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Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomenon).

Re: Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomen

Aught3 said:
Like any other similar judgement it's just the eww factor. I find your actions to be distasteful therefore I condemn you. Religion just gives people a way to wrap their bigotry in a cloak of respectability. [. . .]
The situation of certain states in the US is an obvious point to this problem, though religiously motivated. Some religious apologists that I have seen in America don't even seem to judge homosexual behaviour on the base of their religion/deity of choice. Some of them reject tolerance of homosexuality on the exact same basis as the one[s?] I have highlighted in the above post. Some "gay communities" in the United States even having to resort to libel court cases (unlike in the UK), to accept enterprises such as gay marriage. There are non-religious motivations to disregard gay-marriage too, such as AIDS; apparently. Just to give a practically relevant example is all. :)

While were on the subject. I would add that it addends me that in this day and age, of science, people need to resort to litigation just to be treated like responsible adults. We've known at least since Kinsey and Masters & Johnson that homosexuality is perfectly "natural" as a conveniently clear cut point, possibly even adaptive!

I recognize my own bisexuality. And I guess it's just sheer luck that I don't have to deal with the persecutions and implications of homosexual conduct experienced by openly gay Americans..... :|
Re: Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomen

TheJilvin said:
At my school there are very few atheists. I live in a relatively religious conservative area, and as a result almost everybody cringes at homosexuality. However, I found it disconcerting that this is true of *atheists* just as much and possibly more than it is true of the hardcore, Jeremiad-esque Christians. I am not talking about the atheists in my circle of friends (as I would never tolerate such behavior); but of these enigmatic "hardcore skateboarder" atheists (the disgruntled ones with a shitload of stupid adolescent angst who think its super bad-ass to not believe in God). I know this because I've seen them respond to questions by teachers (mostly during English or Humanities class discussions) that ask about homosexuality. They advocate various consequences for homosexuality, none of which fails to be a punishment, ranging from extra taxes, to fines, to capital punishment.

What is the explanation for this nonsense? Do the cultural views around my area have such a large influence that this viral notion has been lodged into their minds? Are they really just closet theists for some reason? Are they recent fundamentalist de-converts that carried some of their baggage with them? Has anybody else seen anything like this?

What the hell is going on? :|
So your saying that it's not good enough that they're atheists, they have to believe exactly the same thing you do?
People are free to have whatever political, religious, sexual, and spiritual view they want to, you have no power over that.
To me, your behavior towards these atheists is unacceptable and very over-controlling.
As for what I highlighted in purple, these people are guilty of advocating inequality, however your response is equally wrong. Hate needs love because an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
as for that highlighted in yellow, it seems that people have different viewpoints as you, you'll get used to that soon ;)
Re: Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomen

Vanlavak said:
So your saying that it's not good enough that they're atheists, they have to believe exactly the same thing you do?
People are free to have whatever political, religious, sexual, and spiritual view they want to, you have no power over that.
To me, your behavior towards these atheists is unacceptable and very over-controlling.
So, you're in favor of enabling bigotry AND you're an enormous hypocrite. Nice work.
Re: Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomen

Vanlavak said:
To me, your behavior towards these atheists is unacceptable and very over-controlling.
There has been no "behaviour" from anyone here towards the guys in the video. All anyone here has done is criticise the guys in the video.
Criticism is not a form of "control", let alone a form of "over-control".

Take this personally if you will, but I am sick to the pit of my stomach with people referring to criticism as a restriction of freedom, and or personal attack.
If you have such a thin skin that having your views challenged hurts your feelings, then do not enter into debate or even frank conversation, because you do not have the emotional fortitude required for such a process.
Re: Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomen

Welshidiot said:
There has been no "behaviour" from anyone here towards the guys in the video. All anyone here has done is criticise the guys in the video.
Criticism is not a form of "control", let alone a form of "over-control".

Take this personally if you will, but I am sick to the pit of my stomach with people referring to criticism as a restriction of freedom, and or personal attack.
If you have such a thin skin that having your views challenged hurts your feelings, then do not enter into debate or even frank conversation, because you do not have the emotional fortitude required for such a process.
What's worse is that this bullshit fake victimization is being asserted by people who are in favor of victimizing homosexuals. Apparently they believe that their right to hurt people trumps other people's right to not be victimized, or to even criticize them for their harmful behavior.
Re: Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomen

Duvelthehobbit666 said:
A true atheist rejects the idea of a true atheist.

Sorry to derail a little bit, but this is getting awfully close to a No True Scotsman fallacy. I concur with Duvel that we should agree that all individuals have their opinions regardless of their positions on religion or lack thereof.

As for criticizing someone's position is a form of control or attack of someone's freedom....really? I do not understand the point Vanlavak is trying to make with his "eye for an eye" spiel and may need to clarify that...
Re: Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomen

Dustnite said:
Duvelthehobbit666 said:
A true atheist rejects the idea of a true atheist.

Sorry to derail a little bit, but this is getting awfully close to a No True Scotsman fallacy. I concur with Duvel that we should agree that all individuals have their opinions regardless of their positions on religion or lack thereof.

As for criticizing someone's position is a form of control or attack of someone's freedom....really? I do not understand the point Vanlavak is trying to make with his "eye for an eye" spiel and may need to clarify that...
It was supposed to be a no True Scotsman argument. A random humorous remark which was supposed to not add to the conversation but lighten the mood and make people lol.
Re: Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomen

Getting back on topic...

I'm often forced to assume that people who are anti-homosexual, especially men who are anti-homosexual, are having issues with their own sexuality. Whether it is teenage insecurity, or latent homosexual feelings, the hostile aggressive feelings are a sign of negative feelings that those people have about themselves that they are projecting outwards. When you're strong and confident, you're comfortable with yourself and unconcerned with what other people do that is none of your business. When you're weak and lack confidence, you are in a position where you may decide to make yourself feel better by tearing other people down over things that are none of your business.
Re: Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomen


Ted Haggard? :lol:

and I don't think he was the only one famous gay hate preacher that turned out to be gay
Re: Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomen

WarK said:

Ted Haggard? :lol:

and I don't think he was the only one famous gay hate preacher that turned out to be gay

US Politicians aren't immune to that phenomenon either.... Not saying it's an absolute indicator, but there's been enough occurrences to make it a possibility.

Anyway, atheists against the validity of homosexuality. I think both the "eww factor" and the rebellious fascination with atheism are legitimate explanations.

On one hand, some kids love opposing the ideas that are imposed on them while not seeing how they hold imposing views of their own. They do things that don't make sense....they're kids. They think they have the answers, completely oblivious to just how much their ideas have been not only thought of, but also debated throughout human history. They don't necessarily know some things that might come with a rational claim to atheism. They might claim there's no evidence for god like any other atheist, but they might not have thought out what actually counts as evidence.

On the other hand, there is a tendency for many humans to act and rationalize on repulsion, regardless of what they do or don't believe
Re: Atheists that hate homosexuals (a very peculiar phenomen

WarK said:

Ted Haggard? :lol:

and I don't think he was the only one famous gay hate preacher that turned out to be gay

Ted Haggard, Larry Craig, California state Senator Roy Ashburn, George "rent boy" Rekers, Mark Foley... plus sexual deviants like "Diaper Dave" Vitter, John Ensign, Mark Sanford, serial cheater Newt Gingrich, and countless other hypocrites.