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Birthday Wishes for the 25th of December


Just a short note to remind us of the true meaning of Christmas Day.

Long ago, a child was born of modest means, who would grow up to fundamentally change the world for all. This day, we celebrate his birth and all that has come from him.

Happy birthday Sir Issac Newton!

Led Zeppelin

Active Member

The Hypothesis of deriving the frame of the world by mechanical principles from matter eavenly spread through the heavens being inconsistent with my systeme, I had considered it very little before your letters put me upon it, & therefore trouble you with a line or two more about it if this come not too late for your use. In my former I {represented} that the diurnal rotations of the Planets could not be derived from gravity but required a divin{e} power to impress them. And thô gravity might give the Planets a motion of descent towards the Sun either directly or with some little obliquity, yet the transverse motions by which they revolve in their several orbs required the divine Arm to impress them according to the tangents of their orbs I would now add that the Hypothesis of matters being at first eavenly spread through the heavens is, in my opinion, inconsistent with the Hypothesis of innate gravity without a supernatural <6v> power to reconcile them, & therefore it infers a Deity. ffor if there be innate gravity its impossible now for the matter of the earth & all the Planets & stars to fly up from them & become eavenly spread throughout all the heavens without a supernatural power. & certainly that which can never be hereafter without a supernatural power could never be heretofore without the same power.

You queried whether matter eavenly spread throughout a finite space of some other figure then spherical, would not in falling down towards a centrall body cause that body to be of the same figure with the whole space, & I answered, Yes. But in my answer it's to be supposed that the matter desends directly downwards to that body & that that body has no diurnal rotation. This Sir is all that I would add to my former Letters. I am

Your most humble Servant

Is. Newton


Yep. Sir Issac's greatest concern was that he couldn't figure out how gravity could work at scale or at such distance without some sort of divine intervention. It was a problem that followed him to the grave.

We had to wait some few years before that other guy, Mr. Einstein was able to refine the explanation of how gravity worked beyond our planet and provide demonstrable evidence to support it. Science takes time and offers few easy answers.

Led Zeppelin

Active Member
We had to wait some few years before that other guy, Mr. Einstein was able to refine the explanation of how gravity worked beyond our planet and provide demonstrable evidence to support it.
I'm not so sure. Einstein figured out how gravity effects light. But we still have an enormous amount of "missing matter" required to hold our galaxy together. To extraplote an entire universe from an initial something that can not be defined in nature, sounds like an appeal to the supernatural to me.
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Staff member
Note -

No one's posts were deleted manually. There are some server errors recorded in the logs however so this could be why.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Led Zeppelin

Active Member
Ahh I see now. Looks like it lost a few posts between now and the start of the new year. I wonder if it has anything to do with the underwater cables getting cut in the Baltic Sea..the world is such a disturbing place these days.


Staff member
Ahh I see now. Looks like it lost a few posts between now and the start of the new year. I wonder if it has anything to do with the underwater cables getting cut in the Baltic Sea..the world is such a disturbing place these days.

It didn't have anything to do with that. God fixed them for us.

We are Borg

Staff member
Something happened but i have no clue what i did a server upgrade so that everything was on the latest release. But i lost for example a DNS zone it was gone with the wind. I rewrote it and it worked again but have no idea why posts where gone.


I get it. I've had the same things happen on my forum. Between the software and the server, the dns and network, there are so many opportunities for little glitches to cause big problems.