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  1. P

    The Aquatic Ape is Absurd

    Since there's no thread on this forum thus far to discuss the notion of aquatic apes I thought I'd start one. That and I got so sick of hearing Hardy, Morgan, and Kuliukas lies and misrepresentation so I made a couple of videos about it. Needless to say my opinion of the model is in the thread...
  2. P

    Something to Show Your Creationist Friends

    I finally got around to start making videos. This is my first attempt so let me know what you think.
  3. P

    Mating Strategies in Hominids for "Forum Review"

    Last semester I wrote an essay reviewing the sexual strategies of great apes for a class and felt iffy about the final product. Since there are some biologists on this form and most people here seem to have an interest in the topic I thought I'd post it for some feedback, comments and criticism...
  4. P

    How much wrong can you spot: Stevebee92653

    I stumbled across this guy, stevebee's, stuff a while ago but went through some of his video's the other day and...WOW! For someone who claims to be a dentist, engineer, and 'reformed evilusionist' I don't think I've ever seen such a misunderstanding of so much on some many topics cramped into...
  5. P

    What the Frack is Going On?!

    Can someone please explain to me the reason why these rightwing fucknut teabaggers are embarrassing themselves in the most humiliating and hypocritical way possible? As a side note is it just me or can anyone else see Martin Willet or Pat Condell in the left part of the crowd at 0:56?
  6. P

    The Shitstorm is back . . .

    I was sick of this "Draw Muhammad Day"/"9/11 Mosque" drama the minute it started and this has caused me to change my mind about the parties involved, specifically Thunderf00t and Dawahfilms. Now it seems that through a series of youtube videos, skype conversations and blogtv chats it seems that...
  7. P

    What do you think about Islam?

    With all of this drama over South Park, censorship, and radical Islam, plus the new flame war which seems to be brewing between Thunderf00t, antybu86, UNFFwildcard, and DawahFilms it would seem that when it comes to Islam people seem to have either one view point or the other. So what do you...
  8. P

    Quick Question

    Anyone got any good sources, links, or any other info on tarsier evolution and their fossils?
  9. P

    Thoughts on Internet Creation Evangelism I

    With the VenomfangX situation over with and the remaining youtube creationists divided against each other (anyone been following the Jezuzfreek777 v YokedtoJesus drama?) does anyone think that a user (perhaps GEERUP) will fill the cyber niche of lead youtube creationists and head another...
  10. P

    Thoughts on Human-Chimp last common ancestor

    Molecular clocks indicate that the last common ancestor of humans and chimps dates back to about five or six million years ago. However some paleoanthropologists argue that the first hominids are represented by Orrorin tuganensis and Sahelanthropus tchadensis which are about six and seven...