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Timezone wrong


New Member
Just noticed a small bug: the timezones are off by 1 hour. The current time reads 6:11 pm CET instead of 5:11 pm.
Can you check here: http://www.leagueofreason.org.uk/ucp.php?i=165 and look for Summer Time/DST is in effect please and see if it needs changing?

Timezone is correct for me and the board and server run on UTC so it's down to the user account to specify the offset.

Thanks :)
Just a thought. The time on the forum see mes to be kind of problematic (personally I haven't been able to set of properly). wouldn't of be much easier if the time was fixed on UTC and be done with it?
I wouldn't have thought so for most as they would have to constantly calculate dates and times in their heads when looking at the times.

It shouldn't be a difficult task getting the time right you just select your timezone and whether you're in summer time or not.