell's Post Office look like? How many souls does it cost to send a letter from Hell to the U.S. of A.? Whatever the answer, that is some rare stamp, it must be worth a fortune.

The franking and the return address would make very interesting reading too.


not only is this disgusting, its terrifying that Christians can so readily supply this propaganda. This is just wrong in so many ways.
It just strikes my how desperate they (religious idiots) must be to make a video such as this.
I find the irony astonishing (and quite pleasing) that they have so little faith in their own religion that they have to use bullshit tactics like this kind of videos and outright harassment to convert people!
The most disturbing thing about these videos and scare tactics is they work. For the longest time, even after I left Christianity, I was haunted by thoughts of "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL" or "WWJD" (I hate that saying) or even better yet "What if Christianity is right and I'M GOING TO HELL, you never know so I might as well be safe". For the sake of your children don't let them be exposed to these kinds of scare tactics, they are both frightening and repulsive.