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A kids show pwned religion


New Member

Dinosaurs was a show that was on the Disney channel and I assume it was pretty popular because there was a toy collection of them. I can't believe they weren't called out on this.
i remember the dinosaurs
they were totally awesome.

(and no idea if there was or wasn't any controversy about this.)
It probably went unchallenged because people saw it and thought "Yeah, just imagine if something like that were to happen. Good thing we're not that dumb, eh?"
Moky said:

Dinosaurs was a show that was on the Disney channel and I assume it was pretty popular because there was a toy collection of them. I can't believe they weren't called out on this.

Maybe it's because the characters were dinosaurs. This reminds me of Aesops fables or animal farm. If the characters aren't human, not many people are offended.
I used to love that program. To this day I refer to my mum as "da mama" due to the baby dinosaur, and for years I referred to my dad as "not da mama".
That episode ended in a depressing manner.
Father and son were captured and then saved through some miracle that was not explained. The conclusion? "Maybe there is something..."
Ugh. I had happily forgotten about that show... it was just as good as "Alf" and "Fraggle Rock". :shock:
Andiferous said:
Ugh. I had happily forgotten about that show... it was just as good as "Alf" and "Fraggle Rock". :shock:

hey, don't diss Fraggle Rock!
This is so shared by me! Yea when religious people watch these religious dinosaurs, they would go "Phew, thank God I don't believe in a 'Potato' diety."

Squawk said:
To this day I refer to my mum as "da mama" due to the baby dinosaur, and for years I referred to my dad as "not da mama".
Are you into programming now? :lol:
I loved the part when the son was "having problems with his faith" and so some people from the church came over to "help" him. The "help" consisted of them arresting their son.