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New Member
Good morning.

I was a Christian for 30 years. Studied in Christian schools. Worked as a Christian broadcaster for over a decade. And my family members are all true believers.

After a lot of doubt, questioning and research, I found that I could no longer reconcile Christianity with the facts. So, much to the chagrin of my loved ones, I announced that I was rejecting the faith. It's been difficult, but it has also been liberating.

In my research into God and the bible, I discovered that almost ALL of the atheist resource websites out there were, simply, hideous. Horrible. Poorly designed, difficult to navigate, with cheesy graphics and overwhelming amounts of text.

So, I took the research I'd compiled, and I created a site that, hopefully, is more compelling and makes the arguments easier to digest.

If you're having discussions, questions, debates or conversations about the Christian God and the authenticity of the bible, I hope it helps you.


Great forum! Glad to be a part of it.

Welcome to the forum! ;)

I like your website, although it could need some work on the design. I suppose you have made the design yourself, but that rarely turn out well if you haven't got alot of experience. It's usually a good idea to hire a another person that have alot of experience.
Nice website! Although, two things: 1) The Nietzche quote in the video isn't really true, since he claims that "all religions bear traces of the fact that they arose during the intellectual immaturity of the human race...". Loads of religions have been invented in more recent times. I'd look for another quote if I were you... I don't have any suggestions from the top of my head, but they aren't hard to find. 2) In the relevant news page, the bible quote isn't really explained. Someone just taking a quick look might not understand right away what it's about. It might be a good idea to add some short text over the news articles, like for example "So why does God let these things happen?".

Otherwise, nice job!
This looks really awesome!

From what it looks like and what you have said, I assume you did do the website yourself, so I am more impressed than not. I mean, it looks alright, but if you consider that just one person did it, I think it looks pretty damn good.

As for content, I really like where you are going with it and what you have. I think, like Sando and CupOfWater have said, you could definitely add onto the content and refine a few things. Though, practically any website can do that. Regardless of that aspect, it is really nice!