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Recent content by Breur9991

  1. B

    Shari'ah law makes sense

    At least some aspects of it. Take the punishment of stoning for adultery as an example: it serves as a strong deterrence. It is a step taken to preserve the family structure, to ensure the correct upbringing of children through the receipt of all their rights (emotional and financial), it is a...
  2. B

    Problem of evil solved

    Thanks for actually addressing the key argument.
  3. B

    Problem of evil solved

    The bold bit is the only part where you actually try and address the theodicy (all of that stuff about evolution is pretty irrelevant), and here you fail. Sure, these people might not be capable of experiencing physical pain, but what about the fact that these people have emotions, and they've...
  4. B

    Problem of evil solved

    But Allah allows suffering because without it, you wouldn't be aware of your own happiness. Again, read the whole thing before replying.
  5. B

    Problem of evil solved

    So you don't have a refutation? What's the point of replying if you haven't read all of it?
  6. B

    Problem of evil solved

    The following article, in my opinion, solves the problem of evil/suffering: http://www.alislam.org/library/books/revelation/part_2_section_6.html So what does everyone think? I'm genuinely interested to know, and I'd appreciate it if you read the entire article before addressing it.
  7. B

    A case for hijab: objectification and confidence

    Despite what feminists and other 'liberals' say, wearing a hijab (Google it if you don't know what it is) is not a sign of oppression. In fact, there are clear advantages in wearing one. Firstly, it increases confidence since you're no longer worried about how you look. Unlike most Western women...
  8. B

    Anthropogenic global warming: biggest hoax in science

    so, your response is a graphic of observed C02 emissions overlaid with the IPCC's predictions from 1990 to 2010? Why not overlay them with the actual observed average global temperatures? That's ok...I know why...because average global temperatures dropped slightly for the entire decade from...
  9. B

    Anthropogenic global warming: biggest hoax in science

    No one can deny that average global temperatures have risen about 1.2 degrees/F during two periods: 1910-1940 and 1975-2000, or, 55 years of the past 150 years of recorded weather. The other 95 years the average temps have either remained stable or dropped, including from 1940-1975. Those...