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The Politics of Life

We are Borg

Staff member
Forums are dying its all Facebook, Reddit, Discord these days. Only forums that are special are keeping there head above water.

Led Zeppelin

Active Member
when does life really begin? Who gets to decide that and why?
Process of elimination. Atheists automatically disqualify themselves. There is an incontrovertible flaw in atheism that prevents an atheist from knowing what life is and how it began. A fatal flaw in their programming, so to speak. Because if atheism was correct, then their could be nothing that knows what life is.


Staff member
Process of elimination. Atheists automatically disqualify themselves. There is an incontrovertible flaw in atheism that prevents an atheist from knowing what life is and how it began. A fatal flaw in their programming, so to speak. Because if atheism was correct, then their could be nothing that knows what life is.

Yawn. You've been gone for, what, a year ish? And when you return you spew the same inane drivel as before. Your post is less than two lines of text, and contains SIX assertions. Naturally without a single shred of evidence or argument to back any of them up.

Led Zeppelin

Active Member
Just because you want to waste your time combing through a few year old messages on the forum doesn't mean everybody else wants to or even has the time or energy.
He has the time, trust me. That's the kinda life atheism brings. I'm sure his sofa has taken over the bodily autonomy of his ass by now.


Staff member
Yawn. The atheists are equating babies with parasites again. How noble of them. :rolleyes:

Do continue to ensure you never post anything substantive, it would be a tragedy to break the tradition of a lifetime. You're quite welcome to continue to believe that you are fooling anyone, you aren't.


Staff member
How many of your atheists brothers have euthanized themselves?

I don't have any brothers. And even if I did, what would it matter? Please make sure you don't answer that question, keep the tradition going, don't break the streak!


Staff member
He has the time, trust me. That's the kinda life atheism brings. I'm sure his sofa has taken over the bodily autonomy of his ass by now.

If you continue to troll this thread, it only takes me a moment to prevent you from doing so further. Keep it up, watch what happens. You can ask your imaginary friend to stop me if you like, but we both know that won't work.

Led Zeppelin

Active Member
what would it matter? Please make sure you don't answer that question, keep the tradition going, don't break the streak!
What would it matter if your atheist brothers euthanize themselves? It would matter because our lives have value, SD. The reason you think that's "insane drivel" is because if atheism were true, we would not even have the capability to know what life is.

So of course, people like you have no choice but to value your atheist ideology over human life! That's your whole point, right? Is there some other point you or HWIN has that I am missing here?


Staff member
What would it matter if your atheist brothers euthanize themselves? It would matter because our lives have value, SD. The reason you think that's "insane drivel" is because if atheism were true, we would not even have the capability to know what life is.

So of course, people like you have no choice but to value your atheist ideology over human life! That's your whole point, right? Is there some other point you or HWIN has that I am missing here?

So as mentioned, you can go on the naughty step for trolling, once again. See you in 24 hours.


I believe that has to deal in the very vague definitions of what life is. I believe zygotes would be considered alive. They are organic, have the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
That is true. It is also true of plants, cells, and viruses. Shouldn't everything "alive" be offered the same protection?
To me it make sense to protect the complete innocent over the partial innocent. Something unborn is more clean than someone already born.
Killing the innocent in my mind seems only remotely reasonable should it be for express life savings.
Just curious. What makes a fetus more "clean" or "innocent" than any other living person? Are they even the same thing? How do you define innocence and at what point does a human cease to be innocent?


Forums are dying its all Facebook, Reddit, Discord these days. Only forums that are special are keeping there head above water.
Forums aren't dying because people aren't interested in them anymore. It's because Google stopped being a search engine in favour of being an advertising entity. Queries no longer show forum results, instead pushing everything to reddit, since that's the platform Google uses to train it's AI.


Well-Known Member
It would behoove you to address all these mistakes and lies.

To me it make sense to protect the complete innocent over the partial innocent. Something unborn is more clean than someone already born.

Smuggling in your religious beliefs, I see. You realize that people are all innocent and having sex is not a crime. You might think it is based on your spiritual beliefs, but no one cares about those here.

