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  1. M

    Dawkings FBs on Finnish religious nutjob with a difference

    Re: Dawkings FBs on Finnish religious nutjob with a differen That's most of the politicians in the United States. It's absurd, in some states if a woman has a questionable miscarriage, the state will attempt to charge her with murder. If she's pregnant and attempts suicide, same thing.
  2. M

    "League of Treason"??

    The day that the internet drama hogs went wild
  3. M

    Nuclear energy - Yay or Nay

    I am for nuclear energy all the way through. It is a viable solution, it is a very safe solution. The US has many nuclear plants, six in my own state, Illinois. Those six produce 48% of the total power used by my state. There has only been one scare from a plant, which was resolved in four...
  4. M

    Anti-Vaccine Nonsense

    Tell them to never have children because their incompetence and ignorance will kill them.
  5. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    Anyone who is more likely to be attacked and not able to defend themselves for whatever reason. Women and gay people come to mind immediately, I know aeritano and his fiance(probably husband now) were both shot and attacked and no one stepped forward to help them. Even after the shooter was...
  6. M

    A question on Womens Sufffrage (history)

    Unfortunately they are playing into the hands of those who abuse us, those being a conservative party from what I'm assuming.
  7. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    I have a question, what happens to vulnerable populations that can only defend themselves with a firearm from an abusive spouse or some dangerous situations?
  8. M

    The best parts Of 2012

    Not if I push you first. Into a lava pit.
  9. M

    The best parts Of 2012

    Got engaged and Gangnam Style.
  10. M

    A question on Womens Sufffrage (history)

    Incorrect, the idea has been around for a long while, using Australia as an example, women were able to vote in the 1800s. There was a lot of mocking involved and incarceration, if I remember correctly, the women protesting were sent to jail or to asylums. There was this worry that women would...
  11. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    Yeah, that's what I'm also reading based on your y-axis. If anything, assuming the graph stays as I assume, which is that less deaths as one goes down the y-axis, the graph should be steadily decreasing. The murder rates in the States are slowly going down.
  12. M

    Why 'Feminism' is poisoning Atheism

    He's also not right at all.
  13. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    You'd be surprised how many people don't understand what I explained and then said that America is full of stupid hicks because they don't understand the context. Most American's don't even understand the context.
  14. M

    Hello LoR

    This would be my greatest dream, I'd love to keep going to school until I was old, you're very lucky.
  15. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    Hence my whole explanation, I was not arguing for or against, I was giving context that some people will lack if they don't understand the meanings behind the law or if they are not from this country. I can explain things without taking a side. The fact that you don't understand the hung up is...
  16. M

    Why 'Feminism' is poisoning Atheism

    The reason is pretty much what I outlined, They want atheism to be about more than insulting religion, they want to take it one step further and to have it be about fighting sexism and homophobia. They want more friendliness and to bring the people together. You think there isn't a need for...
  17. M

    Why 'Feminism' is poisoning Atheism

    Jesus Christ, leave Rebecca Watson the fuck alone. Honestly, she didn't ask for all of the shit thrown on her, she made a side point, then that fuck tard that is Richard Dawkins decided to weigh in on it. Honestly, it was all men who attacked her, all the women were like, 'The fuck is this and...
  18. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    Having walked in on someone burgling my house, I wish I would've taken violent action against him. He indirectly almost ruined my life, and that's not being dramatic. I like your idea though, I would participate and it would let people who don't want to train to just avoid them.
  19. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    I only did a quick glance through everything because I don't have the attention span to read every single word that everyone wrote at the moment, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that NONE of you understand why the 2nd amendment was put in place in the first place, thus you are not able to...
  20. M

    Christmas Fear

    Christmas is usually what makes people take the first steps into skepticism.