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Search results

  1. D

    The best summary of anti-evolution "evidence" EVER!

    So I was linked to this video. I just watched a few small portions of it but this video basically covers every bad argument we have heard in the past decade or so. Along the way, he quotes creation "science" journals, dated peer reviewed science and a lot of Kent Hovind seminars. He went from...
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    Kent Hovind is a free man (almost)!

    So after almost ten years in prison, "fake Dr." Kent Hovind is released. He has paid for his mistakes, with 3 years on probation left. Now let's hope he'll start making video's again. Do you think he picked up some biology books in prison...
  3. D

    What's your favorite spirit?

    I don't drink beer, only whisk(e)y, so I'm making another topic! What's your favorite spirit (whisk(e)y, rum, gin, cognac, vodka etc.)? I'm a fan of smooth, soft, fruity and sweet. Even though I have several single malt scotch whiskies I still prefer the cheaper Jameson Irish Whiskey. Triple...
  4. D

    Why do so many movies get it wrong?

    Saw Prometheus yesterday and in the beginning they zoomed in on what was supposed to be a DNA double helix. Check the cover of Gattica, that is also supposed to be a DNA double helix. Is it just me or do more people find this odd, they show a mirror version of DNA where the normal DNA helix is...
  5. D

    Secular Student Alliance

    I haven't found a topic on this organization yet while I think they are pretty important..especially in the US. The SSA is an organization that helps and supports secular students and young people to establish humanist and secular groups and to deal with intolerance with respect to their lack...
  6. D

    Time lapse of a Charles Darwin drawing

    I'm part of a little group called SkepticTV and consists primarily of students in several scientific fields. We are having a fundraiser on the 10th of December for Secular Students Alliance. The SSA is an organisation that helps and supports secular students and young people to establish...
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    Please leave a lot of comments on this video!

    I recently left some comments on this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyT_AOtwHa4 The user argued that abiogenesis is pseudoscience and that we claim that water + moondust = life. We started a discussion in which I got two responses from her (or he). Unfortunately I can't show you my...
  8. D

    Problems with my youtube subscription box

    I have a problem with my subscription box on my youtube front page. New videos only stay in the box for about a day and then are removed. My other channel does not have these problems. What to do?
  9. D

    Lookin' for a nice book on Evolution!

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for a fun read. I've been reading The God Delusion and am about to start with Neil Shubin's Your Inner Fish. After that one, I would like to read a book on Evolution....the textbooks I use for school of course are filled with Evolution but it's not enjoyable to read...
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    Who gives a phuk?

    For anyone who does! I've never formally introduced myself, as an atheist I, obviously, don't have any social skills! Also I'm very unhappy, hate God, want to kill myself, unborn babies, puppies and kittens! Ohh,, and I love to ASSUME!!! You know, just your stereotypical atheist! But seriously...
  11. D

    I think NephilimFree needs help!

    Hey everyone, this is not a bash NF or laugh at NF topic. It's actually pretty serious......I'm just done watching some youtube videos made by TheAnniepies and I believe this youtube user hit on something very important! Anyone who has seen NF's video's can vouch for this, I'm sure of it! His...
  12. D

    Anyone wants to tackle this one?

    Hey lads and lasses, I was just browsing through some youtube video's and hit on something. I recognized the name as being Dutch and since I'm a bit of a chauvinist I thought: Let's check his channel......to my surprise it is a creationist/anti-evolution channel. This is his challenge: Of...
  13. D

    The best defence against an argument like this?

    Hey everyone, just a quick question, 2 actually. Usually when I talk to creationists within my family they tell that they see the hand of God in nature. The beauty of nature (even parasitic wasps and brutal killing of other animals) is evidence for the existence of God, not a god but God. They...