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Battle Royale!


New Member
I figure it's time for a good old-fashioned battle royale! Here's how it works;

1.) Two teams are put in place.

2.) People make characters for either side; their choice. It must match with the side's general theme though.

2a.) Characters can only be made using MS Paint or a similar program.

3.) When everyone has submitted, they write a description about how their character attacks and defeats the others.

4.) People vote on the characters; 2 votes per person.

4a.) Best drawing or description on a side becomes MVP of that side.

4b.) The submissions' votes are averaged for either side.

5.) Whichever side has the most average votes wins. The MVPs of either side are both the true champions of the competition, also.

I think we should try this out. Who's in?

If you support this, post. If you want in, post a character.

The sides for the first Battle Royale are going to be Good and Evil.


Mr. Facepalm - Josan

The Evidence - Squeezy

Puncher - ladiesman391

The Singularity - xchillx42

Cnidarious - Cnidarious


The Quote Miner - Clotifoth

False Flagger - xxdjsethxx

Spacium Tempus - AndroidAR

Canon the Bible Pusher - Talon-o

The Mad Preacher - talikkovaari
To give an example of what can come of this, I (who sucks at Paint, but it doesn't matter) have made a character for the Evil Side.

The Quote Miner

-Half robotic robot with a cross spray-painted on the side, half Proletariat member sent to work in the mines forever. This creation was once Christian, and also held many morals that one would consider beneficial to society. However, the evillest parts of society reprogrammed him, and now all the Quote Miner does is mine out the literature of humanity for the benefit of anyone who wants to prove a false point. His drill also has quite the power; to force meanings out of unassociated, context-stripped words, and possibly to force one's brains out through their eye sockets.

This is Canon the Bible Pusher. He attacks by cherry-picking parts of the bible and blasting them at you. Sometimes, he'll blast the entire bible at you. It is said that if the flame on his flame goes out, he will die. He's also on wheels, so he can move about! You can open up too. He keeps the weakest parts of him on the inside.

Evil side, obviously.

Lol. This is so horrid and not well thought out.

Of course Now you meet....... The Creationist False Flagger!!! Who yields the power of command to False Flag a Video and then use his BAN HAMMER To Remove the Video from YouTube! He yields his Stamp of Acknowledgment right on the Flag with the Cross. He looks for any Logic and Reason arguments and False Flags them and watches as his BanHammer Slams the Video for -100 points of dmg.

This is Mr. Facepalm, he consists of nothing but a giant face and a giant hand (which has a giant palm) - which obviously is evolved simply for facepalming. This makes his facepalm not only the most dangerous weapon in his arsenal, but also his best defense.
I am playing the False Flagging BanHammer Evil Creationist, so I guess Evil Side? LOL

This is THE EVIDENCE; a great, unparalleled tome of knowledge, within which contains the research and fact-backed theories of the greatest minds in human history. It defeats it's opponents with it's unflicnhing gaze and ability to provide all needed information relevent to any topic... and when that fails, it simply falls on them, crushing the life from their weak, fleshy bodies.

The Evidence contains so much information on so many topics that it has not only achieved sentience but has aquired strange and wonderful powers - all supported by facts!

It also has a squid on the cover, because squids are awesome and so is the colour purple.
ladiesman391 said:
Noob question I guess, but how do you post an image on here?

Well, you host it at a site like imageshack.us (which I use). Then, obtain the direct image link. from the site. Then, type this:
. :D

"The Puncher" punching holes in creationists arguments since 1984, using his evolved enlarged brain and opposable thumbs (and Popeye biceps!) The Puncher dons a set of red boxing gloves to punch holes in his creationist adversaries!

EDIT: The Puncher is a good guy.
Clotifoth said:
Well, you host it at a site like imageshack.us (which I use). Then, obtain the direct image link. from the site. Then, type this:
I figured it out just as you were posting :D but I guess there's is others out there that didn't know either.
Coolness :D is he on the good side or evil side?

And a note to everyone; they don't have to pertain to creationism or evolution. They can be related to, well, anything as long as it's good or evil ;D
I guess I'll put in something...


Deus Spacium Tempus (Latin lit. God of Space Time)(or Deus Gravitas) is the embodiment of the weakest natural force. His large size is a testament to the far reaching powers of gravity, but as such, he cannot affect the world of the small.

Alignment: True Neutral, but many of his actions may be considered good (allowing the formation of stars, causing Terra to orbit Sol, etc.) But he does have quite a few evil marks on his record (Roche limits, black holes, etc.) And, despite his prevalently "good" actions, his intentions are far from it. He just considers them "side-effects" that he has not cured yet.

Attacks by increasing the gravity of his enemies until they begin to collapse upon themselves, at which point he seals them away from the rest of the universe via singularity. He often revels in watching his victims slowly go mad from lack of contact from the outside world, if they survived their own collapse.

Deus Gravitas is also the sole creator of Alcubierre drives. Technically, he is one himself.

