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Apparently the latest poll showed 51% of Republicans don't think Obama is a native-born citizen. http://publicpolicypolling.blogspot.com/2011/02/romney-and-birthers.html

Can we really be this dumb? Is Faux News still pushing birther stories? The number of birthers has gone up since last year. What is going on?
RichardMNixon said:
Apparently the latest poll showed 51% of Republicans don't think Obama is a native-born citizen. http://publicpolicypolling.blogspot.com/2011/02/romney-and-birthers.html

Can we really be this dumb? Is Faux News still pushing birther stories? The number of birthers has gone up since last year. What is going on?
Bigotry. Groupthink too, and a bunch of the other standard right-wing delusional thinking, but I think a big chunk of it is bigotry. Of course, the bigots will no doubt scream and whine about how they are always accused of bigotry, because part of the right-wing delusion is to immediately claim victimhood whenever they get called out on their shit.

We don't live in a world where those people can get away with calling Obama a "n*gg*r" straight out in the open, so they call him a "Muslism" and a "Kenyan" instead. But they certainly mean racism just the same. A quick look at the rest of the Republican Party's comments and behavior shows that a good portion of them are racist against Obama and his family, and the rest are generally OK with the racism if it helps their side get votes.

Besides that, there's the more general delusion among right wingers that "truthiness" is a valid replacement for "truth". Because Obama is a Democratic politician, Republican voters are prone to believing any and every lie about him as truth because their mindset is that their political opponents are guilty even when proven innocent... certainly guilty of something whether it can be proven or whether or not it even makes fucking sense. Look back to the 1990s, where Bill Clinton was accused of being a serial rapist and serial killer, and Hillary Clinton was accused of murder as well.

As with everything else, there are people on the fringe of the Democratic Party who engage in the same illogical conspiracy nuttery... but they are ON THE FRINGE, and don't have prime time TV shows, radio shows, and book deals. The right-wing conspiracy nuts control the Republican Party.
I think the crazy hoax reached a point of self propagation a long time ago. It no longer needs Faux news to spread it around for now.
Oh, and does this mean we can get more Orly Taitz? You gotta love a crazy person... :lol:

Plus, a link: http://www.salon.com/news/politics/birthers/?story=/politics/war_room/2011/02/17/rove_birthers

One half of the Republican Party are birthers... and the other half think the birthers are a Obama led conspiracy. That adds up to 100% batshit crazy! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Every time I see Birthers I think of straight people. It's what my gay friends call straight people. That and Breeders. Heh.
These people do not care about reality, if something is a "good" argument, they will use it regardless of its validity.

Personally, what I find absolutely ironic is that they act like it would be a big deal if he wasnt born in the US (his mother was american, so he would get citizenship anyways).

What I find even more ironic is that they seem to think that if true, this would somehow prove that he is unqualified for the job..... yet if I recall correctly, wasnt McCain born in canada?
boonw said:
yet if I recall correctly, wasnt McCain born in canada?
Wikipedia said:
John McCain was born on August 29, 1936 at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone, to naval officer John S. McCain, Jr. (1911-1981) and Roberta (Wright) McCain (b. 1912).[2] At that time, the Panama Canal was under U.S. control
arg-fallbackName="Gunboat Diplomat"/>
RigelKentaurusA said:
boonw said:
yet if I recall correctly, wasnt McCain born in canada?
Wikipedia said:
John McCain was born on August 29, 1936 at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone, to naval officer John S. McCain, Jr. (1911-1981) and Roberta (Wright) McCain (b. 1912).[2] At that time, the Panama Canal was under U.S. control
Ironically, Obama has a stronger claim to natural born citizenship than McCain...

I wouldn't be too quick to demonize the birther movement, though. Misinformation is more powerful than you probably imagine and it's not necessarily an act of malice...

arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
There's only two Birthers that I've experienced in Hawaii - and they are roadside hobos. One of which lives next to COMPACFLT and takes every occasion to yell about Obama's NWO Socialist Conspiracy in conjunction with the Illuminati and his attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001.

Because everyone in Hawaii knew this man. They grew up and hung out with his parents. He contributed to the community at large, and even comes down here for Christmas.
ImprobableJoe said:
As with everything else, there are people on the fringe of the Democratic Party who engage in the same illogical conspiracy nuttery... but they are ON THE FRINGE, and don't have prime time TV shows, radio shows, and book deals. The right-wing conspiracy nuts control the Republican Party.
This is the very reason I feel delighted seeing Cenk Uygur on MSNBC, calling out Faux News on their BS. Even though I hate politically biased newsreports with a passion.(we have quite unbiased TV news sources here in Norway, at least in comparison to America)
DepricatedZero said:
Every time I see Birthers I think of straight people. It's what my gay friends call straight people. That and Breeders. Heh.
I have a female friend who is straight who separates people into "breeders" and "non-breeders". She never intends on having children, but she is straight.
borrofburi said:
DepricatedZero said:
Every time I see Birthers I think of straight people. It's what my gay friends call straight people. That and Breeders. Heh.
I have a female friend who is straight who separates people into "breeders" and "non-breeders". She never intends on having children, but she is straight.

Now thats an interesting concept....I like it.

The whole "Birther" movement is retarded. At this point does it really MATTER?