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Recent content by Pineapplejuice

  1. P

    Psychiatry Industry Of Death

    I am not sure if this is old stuff but I just stumbled on this video: Search for it on google and you will find out that they have a Museum which has the same name. ... It is founded by Scientology... In the sidebar you can find the whole documentary. You can also find Tom Cruise talk...
  2. P

    Unifying all Conspiracy Theories

    I agree, maybe we should not get to deep into the 9/11 thing here. Thats another topic. I am sure many of you guys know about http://whatstheharm.net/ Another thing is something that James Randi often mentions. The story about this cult 40 years ago where 900 people committed suicide. So the...
  3. P

    Unifying all Conspiracy Theories

    Well I talked to my creationist friend and I think I changed his mind concerning CTs. I just mentioned the most stupid things that CT believers claim. Like Bill Clinton pointing with his index finger at Gerhard Schroeder( former german chancellor) in front of the press. Some people including our...
  4. P

    Unifying all Conspiracy Theories

    yup I agree MrEsox, it seems that most of the people who believe conspiracy theories are also believers in the supernatural. I wonder if there is a correlation between that. I mean if you don't need evidence for one thing to believe in then conspiracy theories are easy to swallow. It makes...
  5. P

    Unifying all Conspiracy Theories

    Dr. Veith is from south africa thats why he is talking this way :) wow this David Wilcock is something else! You are right so much crap in such a small amount of time. I mean really crop circles? I just came back from a talk with someone who tells me that scientists have concluded that the...
  6. P

    Unifying all Conspiracy Theories

    Hello everybody, recently I have found a couple people who believe in all sorts of CTs. What I noticed was that the same themes occur again and again. Most of them have a religious background. And I found that most of them have their ideas from guys like this: Dr. Walter Veith...
  7. P

    Project: Teaching Evolution in Church

    Thank you everyone for the kind words. I did not expect such positive response. Its just a projekt that I plan now. The way I would like to do it is that I would try to explain how science came to these conclusions. Saying this is the truth and you all are wrong would probably not be a good...
  8. P

    Project: Teaching Evolution in Church

    Thanks I saw a glimpse of the videos from brown university but I never got to actually watch them they are on my to do list ;) Scientific prinziples that they could test themselves sounds like a good idea. I have no clue whatsoever whot those could be but I hope I can find out soon. @...
  9. P

    Project: Teaching Evolution in Church

    Well it is but I wont say that to them :D
  10. P

    Project: Teaching Evolution in Church

    Thank you very much these are some very good points you make. I speak german as I am german :lol: The last thing I want to do is get into a fight with them, I would rather like to provoke some thought. Thats all.
  11. P

    Project: Teaching Evolution in Church

    Thank you very much your post is very helpfull. I would be talking to 30 people max. I like the books of Dale Carnegie so I hope I will always bear his teachings in mind when I talk to them. I really like what you said about god dealing with bronze age men. If you dont mind I will use that :D...
  12. P

    Project: Teaching Evolution in Church

    Hello guys I am new here. I am an atheist. But I dont mind people believing in god. As long as they are no creationists. At least where I live there are a lot of christians who believe in evolution. Almost my entire family is christian. One of my cousins is very active in his church and he...