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Recent content by Popeyewinter

  1. P

    Guns and Violence, A Logical Perspective

    Wark, but that's because the 28th amendment can easily be argued to be contradictory to the pursuit of happiness.
  2. P

    Guns and Violence, A Logical Perspective

    But inferno, why should law-abiding citizens, who have done no harm to anyone (unless justified like defence), have to sell their guns? How would taking guns from people who cause no issue, help anything? I think Marilyn Manson got it right with his album "Holy Wood" where he basically...
  3. P

    Guns and Violence, A Logical Perspective

    Okay, my OP was about a logical arguments and ways to limit gun crimes, while still not being unreasonable and just taking away all guns. Then in the follow up I answered some specific questions. However, I am disgusted at the unreason I see in some of the replies, especially the ones saying...
  4. P

    Coming to you from Canada.

    No, not always. one of Satanism's central tenants is "Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual-pipe dreams". So no, it doesn't imply spirituality, it in fact, rejects it.
  5. P

    Guns and Violence, A Logical Perspective

    Ronald Ragan was a criminal? Tubox?
  6. P

    Coming to you from Canada.

    Carnal is anything that it is not spiritual, not just sex and bodily things,
  7. P

    Guns and Violence, A Logical Perspective

    Which is why I said armed security.
  8. P

    Guns and Violence, A Logical Perspective

    Yes, sir. What is wrong\?
  9. P

    Guns and Violence, A Logical Perspective

    Ok, there is a distinction between say a "neuro-typical person" or someone with mild autism or something and people with depression or psychosis or schizophrenia. The first two, if trained and not violent criminals, are minuscule danger. However the latter examples, and I'm going to add people...
  10. P

    Guns and Violence, A Logical Perspective

    By (insert name and age of person) - exactly.
  11. P

    Coming to you from Canada.

    what about the sentence do you not understand than? I'd think it's pretty straight forward...
  12. P

    Coming to you from Canada.

    - Satanism and Carnality. Ok so basically, to me anything spiritual is a pipe-dream or to be more blunt, fucking bullshit. Also, Satanism is it's own religion while it is atheistic. Here' s a short free documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1wcwmomksw
  13. P

    Guns and Violence, A Logical Perspective

    Hi, This may be a little controversial and strike disagreement, however I am trying to go about this logically and theoretically. So this is just in theory. </COLOR>Guns don't kill people, people kill people<i></i> - This is true because just like a toaster toasts toast, it still needs an...
  14. P

    Coming to you from Canada.

    Hi, I guess this is my introduction. - I am an atheist - I am a Satanist (and no, those two do not contradict themselves) - I am a skeptic and do not believe in anything spiritual, only the carnal. - I am a white male (muh patriarchy!) As far as things which may be relevant to this forum go...