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Recent content by Moky

  1. M

    Dawkings FBs on Finnish religious nutjob with a difference

    Re: Dawkings FBs on Finnish religious nutjob with a differen That's most of the politicians in the United States. It's absurd, in some states if a woman has a questionable miscarriage, the state will attempt to charge her with murder. If she's pregnant and attempts suicide, same thing.
  2. M

    "League of Treason"??

    The day that the internet drama hogs went wild
  3. M

    Nuclear energy - Yay or Nay

    I am for nuclear energy all the way through. It is a viable solution, it is a very safe solution. The US has many nuclear plants, six in my own state, Illinois. Those six produce 48% of the total power used by my state. There has only been one scare from a plant, which was resolved in four...
  4. M

    Anti-Vaccine Nonsense

    Tell them to never have children because their incompetence and ignorance will kill them.
  5. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    Anyone who is more likely to be attacked and not able to defend themselves for whatever reason. Women and gay people come to mind immediately, I know aeritano and his fiance(probably husband now) were both shot and attacked and no one stepped forward to help them. Even after the shooter was...
  6. M

    A question on Womens Sufffrage (history)

    Unfortunately they are playing into the hands of those who abuse us, those being a conservative party from what I'm assuming.
  7. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    I have a question, what happens to vulnerable populations that can only defend themselves with a firearm from an abusive spouse or some dangerous situations?
  8. M

    The best parts Of 2012

    Not if I push you first. Into a lava pit.
  9. M

    The best parts Of 2012

    Got engaged and Gangnam Style.
  10. M

    A question on Womens Sufffrage (history)

    Incorrect, the idea has been around for a long while, using Australia as an example, women were able to vote in the 1800s. There was a lot of mocking involved and incarceration, if I remember correctly, the women protesting were sent to jail or to asylums. There was this worry that women would...
  11. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    Yeah, that's what I'm also reading based on your y-axis. If anything, assuming the graph stays as I assume, which is that less deaths as one goes down the y-axis, the graph should be steadily decreasing. The murder rates in the States are slowly going down.
  12. M

    Why 'Feminism' is poisoning Atheism

    He's also not right at all.
  13. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    You'd be surprised how many people don't understand what I explained and then said that America is full of stupid hicks because they don't understand the context. Most American's don't even understand the context.
  14. M

    Hello LoR

    This would be my greatest dream, I'd love to keep going to school until I was old, you're very lucky.
  15. M

    Gun Control - A Superficial Solution ?

    Hence my whole explanation, I was not arguing for or against, I was giving context that some people will lack if they don't understand the meanings behind the law or if they are not from this country. I can explain things without taking a side. The fact that you don't understand the hung up is...