Put him in the evil category (despite his true neutralness) as "Gravity" (if you wish), since 2 more people added to the good side, and this WAS intended to be an evil-looking good character. I want the sides to remain even.
Re: Battle Royale! ( The Mad Preacher )


Once a devout Christian, the mad preacher now has a double identity as the nightly hero who seeks out pretty much anyone he knows not to share his religious views, converting them where-ever he goes. He has the power of the bible flowing within his veins, and he knows the words contained in it by heart. He is going to tell you all about the glory of God and he's not going to be satisfied until you join him in a prayer. If you dare to contest his vision even via the Internet, all he hopes is that you've been read your last rites. Of course, not even other devout followers of Christian god are good enough for him.

And if words are not enough to melt your brain away, he's more than ready to bash it all into your head with his lead-filled walking stick. After all, the son of God died for the sins of all mankind, he is going to be forgiven for such acts anyways.

EDIT: Added name to the subject.
talikkovaari said:

Once a devout Christian, the mad preacher now has a double identity as the nightly hero who seeks out pretty much anyone he knows not to share his religious views, converting them where-ever he goes. He has the power of the bible flowing within his veins, and he knows the words contained in it by heart. He is going to tell you all about the glory of God and he's not going to be satisfied until you join him in a prayer. If you dare to contest his vision even via the Internet, all he hopes is that you've been read your last rites. Of course, not even other devout followers of Christian god are good enough for him.

And if words are not enough to melt your brain away, he's more than ready to bash it all into your head with his lead-filled walking stick. After all, the son of God died for the sins of all mankind, he is going to be forgiven for such acts anyways.

Okay, what's his name? I assume he's evil but I need a name.

The singulatity

The singularity is able to release massive amounts of unstable energy, it literally crackles across the surface of the sentient orb (YES ITS SENTIENT). Also because of its extreme mass it creates a huge gravitational field capable of distorting time itself and rip apart almost anything into itty bitty pieces.

Its also proof for the big bang. : D


Name: Cnidarious
Alignment: Good

Cnidarious is a being locked between two worlds, One of the Air and land and the other of the sea and stars.
Before his encounter with an Alien Artifact at the bottom of the ocean he was a Wreck diver, a naturalist and self taught
in several areas of Marine biology. Cnidarious is a Critical thinker, does not approve of unsubstantiated claims of any type and
prefers instead to contemplate the evidence.

He was a part of a dive that was to explore a local ship wreck.
The Accident, if it can so be called was caused by the triggering of a device of unknown origin at he summit of a deep fore
almost six hundred feet below the surface of the ocean about seven hundred kilometers of the coast of Chile.
The Phenomenon caused the disappearance of five other people which were never found.
After the Mysterious metagenesis he was left devoid of blood, true organs or bones.

His new body is frail and cumbersome without the support of a true skeleton.
he no longer has a True brain yet still manages to function and remember vaguely who he once was.
He can no longer venture far from sea without adequate protection for now the air is his greatest enemy.

His abilities physical appearance and entire general description reflect qualities found in the phylum Cnidaria.
Cnidarious Defends himself with batteries of powerful Nematocytes capable of paralyzing any would be attackers on
contact. His body is bristling with these Batteries in the form of Sweeper Tentacle nodes which he may extend and retract at will.
Struggling as one may, doing so will only serve to further inoculate themselves with the venom. The venom itself is a combination
of several organic toxins which cause the skin to Crack and blister on contact, with sufficient contact the subject may
undergo severe anaphylactic shock as well as paralysis.

Cnidarious also has a protective mucus membrane containing deadly Palytoxin, which though not immediately dangerous opon physical contact can Kill extremely rapidly once ingested or it finds its way into the blood stream.

His Ability to regenerate is extensive, no longer having a True brain he can survive without a head and is capable of regenerating
after having over half of his body destroyed in short order.

Cnidarious Also possesses a high concentration of luciferin in all of his cells enabling
Extensive bioluminescence abilities which can daze, confuse or distract anything that touches him.

Just as Many Anthozoans are capable of forming Sclerites or whole skeletons from Calcium carbonate
so to can Cnidarious, And extremely rapidly under the proper conditions, producing a semi rigid
Armour like surface which in areas may be jagged, sharp or quite strong. Doing this Requires complete submersion
and Sea water Containing the proper levels of Calcium and carbon, otherwise this mineral synthesis cannot be completed.

Utilizing his Ptychocyst cells, Cnidarious is able to render his body water tight, allowing himself not only the ability to
stay on land for extended periods but also sustain greater amounts of physical punishment.
The cells fire Microscopic barbs just as all nematocytes but instead of delivering a painful sting the Barbs weave themselves into a
sort of "bio fabric".

Prehaps the strangest of all of his qualities is that of metagenesis.
Upon his death, Cnidarious will release a cloud of prefertilized eggs into the water column soon to become Planulae.
The Planulae will form small unassuming polyps on the rocks and reefs of the oceans and likely be forgotten about.
Until of course the next Spring where the Polyps will Give rise to Free Swimming ephyra, The Ephyra
will then Collectively give rise Once again to Cnidarious One year after his death.