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Bad news for Doctor Hovind


New Member
I know it's supposed to be uncivil to laugh to anothers bad fortune, but since this time It's 100% self made I don't really care
According to an Oct. 21 federal indictment filed against Hovind and Paul John Hansen - a Nebraska man known for his vigorous opposition of government tax and property laws - the duo has been charged with mail fraud and criminal contempt for interfering with the sale of Pensacola properties Hovind was forced to forfeit as a result of the 2006 case.
Both men were charged with mail fraud, attempt and conspiracy to commit mail fraud and criminal contempt. Mail fraud can be punishable by up to 20 years in prison and as much as $500,000 in fines when involving an organization.

Not that surpricing in the light of Doctor Hovinds defence in his previous trial, ie It's Gods money so US goverment has no case. I'm not expecting that the good Doctor gets 20 years if he's found guilty, but still a few more years in jail will at least be embarassing for his son and heir to his creationist business.

Oh wow. :eek: I did not see that coming. They have to be looking pretty hard at Eric as well, however it would not surprise me if he is informing on Dad to keep Gramma Jo and himself out of prison. ( if he was I think that's logical and the right thing to do )

They need to make a movie out of this one. It should be titled "Boned, The Fall of Dr. Dino"
Eric is probably a lot smarter than his dad when it comes to dealings with the federal goverment and will pay every cent of his taxes. He knows that he'll make enough money fleesing the uninformed even after taxes.
Visaki said:
Eric is probably a lot smarter than his dad when it comes to dealings with the federal goverment and will pay every cent of his taxes. He knows that he'll make enough money fleesing the uninformed even after taxes.

Didn't his ministry have a massive e-begging campaign because they almost went out of business not too long ago?