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This is the thread where Led Zeppelin provides "proof" that God exists...


Staff member
Holy shit! You are still here??? No one sent you the memo that Atheists are wrong and that we now have proof that god exists?

LZ, when your temp ban (for trolling, yet again) expires, in just a few hours from now, THIS is the thread where you provide the "proof" that God exists.

Here's what TO DO:-

1 - Present your "proof" that God exists. This can be your own writings, citations, arguments, it can even be with crayons.

Here's what you DON'T DO:-

A - Anything other than 1
B - Post in any other thread (save for threads not pertaining to this topic)
C - Ask anyone anything at all
D - Deviate, pivot or obfuscate
E - Persistently not answer questions asked by others
F - Project your beliefs onto others
G - Troll

That's about as short as I can keep the latter list.

So if you do anything other than 1 in the former, your bans will last progressively longer each time.

The floor is yours.

Led Zeppelin

Active Member
SD is proof that God exists. His entire human experience has been based on the interpretation of codes. For those of you who don't like the word "codes", we can just call them "signals". These signals are what SD uses to acquire the information he needs in order to make an assessment of the outside world.

noun: information

facts provided or learned about something or someone.
"a vital piece of information"
what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.
"genetically transmitted information"

Indeed, SD is a talking, walking, living information processing system.

noun: information processing

the processing of information, typically by a computer or by an organism, so as to yield new or more useful information.
"we tested their speed of information processing and memory recall"

Every information processing system requires a symbolic scheme in order for it to function. Something that says "let this thing equal a different thing". Such schemes could not have arose naturally because you have to start with a universe where there is nothing that knows what anything is. There is no intellect to assign a value to anything. Atheism does not allow for that intellect to exist. This is not a philosophical argument. This is a logical error in atheism itself. The required intellect is what we call "God". So, if anyone has ever wondered why atheists cannot explain where life came from, that's why.



Staff member
SD is proof that God exists

Stop trolling, you've been warned not once, but twice.

His entire human experience has

Stop pretending you know what my experiences are. Stop Trolling, you've been warned not once, but twice.

been based on the interpretation of codes


For those of you who don't like the word "codes", we can just call them "signals"

Still nope.

These signals are what SD uses

Nope again.

to acquire the information he needs in order to make an assessment of the outside world.

As opposed to the "inside" world?

Stop trolling, you've been warned not just once, but twice.

facts provided or learned about something or someone.

I learned the demonstrable fact that you're a troll and nothing more.

Indeed, SD is a talking, walking, living information processing system.

What makes you think I can walk?

the processing of information, typically by a computer or by an organism, so as to yield new or more useful information.
"we tested their speed of information processing and memory recall"


Every information processing system requires a symbolic scheme in order for it to function.

Again, pardon?

Something that says "let this thing equal a different thing"


Such schemes could not have arose naturally

Ah, back to the assertions, that didn't take too long.

because you have to start with a universe where there is nothing that knows what anything is

Oh, DO you? Yet another lovely assertion.

here is no intellect to assign a value to anything.

Well, I agree you have no intellect.

Atheism does not allow for that intellect to exist.

This isn't worthy of an actual answer, but you already know that.

This is not a philosophical argument

No shit!
It's not an argument of any variety, but even if it were, it wouldn't matter.

This is a logical error in atheism itself.

So, "I don't believe you" is a "logical error" ?! What's the error in the logic? Don't worry, no one is expecting you to actually answer that.

The required intellect is what we call "God"

More assertions, totally shocking!

So, if anyone has ever wondered why atheists cannot explain where life came from, that's why.

Oh, well, that clears everything up in a heartbeat!
Also, we can explain where life came from, the origins thereof, including the mechanism. But again, you already knew that.

Thank fuck for that.

Listen, dopey - I meant what I said previously. If you continue to troll, I won't hesitate to make your bans progressively longer each time. You are now on a 48 hour ban. The duration will double each time you troll. I'd much rather the forum be completely inactive than have the only content be trolling. Test me, if you like.

Led Zeppelin

Active Member
SD is proof that God exists. His entire human experience has been based on the interpretation of codes. For those of you who don't like the word "codes", we can just call them "signals". These signals are what SD uses to acquire the information he needs in order to make an assessment of the outside world.

Everything you have experienced of the outside world has been based on information acquired from your Peripheral System. Your peripheral system sends signals to your brain that are processed to form a model of reality.

These signals are what SD uses to acquire the information he needs in order to make an assessment of the outside world.

As opposed to the "inside" world?

Yes. Peripheral comes from the root word "periphery" which literally means the border between the inside and outside of something.

Indeed, SD is a talking, walking, living information processing system.
What makes you think I can walk?
Can you not walk? I'm sorry if you can't.

Every information processing system requires a symbolic scheme in order for it to function. Something that says "let this thing equal a different thing".
Just what I said. My above statement is correct and should convey to you the very nature of information and how information processing works. Information processing always requires a symbolic scheme that says "Let this thing equal a different thing". The word "CAR" doesnt have wheels and you can't drive it around. Likewise, when you look at, say, a tree, for example, the electro-chemical signal sent to your brain does not have leaves and isn't green.

Let's define our terms again. This will help us maintain a clear understanding of what we are talking about:

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more



facts provided or learned about something or someone.
"a vital piece of information"
2.what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.
"genetically transmitted information"



the processing of information, typically by a computer or by an organism, so as to yield new or more useful information.
"we tested their speed of information processing and memory recall"

(The above definitions are just copied from the Oxford language dictionary, SD. I hope they are ok for you.)

This should be enough for you understand the logical flaw in atheism. Because as I said, atheism denies that required intellect exists. So you have nothing to assign a value to anything. So information processing systems can not exist. Yet they do. You are one.

It's a problem an atheist can never solve. That is the nature of a logic error.

You can't explain your own existence and you try to hide that fact by minimizing the value and the importance of your life and the lives of others. That's the real reason you think of babies as parasites and support abortion. That's how it all ties together.

SO, unless you have any other questions, I'll assume this ends our discussion. Ok?


Everything you have experienced of the outside world has been based on information acquired from your Peripheral System. Your peripheral system sends signals to your brain that are processed to form a model of reality.
If we grant this as true, it still does nothing to prove any point. This is nothing more than the tired old watchmaker argument. This seems like such a complex process and because you can't understand how it could have evolved over millions of years, you believe it had to be created. Therefore god did it.


Staff member
If we grant this as true, it still does nothing to prove any point. This is nothing more than the tired old watchmaker argument. This seems like such a complex process and because you can't understand how it could have evolved over millions of years, you believe it had to be created. Therefore god did it.

He knows this, because it's all been addressed on this forum, and to him directly over and over again. This is his MO. He pops up, makes a bunch of assertions with no support at all, they get addressed regardless then he disappears again. Some months later he returns, lather, rinse, repeat.

Which is why he's now taking a break by way of a temp ban. It's not because of what he's saying, it's because it's repetitive and tedious, he's doing nothing more than trying to provoke a reaction, which amounts to trolling.


I get that. However, I've found that even some trolls have their uses. The same old codswallop can sometimes get you thinking about things again, and occasionally, a troll can be goaded into saying something new.