Robbing the opportunity of life for a potential human regardless of circumstances seems incredibly evil.

More feelings based on your religious beliefs. I could just as quickly say, "Robbing the bodily autonomy of a person seems incredibly evil." We both have given just as many facts.

More evil under the majority of circumstances that people seemingly get abortions. The excuse of you lack the funds, wrong birth month are essentially reasons of convenience from my perspective.

Thus, it is fair to call you anti-choice and not pro-life. Noted.

I can see the "safe, legal and rare" take on abortion to be legal. There are definitely instances where abortion seems reasonable considering it is not under grounds of convenience and mostly dealing with literal life and death of the mother or better odds for the mother should both be in jeopardy. Killing the innocent in my mind seems only remotely reasonable should it be for express life savings.

You realize that "safe, legal, and rare" has to do with teaching complete sex education to children. Keeping it rare means that people still have the choice to do it if all other forms of contraception they used failed. It would also apply to saving the mother's life, but not only for that purpose.

I don't believe a Zygote or other potential human had a choice in where they are gestated - any infant in progress or some such had NO SAY.

Yup, and it does not matter.

Keep in the mind my position is based on reasons for abortion as a majority that I consider to be convenience. Convenience is not a legitimate reason to kill the innocent.

Yes, we noted that you are anti-choice for religious reasons.

Your statement requires that both parties have the ability to violate.

No, it does not.

A developing life has no such ability. Something in such a state CANNOT ask for consent nor do they have ANY autonomy themselves.

Yup, and it does not matter.

Your comparison is incompetent. Does a potential life wander onto someone else's person? No. They literally have no autonomy of themselves.

The fertilized egg wanders around before it attaches to the uterus. But all jokes aside. It does not matter anyway.

A better equivalent would be an unconscious person being dropped off on someone's property. That would mean that trespass laws could not be leveraged against someone without knowledge or autonomy.

I am glad you can understand the analogy. If someone was on your property, unconscious or not, would you be responsible for them? Would you also be able to send them packing? I mean, again, it does not matter how they got there; it is the fact that they are on your property.

Ok then confirmed the mother is the violator of autonomy by default and your admission. Keep that in mind.

Yeah. I keep pointing that out, and you respond with nothing but your feelings.

Incorrect. I am NOT arguing that female reproduction is natural and therefore correct or right.

I love that you say you are not making the naturalistic fallacy right before making it again.

I argued that a function of female reproduction is what females do. You can't really fault the process for robbing autonomy of the mother. The mother's function is literally to child bear/rear.

Again, it does not matter if you claim you are not making the naturalistic fallacy when you keep returning to it.

The person that is violating the mother's autonomy would be the person that put the innocent life in her to begin with.

That would be true if it were rape. Again, sex is not a crime. Please leave your religious beliefs at the door.

We are comparing female reproduction and if the process of reproduction if the mother cannot choose to halt it in one instance or another is violation of bodily autonomy. Would it be a violation to continue to force chickens to give birth to eggs if otherwise left alone?

Wow. Now, you are comparing humans to chickens. Yes, we violate chicken's bodily autonomy. However, you realize that chickens are not humans and thus not afforded the same rights, right?

Right but from what I have seen the overwhelming reasons for abortions would be reasons of convenience. Ultimately whenever you have sex assuming generalities you risk reproduction.

Again, we already know you are anti-choice. You are not saying anything new here. Beyond that, you said you could see "safe, legal, and rare," but you keep stating things against that slogan. Safe, legal, and rare is a pro-choice way of looking at abortion, not one that limits it based on your narrow religious beliefs.

If you haven't thought that through then I don't really have any sympathy for you.

How evil is it to unsympathetically take away someone's bodily autonomy?

See how easy it is to make an emotional argument. Again, you go against what "safe, legal, and rare" stand for. I was right to point out that you have not thought much about this topic, only have emotional/religious reasons, and do not understand basic phrases.

