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Search results

  1. C

    Universal Morality - Trust/Truth

    With all of the morality threads here and elsewhere that make mention of some universal element it seems that at least one would argue for what that is - without violating Hume's Guillotine. Wanting to see what others think about that idea has always intrigued me. Due to how the topic is usually...
  2. C


    Is capitalism immoral?
  3. C

    Building a belief system

    This topic involves what is considered as a normal mental functioning human being and their belief system. By belief system I mean, everything that one comes to accept as true throughout their entire life. How does one come to believe something is true? Seeing how that is the foundational...
  4. C

    Dealing with tyranny at work...

    I am one who makes a conscious attempt to avoid drawing conclusions about another's mental state of mind, however, if and when that particular person necessarily has the ability to directly effect my own livelihood, such as an immediate supervisor has, the ability to accurately assess the...
  5. C

    New Age Religions...

    Is it me, or are the new metaphysical books - The Secret, all of Deepak's sheeeought, etc. - which focus upon some sort of observer-created reality just a very clever way to grab ahold of the many ex-believers which still have some 'spiritual' remnant of the 'God' of Abraham' tucked away into...
  6. C

    Is theory of mind a dead topic?

    With the advances of neuroscience being added to the already existing problem of simutaneous suffering, is it safe to conclude that there is no mind, which exists independent of the physiological nervous system? Can thought and consciousness be logically concluded to exist as emergent...