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Recent content by Exmortis

  1. E

    Where can i find a bible without all the bad stuff

    A Bible without logical errors, incoherent blathering and contridictions... That is an completely impossible thing if I ever did hear one... Oh by the way everybody... I'm back.
  2. E

    Religion and Mental Illness

    :lol: Or we could skip over your entire confusing conundrum and say, 'I do not believe in any form of deity.'... Seeing as saying 'I believe in nothing' is grossly inaccurate way to describe an atheist....
  3. E

    Beware of Atheist

    At 1:32 - Uh... I kind of have all of those symptoms... Psychosis... (Check...) Dementia... ('Fraid you got it boss) Paranoid schizophrenia... (Okay stop it already...) (YOU HAVE ALL THE FREAKIN SYMPTOMS...!) (Grow a pair and get over it...) (Yeah... go and... uh... stick it...
  4. E

    Aliens are really interdimentional creatures... 0_0

    Actually... I think Bible is one word... (*Whimpers pathetically*) *Sighs* Do shut up...
  5. E

    Aliens are really interdimentional creatures... 0_0

    A thousand blessing Case, god of memory... Your infinite foresight and transendent Heavy blunt object which you have bestrowed me shall grant me to strength to save this poor soul from his own corruption... Welshidiot, fearsome demi-god of anti-trolling and protector of sanity, I beg your...
  6. E

    Aliens are really interdimentional creatures... 0_0

    "The beings I thought were aliens were actually inter-dimentional creatures which fed off the chaos. They actually lived off the energy of chaos... ... and the world leaders had made the decision to give these creature what they desired in exchange for extended life spans by means of growth...
  7. E

    From dust...

    Oh... Well... that is disheartening...
  8. E

    From dust...

    Mired in development hell...? What do you mean?
  9. E

    From dust...

    I enjoyed Black and white... and Black and white 2 as well... Both of them were interesting experiances... I hope this one is less focused on a deity and more on the elements of nature... Because that is something you couldn't do in Black and white... You weren't able to manipulate the...
  10. E

    Completely inSANE

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsWIdD8hkGM Uh... ...? ...? ...? Would anyone care to translate?
  11. E

    From dust...

    I am a meglomanic of sorts... So it isn't surprising that I am excited about this beauty... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfKQCAxizrA&feature=relmfu Simply stunning...
  12. E


    Your saying that the risk of impending death motivates ambition... Now... That just doesn't seem to add up... Death is not a clear cut line... Well, death itself is, but the premise that dying is a inevitable possibility... The when and the how... The fact that we will die is something...
  13. E


    Such fanciful ideals... "Death makes life beautiful"... By no definition can the relationship between life and death be considered beautiful... Don't get me wrong... It is a wonderful tauntology... Personally, I thought that what you said was profoundly... profound... From a subjective...
  14. E


    Yes, yes, that follows... But what constitutes 'Life force'...? And, if it is something intangible, how would one transplant it into a physical body...?
  15. E

    Help me.

    Uh... I don't think so... (Yeah... he isn't nearly buff enough to be me...)