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Atheist Experience and Fucking Pinecones


Active Member
Yay for unrequested collaboration!



Active Member
Oh, not quite; I dare claim that our humour is a little more subtle than that. But nevermind. Pinecones, anyone?


Active Member
Case said:
Oh, not quite; I dare claim that our humour is a little more subtle than that. But nevermind. Pinecones, anyone?
Sorry... I typed 'collaboration' a little too quickly. It's not like I made a video about it and verbally spelled it out incorrectly...


Active Member
If you must know, because the addition of a pair of tits is hardly comedy gold, I thought calling it a collabortion was your way of making it that much funnier. For one, brief, shining moment, it was glorious.


Active Member
Prolescum said:
If you must know, because the addition of a pair of tits is hardly comedy gold, I thought calling it a collabortion was your way of making it that much funnier. For one, brief, shining moment, it was glorious.
If I knew there were comedy medals for digital image editing, I probably would have tried harder :roll:


New Member
Okay I hope I haven't double posted. I think I may have traced where this argument came from and in true creationist style it is by misreperesenting the research.

First is a paper from 1973 detailing how the treeline has moved up the mountain in the last hundred years indicating a warming trend in the environment. It also states that pine cone speices are smaller nearer the new treeline.

relevant text

Second is from a book detailing the effect of rust on pines in a particular area. It shows that disease can reduce pine cone yeilds

relevant text

Third is a paper showing yeilds of pine seeds from stone pines in spain have reduced and this has been linked to climate change. I think this one is the most likely source.

relevant text

These are abstracts as without subscription you can't view the whole text but from what I read these seem likely sources.


New Member
That's true but generally I've found that the creationist sources try to get the smear of respectability by using real research for their insanity and these seemed likely sources. Plus I thought when I heard it for the first time that it was an ecophysiology problem not an evolutionary one directly and thought it would tie in with some FACE measurement papers I've been looking at but I couldn't really find anything that you could mis-use there.


Active Member
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Technically, a factoid is a questionable or spurious,unverified, incorrect, or fabricated,statement presented as a fact, but with no veracity. But the word is more commonly used when describing a particularly insignificant or novel fact, in absence of much relevant context.[citation needed] So while the word appears in the Oxford English Dictionary as "an item of unreliable information that is repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact"[1], the word can also refer to a trivial but true piece of information.[2]

Factoid was coined by Norman Mailer in his 1973 biography of Marilyn Monroe. Mailer described a factoid as "facts which have no existence before appearing in a magazine or newspaper",[3] and created the word by combining the word fact and the ending -oid to mean "similar but not the same". The Washington Times described Mailer's new word as referring to "something that looks like a fact, could be a fact, but in fact is not a fact".[4]

Factoids may give rise to, or arise from, common misconceptions and urban legends.
See also
-Urban legend
-Talking point