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Chrstian scare tactics vs. children


New Member
The only thing I'm going to say about this is that i find it sick, morbid and totaly unscrupulous! :evil:

arg-fallbackName="Mr. Hildo"/>
When gently telling children about jesus fails, scare the shit out of them...
When scaring the shit out of them fails... beat it into them? :?
As a kid, this kind of thing would only have turned me farther away from Christianity.

Christianity seriously needs to go. Stuff like this makes me really hate it. Watching this video pissed me off so much that I listened to black metal. That's how I deal with my hate for religion. Anytime I am feeling particularly anti-religious, I listen to black metal. Hearing a guy roar very angrily about Christianity just seems to syphon off the anger that I have for it.

What a dirty tactic, tricking children like this. It's bullshit.
Its not just scare tactics to get kids to believe in religion. It is also designed to get those who do believe to go out and try to convert non-believers through the guilt message at the end.

*Sigh* Appalling....
Agreed! This is something I'd excpect from Bin Laden! :shock:
I am truly horrified at this! Not to mention fucking pissed off!!! :evil:
Wow, a lake of fire sounds cool.

Gives an interesting insight into these peoples' minds. I suppose eternal hellfire does override courtesy and decency when talking to friends, coworkers, etc.
How is this anything but sick? How could anyone call a god like this is loving and caring at all?
Josan said:
How is this anything but sick? How could anyone call a god like this is loving and caring at all?

I think they just redefine 'love' in their head.
The voice acting is actually bad enough to make me giggle a little. However the 'message' makes me want to scream in rage. So disgusting. Vile and offensive.

Edited to add: I swear I occasionally hear the sound of a dying moose in a bathtub during the background during the video.
Not too well aimed at children as they will have difficulties relating to these drunk partyanimals. If these two were D.U.I there closer to 18. And at that age, do you really expect some scrolling text to scare them? I found it funny that he received a letter that was written like he was dictating it to a tape recorder for a comment track to a movie about his life.
"Ok, now they are dragging me down a hallway. I smell something nasty up ahead. Oh wait, that is just me, I've crapped my pants in excitement."

Nonetheless, that could seriously fuck up a kid, if he bought it. Disgusting stuff.
Kennethah81 said:
The only thing I'm going to say about this is that i find it sick, morbid and totaly unscrupulous! :evil:


You are way too kind with your words.

So....pretty much.....god is letting the people he sends to hell tell their friends that it is THEIR (the friends') fault if he (god) is sending them (the people) to hell, because they (the friends) were not good enough to tell these people how good and loving he (god) is......

And I am the one with a problem because I don't ascribe to this?

buzzausa said:
You are way too kind with your words.

I know. I was pretty tiered when I posted this, and a bit too upset to find the proper words to fully express my disgust...

Suffice to say, should I ever find the proper words to describe my anger and discust at things such as this, and then post them on a forum, I would probably break Internet! :shock:
to be honest, the video didn't bother me until the bit at the end (the "don't bother me" Poem), before that bit i found the video laughable in premise. but for some reason that don't bother me poem at the end really made the whole thing disgusting, basically telling the kids they are evil if they don't harass their friends about becoming Christians
I partialy agree IBSpify. The first part of was disturbing and not something I'd want children to see. However, that poem bit REALLY put it over the top!
I'd almost go as far as saying that showing this to kids is evil, and boardering on beeing illegal!
Ah, what we're missing here is:

The video isn't aimed at non-Christians as a scare tactic... it's aimed at Christians who don't spend their every second evangelizing.

There's a story of a preacher who was on a plane. He began to question his religion when he realized that he was reluctant to sleep because he wanted to evangelize to the person sitting next to him.

That makes sense to me. Too much pressure is unhealthy!

theowarner said:
Ah, what we're missing here is:

The video isn't aimed at non-Christians as a scare tactic... it's aimed at Christians who don't spend their every second evangelizing.

There's a story of a preacher who was on a plane. He began to question his religion when he realized that he was reluctant to sleep because he wanted to evangelize to the person sitting next to him.

That makes sense to me. Too much pressure is unhealthy!

In one of Penn Gillette's better videos, he points out that you would have to be a despicable person to believe that you could save others from eternal torment by talking to them, and not.
And they say we must be afraid of death......

What really astonishes me about this is the apparent motives behind it. Any child converted through fear isn't going to believe in God sincerely. It's as if they don't care why people believe, just as long as they do.

Of course, to a nonbeliver the entire thing seems utterly ridiculous- "There's a huge angel dragging me to hell" is about on the same level as "There's a giant Orc taking me to Mordor".

Plus, this just illustrates the unfairness of he whole idea. The dead friend is essentially being made to suffer just because someone else never told him how to avoid it.