The only time I actually do have sympathy is when people are competent and crimes are committed against the innocent - generally.

Again, sex is not a crime. When it comes to abortion, both parties are innocent. You failed to show anything else.


Right but from what I have seen the overwhelming reasons for abortions would be reasons of convenience. Ultimately whenever you have sex assuming generalities you risk reproduction. If you haven't thought that through then I don't really have any sympathy for you. The only time I actually do have sympathy is when people are competent and crimes are committed against the innocent - generally.
That's an interesting argument.

From this it seems you would be in favour of a scenario where sexual intercourse could only occur when a couple (because I'm pretty sure you aren't a fan of single mothers) has decided jointly to have and raise a child. Perhaps there could be a government form or a legal contract to sign before hand.

Or, perhaps you agree with the idea of all males undergoing a reversible vasectomy until, again, such time as a couple agrees to have and raise a child.

Either of these would eliminate what you call "convenient" abortions and ensure all children are cared for by both parents.


Staff member
Forums aren't dying because people aren't interested in them anymore. It's because Google stopped being a search engine in favour of being an advertising entity. Queries no longer show forum results, instead pushing everything to reddit, since that's the platform Google uses to train it's AI.

Forgot to reply to this. Not saying that your claim is untrue, it may well have some truth to it, but Borg is also correct in his sentiment. Forums (or, Fora, for the posh) just aren't what they once were in general. There are doubtless some forums out there that are still bristling with activity, but by and in large they have been superseded by other platforms. As for Facebook, forget that for serious discussion. But Discord, Clubhouse (to some degree) and probably some others have taken over. It isn't 2009 any more I'm afraid.

Plus, since faster internet has been largely available, VOIP has seen a massive boost in popularity, that's where Discord shines. There's also the consideration that since VOIP, free recording software and the ability to store and upload such recordings create an everlasting (to the extent that it can be) account of debates, discussions, exchanges etc that keyboard warriors are largely not taken seriously any more. I can expand on that if necessary, and I'm not calling you a keyboard warrior, but forums just aren't really where debates happen very much any more. The endless, tedious typing to people who are totally anonymous and not accountable to anyone at all just isn't where it's at now. Again, this post isn't personal, it's not directed at you, more of a general observation reflecting the reality of debate.


No worries. Even if you were directing that at me personally, it's fine. I'm not easy to offend.:)

I agree with what you're saying about forums and about platforms like discord. The true keyboard warriors have all moved to social media (especially the platform formerly known as Twitter) making them largely unusable and irrelevant.

I should have said the change in Google is only part of what has brought forums down by making it increasingly difficult to find them for anyone looking for content on a particular topic. Those of us running forums watched the steady decline in traffic (particularly new traffic) that coincided with the change in Google's direction. At this point it's often only word of mouth or the few that use other search engines that lead people to discover forums.

Far more devastating to the forum market has been the use of mobile devices for browsing internet. They are portable, always on conveniences that can be really good for finding and reading some content wherever we are. But they are also horrendously bad at creating content, especially the sort of long-form content that powers forums. All the mobile friendly design in the world won't make it easier to type a three paragraph response on a phone. The majority of users just won't do it.

I don't agree with those who claim forums have had their day and should be shelved. There is still a need for the type of slow, thoughtful, long term discussion this format provides. Admittedly, the number of people interested in that level of participation has shrunk considerably, but that need will continue for some time.

The problem I see with platforms like Discord is, because of that voip capability, it most often becomes a place for argument and shouting matches rather than discussion or debate. There is a sense of competition there, where the loudest, harshest voice wins, rather than a rational exchange of thoughts and ideas.

I don't know if forums will ever gain more traction again. Some people have high hopes for the fediverse, but time will tell on that front. I still think the need for forumesque discussion still exists and until something better comes along that fills that need, forums will still continue in their little corner of the internet.

We are Borg

Staff member
In the past Forums where high in the results of Google now these days Facebook groups, reddit, discord are more on the first page. Also people are not sharing information like 20 years back. Most consume and do not give back.